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New Woodward Audiobook Shows Trump Knew Kim Letters Were Classified
New Woodward Audiobook Shows Trump Knew Kim Letters Were Classified
New Woodward Audiobook Shows Trump Knew Kim Letters Were Classified In December 2019, after then-President Donald Trump had shared with journalist Bob Woodward the fawning letters that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had written to him, the U.S. leader seems to acknowledge he should not be showing them around. After urging Woodward to “treat them with respect,” Trump warns in an interview, “and don’t say I gave them to you, okay?” “But I’ll let you see them,” Trump adds. “I don’t want you to have them all.” A month later, in January 2020, Woodward pressed Trump in a phone call to let him also see the letters that Trump wrote to Kim. “Oh, those are so top secret,” Trump says, according to notes of the call taken by Woodward and highlighted in a new audiobook: “The Trump Tapes: Bob Woodward’s Twenty Interviews with President Trump.” In hindsight, the comments by Trump show he was well aware that the 27 letters exchanged between himself and Kim were classified, despite his repeated claims that none of the documents he improperly took from the White House when leaving office, including the Kim letters, were in that category. The FBI and Justice Department this year executed a court-authorized search of Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago Club and residence — turning up 103 documents marked classified and roughly 11,000 not marked classified as part of an ongoing criminal probe into Trump’s handling of sensitive material. The new details also provide further evidence of Trump’s abiding obsession with the Kim letters, which he often bragged about and would show off to friends. The English translations of the letters, which Woodward includes as an appendix to a written transcript of the audiobook, shows page after page of pen-pal niceties — birthday tidings, “best wishes” for friends and family — between the then-president and the autocratic leader of one of the world’s most repressive regimes. The audiobook, which comes out next Tuesday, contains 19 raw and lengthy interviews Woodward conducted with Trump between fall of 2019 through August 2020 for his book, “Rage,” as well as one interview he conducted with Washington Post reporter Robert Costa in 2016. The interviews, Woodward says in his introduction, were edited only for clarity. During the December 2019 interview, Trump asks Woodward what he did with the letters he had provided him at that point, asking if he made “a Photostat of them or something” — apparently referring to a photocopy. “No, I dictated them into a tape recorder,” Woodward replies, to Trump’s amusement. In an interview with The Post ahead of the audiobook’s release, Woodward said Trump helped set him up with an aide in the West Wing, who supervised as Woodward — who had been given both the English translations and original Korean versions of Kim’s letters to Trump — handled the documents and dictated them all into his tape recorder. Later, after Trump agreed to share his letters to Kim, Woodward said he returned to a West Wing office, where an aide again watched as he read the new set of letters into his tape recorder. In the interview, Woodward also said he observed no classified markings on any of the letters he was given, though U.S. officials have indicated that they were classified documents. In an aside in the audio book, Woodward describes “the casual, dangerous way that Trump treats the most classified programs and information, as we’ve seen now in 2022 in Mar-a-Lago, where he had 184 classified documents, including 25 marked ‘Top Secret.’” That was in reference to Trump implying there was a secretive weapons system he controlled. “I have built a weapons system that nobody’s ever had in this country before,” Trump said in an interview, before referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. “We have stuff that you haven’t even seen or heard about. We have stuff that Putin and Xi have never heard about before.” Trump’s long obsessions with strongmen leaders — and Kim in particular — comes through in the interviews. Throughout their conversations, Trump repeats the false claim that former president Barack Obama tried 11 times to reach Kim with no success. Woodward points out that Trump’s own military advisers have warned him that Kim “lies through his teeth to you,” and that Obama made no attempts to speak with Kim himself. “Kim Jong Un gave you bad information on that,” Woodward tells Trump at one point. “I don’t think that’s true.” But Trump is not persuaded, choosing to believe Kim over his own advisers. “Obama called 11 times,” Trump insists. “They showed me the records in Korea. I’m very close to this man. Very close.” In a later interview, Trump boasts that he averted a war with North Korea, again repeating his false claim about Obama and choosing to believe Kim over his own military team: “Obama wanted, 11 times he tried,” Trump says. “Kim Jong Un told me. Eleven times.” Elahe Izadi contributed to this report. Read More Here
New Woodward Audiobook Shows Trump Knew Kim Letters Were Classified
GOP Congressman: Elect Us And We
GOP Congressman: Elect Us And We
GOP Congressman: Elect Us And We Arizona Rep. David Schweikert also said House Republicans want to ‘break up’ the Federal Bureau of Investigations. On Saturday, Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) was caught on video boasting that his caucus plans to spend the next year “knifing” President Joe Biden’s administration and impeaching top officials. Schweikert, who faces a tough reelection race for his seat in Arizona’s 6th Congressional District in November against Democratic nominee Jevin Hodge, also said House Republicans would work to “break up” the Federal Bureau of Investigation if they took back control of Congress. The video was recorded by Lauren Windsor, a Democratic activist who founded The Undercurrent, a website that calls itself “a grassroots political web-show for investigative and field reporting.” Windsor filmed Schweikert without his knowledge at a Scottsdale, Arizona, “pro-family” candidate forum. In the video, Windsor pretends to be a conservative activist and asks Schweikert if he would back election denier Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan over House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy for speaker if Republicans win control of the House of Representatives in November. “Are y’all gonna be able to get Kevin McCarthy out of leadership? We need somebody like Jim Jordan,” Windsor asks Schweikert in the video. Schweikert responds that Jordan himself backs McCarthy before suggesting that the Ohio Republican would be more impactful as chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform: Do you know what a speaker actually does today? No, seriously, this is big-boy politics. They raise money. All they do is travel around the country and raise money. Kevin McCarthy, if he becomes speaker, will spend 240 days a year traveling the country raising money. Jim Jordan, when he chairs the Oversight Committee, will spend 240 days knifing the Biden administration. The world has changed. It’s not [former House Speaker] Tip O’Neill anymore. And so you don’t put your warriors into the speaker job. You put your warriors in the committee chairs. Windsor mentions to Schweikert people arrested in connection with the riot by supporters of former President Donald Trump at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, talking about “all those things they’re doing to the freedom fighters in the jail in D.C.” and saying she hopes “you guys are gonna fight for them to get pardons.” Schweikert tells Windsor, “We need to win the White House.” When the discussion turns to the FBI, Windsor asks if a Republican majority would defund it. “You don’t want to defund them. You want to break them up. It’s different. You want to be able to ship out anyone that’s political, it’s because you’re not going to be able to defund them,” Schweikert answers. “You defund the line items, you strip where they spend their money.” He and Windsor discuss administration officials he’d like to see impeached: FBI Director Christopher Wray, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. After Windsor tells him he’s “doing the Lord’s work,” Schweikert responds, “I just sometimes think the Lord has a sense of humor and he’s screwing with us.” In 2019, Schweikert voted against impeaching Trump on charges of attempting to pressure Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his family. “Our founding fathers never intended for impeachment to be used as a political tool. Today’s bipartisan vote against impeachment reconfirmed my colleagues across the aisle are unwilling to listen to the majority of Americans, and instead pursued impeachment based on their distaste for the President,” he said at the time. “Since President Trump was elected into office, the Democrats have worked tirelessly investigating him, neglecting precious time to work for the American people.” Schweikert in 2020 was reprimanded and fined by the House Committee on Ethics after he admitted to 11 violations in 2020, including that he had illegally pressured his House office staff to work on his campaign. The Cook Political Report rates the election race in Arizona’s 6th Congressional District a “toss up.” A Schweikert spokesperson did not immediately respond to an inquiry for this story. Published with permission of The American Independent Foundation. Read More Here
GOP Congressman: Elect Us And We
Chandler Invites Seniors To Learn More About Public Safety Programs
Chandler Invites Seniors To Learn More About Public Safety Programs
Chandler Invites Seniors To Learn More About Public Safety Programs INDEPENDENT NEWSMEDIA Chandler’s Golden Neighbors program will have a bilingual  outreach event with first responders  9-11 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1, at the Chandler Police Department main station, 250 E. Chicago St. Those attending the event in the community room will learn about public safety programs and resources available for seniors from officer Eva Zermeño and Fire Battalion Chief Carlos Vargas. In addition, Priscilla Quintana, neighborhood programs administrator , will discuss free resources available through the Neighborhood Resources Department. A light breakfast will be provided. RSVP to 480-782-4362. For more: Read More Here
Chandler Invites Seniors To Learn More About Public Safety Programs
5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Like Elon Musk Are Choosing Purpose Driven Education CEOWORLD Magazine
5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Like Elon Musk Are Choosing Purpose Driven Education CEOWORLD Magazine
5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Like Elon Musk Are Choosing Purpose Driven Education – CEOWORLD Magazine Benjamin Franklin said, “The idea of what is true merit should also be often presented to youth, explained and impressed on their minds, as consisting in an inclination joined with an ability to serve mankind, one’s country, friends and family; which ability is with the blessing of God to be acquired or greatly increased by true learning; and should indeed be the great aim and end of all learning.” Our modern day compulsory education system was created for a different age. Most of the elements we find in traditional schooling were implemented in order to serve society during the industrial revolution and are no longer relevant to our day. Despite this, we continue to follow the same pattern generation after generation and the results are disheartening. The traditional education system has been created to teach each student what to think (instead of how to think or why). The focus in this level of education is conformity. Everyone learns the same thing, in the same way, at the same pace. The end result in many cases are students who are less than passionate about learning and look outside of themselves, ignore nature and look to “experts” for knowledge. Elon Musk believes the current education system could be vastly improved. Musk didn’t like school as a child. “I hated going to school when I was little, it was torture,” confessed Musk, who was bullied as a child in South Africa. As the founder and CEO of several innovative companies, Elon Musk appreciates the value of thinking outside the box and taking risks – both of which are often encouraged in purpose driven programs. The “great end and aim” of learning is to support the development of creative and capable adults who have identified their life’s purpose and are living for that purpose. Here are some of the ways a purpose driven system of education supports each student’s holistic development: Each student is encouraged to seek an understanding of their divine purpose and mission.  Students actually develop their capacity to access wisdom, think independently and logically, work individually and as a team, build meaningful relationships and understand themselves and their potential. Students are intrinsically motivated to acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to be creative and capable adults who have identified their life’s purpose and are living for that purpose.  Families are not driven by arbitrary content, schedules, or the requirements of curricula that do not serve their unique purposes. Students and parents learn from the best books and seek mentorship from people who have the results they want. Kathryn Koniuszy, founder of American Family Education, a purpose driven school in Gilbert, AZ says, “This is the goal– an Education where an individual’s power to create, their personal relationships, and their effect on the world are the primary focus. Where everything that happens “at school” supports, encourages, and facilitates each individual’s personal progress.These principles can be applied no matter where students are learning (at home or at school etc…). Purpose driven education is not only academic. Rather, it encourages the students to develop their whole selves (IQ x Emotional Intelligence x Will Power = Adversity Quotient), and to heal and strengthen the bonds in their own family where they can learn the most important lessons in their youth. Strong families provide a foundation for individuals to mature and add to the cultures and gifts of their family heritage. In the end there is no one size fits all when it comes to schooling as each family’s educational priorities and philosophies are different. However, many parents are now leaning towards purpose driven education as a desire for a more customized or individualized learning experience for their children, the opportunity to explore non-traditional approaches to education, or the belief that such a system will better meet their child’s unique needs. Learning is inherently enjoyable! Children are naturally curious! When we strip away all of the layers of coercion and control that have been placed between children and education, and provide excellent examples of what they could accomplish, we get students who are joyful in their learning, engaged in what they are accomplishing, and driven to do more than the bare minimum. When children understand their purpose they become intrinsically motivated, self-directed learners and good citizens. Written by Parul Agrawal. Have you read? Unproductivity arising from a planning fallacy by Riccardo Pandini. The Best Time Is Now: Dr. Wendy Borlabi, Performance Coach for the Chicago Bulls, Talks About Writing Her Book by Kim O’Hara. Why senior roles need to be more flexible too by Belinda Morgan. We don’t choose our holiday memories, but they choose us by Michalis Kostopoulos. Nikos Koutsianas, Founder of Symbeeosis/ Founder of Apivita. Track Latest News Live on CEOWORLD magazine and get news updates from the United States and around the world. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the CEOWORLD magazine. Follow CEOWORLD magazine headlines on: Google News, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Thank you for supporting our journalism. Subscribe here. For media queries, please contact: Read More Here
5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Like Elon Musk Are Choosing Purpose Driven Education CEOWORLD Magazine
Man Seeking A New Trial Venue Change In Tucson Murder Cases
Man Seeking A New Trial Venue Change In Tucson Murder Cases
Man Seeking A New Trial, Venue Change In Tucson Murder Cases TUCSON, AZ — A man convicted last month in the first of two murder cases in Tucson is seeking a new trial, according to authorities. Christopher Clements was convicted Sept. 30 of first-degree murder and kidnapping in the death of 13-year-old Maribel Gonzalez. He was scheduled to be sentenced Wednesday in Pima County Superior Court, but the date has been moved to Nov. 14. Court officials also said Clements’ attorneys have filed a motion for a new trial and a motion for judgment of acquittal not withstanding the verdict. A Nov. 7 hearing is set for both motions. A judge also will hear testimony Nov. 14 for a possible change of venue for Clements’ other murder trial, scheduled for Feb. 2 involving the death of 6-year-old Isabel Celis. Clements, a 40-year-old convicted sex offender with a long criminal record, is facing life in prison when he’s sentenced in the Gonzalez case. Clements was arrested in 2018 and indicted on 22 felony counts including two counts each of first-degree murder and kidnapping in the girls’ deaths. Celis vanished from her parents’ home in April 2012 while Gonzalez disappeared while walking to a friend’s house in June 2014. Authorities said Gonzalez’s body was found days after her disappearance while Celis’ remains weren’t recovered until 2017 after Clements led federal agents to the location. Clements currently is serving a prison term of up to 35 years for a Maricopa County burglary in 2017. Copyright 2022 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Sign up for the Headlines Newsletter and receive up to date information. Read More Here
Man Seeking A New Trial Venue Change In Tucson Murder Cases
Mike Lee Tries To Distance Himself From Trump In Utah Debate
Mike Lee Tries To Distance Himself From Trump In Utah Debate
Mike Lee Tries To Distance Himself From Trump In Utah Debate By SAM METZ Associated Press OREM, Utah (AP) — Fending off attacks from his independent challenger, U.S. Sen. Mike Lee of Utah worked to distinguish himself from former President Donald Trump in a contentious debate Monday evening. “I stood against my party time and time again to oppose reckless spending. I will do it again and again and again. We need people who say no,” the second-term Republican said. Lee repeatedly pointed to his voting record and twice told the audience at Utah Valley University that he voted less in line with Trump than all but two Republican senators — Rand Paul and Susan Collins. “To suggest that I’m beholden to either party, that I’ve been a bootlicker for either party is folly. And it’s contradicted by the plain facts,” Lee said. Lee faces a challenge from Evan McMullin, a former Republican known most for his long-shot bid for president six years ago, when as an independent he won 21.5% of voters in Utah, including Lee. McMullin has remained a pillar of the anti-Trump movement, attacking the former president as an authoritarian who poses a threat to democracy. Lee’s attempts to draw a distinction with Trump reflect the peculiar dynamics emerging in Utah this election cycle. In the red state’s marquee race, one candidate is running as an independent and the other is attempting to emphasize his independent streak. The race has taken shape as one of the nation’s many referendums on the direction Trump has taken the GOP. McMullin is attempting to harness anti-Trump sentiment that has distinguished Utah from other Republican strongholds. Lee’s last minute efforts to put space between his voting record and Trump’s stances depart from his past messaging as Election Day nears. “I don’t think he’s trying to distance himself from Trump. What I think he’s trying to do is draw that contrast,” Utah Republican Party Chair Carson Jorgensen said. “He’s stood up for what he believed every time, even when it came to Trump,” he added. Utah is a reliably Republican state, however its religion-infused politics are idiosyncratic. The majority of residents belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which places a high value on manners and eschews alcohol, pornography and foul language. Members of the faith lean Republican, yet polling has shown Trump commands less robust support among them than other prominent GOP politicians. Trump failed to win support from a majority of Utah voters in 2016 and Joe Biden lost but performed better with Utah voters in 2020 than any Democrat since 1964. Lee’s emphasis on his willingness to stray from Trump comes as McMullin attempts to paint him as one of the former president’s most loyal disciples. McMullin recently released an attack ad based on Lee’s 2020 remarks comparing Trump to Captain Moroni, a scriptural hero in the Book of Mormon. Monday’s debate was McMullin’s first chance to directly confront Lee about the text messages he sent to Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in the lead-up to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, which he’s made a centerpiece of his campaign. The texts show Lee, who Trump has endorsed in the race underway, asking for advice on how to contribute to efforts to challenge the 2020 election results. Lee has defended his actions by saying he merely intended to look into the legal arguments and rumors about swing states putting forth slates of fake electors, noting that he ultimately voted to certify the results. On Monday, Lee demanded an apology from McMullin and said his version of events exhibited a “cavalier, reckless disregard for the truth.” Though the messages suggest Lee researched the legality of alternate elector slates in the lead-up to Jan. 6, Lee said they showed no evidence that he would have supported such a scheme. He said he wouldn’t have and noted that he voted to certify the election results. A raucous crowd made up mostly of Lee supporters jeered and booed when McMullin called Lee’s actions “a travesty.” “Senator Lee, that was the most egregious betrayal of our nation’s Constitution in its history by a U.S. Senator. I believe it will be your legacy,” McMullin said, wagging his finger at Lee. Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Read More Here
Mike Lee Tries To Distance Himself From Trump In Utah Debate
Biden Says He Will Sign Bill To Codify Abortion Rights In January If Democrats Have Majorities In Congress
Biden Says He Will Sign Bill To Codify Abortion Rights In January If Democrats Have Majorities In Congress
Biden Says He Will Sign Bill To Codify Abortion Rights In January If Democrats Have Majorities In Congress The Daily Beast Fox Hosts Trash GOP’s ‘Rotten Idea’ to Impeach Biden Fox BusinessIf Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) thought Fox News would warmly welcome her suggestion to impeach President Joe Biden if Republicans take the House, she may be in for a rude awakening.“I think that’s a rotten idea,” Fox Business Network anchor Stuart Varney flatly stated on Tuesday morning.“It’s bad for the country,” Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade agreed.Stefanik, the third-ranking House Republican, recently told the New York Post that GOP lawmakers could take up impeachment procee The New Voice of Ukraine Russia’s Crimea Disconnect On 7 October, an explosion destroyed some of the Kerch Bridge, which connects Russia to Crimea. It is a new construction. When Russia invaded Ukraine the first time, in 2014, there was no such bridge, no road connection between Russia and Ukraine’s Crimean province. From the perspective of Ukraine, Crimea is a peninsula. From the perspective of Russia, Crimea is an island. The Hill Budd widens lead over Beasley in North Carolina Senate race: poll Rep. Ted Budd (R) has widened his lead to 6 points over Democratic candidate Cheri Beasley in the race for North Carolina’s Senate seat, according to a new East Carolina University (ECU) poll. Budd is leading Beasley 50 to 44 percent among likely voters. In early September, he was leading Beasley by just 3 points… The Daily Beast Marjorie Taylor Greene Isn’t Joking. She’s Pushing ‘War.’ Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/GettyRep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s hateful rhetoric isn’t a joke. She wants to start a war, says podcaster Danielle Moodie on the latest episode of The New Abnormal podcast.Moodie, who joined as guest co-host of the show alongside host Andy Levy, tore into the Georgia Republican after listening to a recent clip of Greene making Democrats out to be child predators. According to Moodie, the left and the media have been grossly underestimating t AFP National Archives refutes Trump claims on presidential documents Former US president Donald Trump complained about the Justice Department’s criminal investigation into the handling of classified documents recovered from his Florida estate, claiming during a rally that several of his predecessors personally took files to unsecured locations. This is inaccurate; the records of the presidents Trump named were transported and sorted in secure temporary facilities by the federal agency responsible for preserving government documents — not the politicians themselv Read More Here
Biden Says He Will Sign Bill To Codify Abortion Rights In January If Democrats Have Majorities In Congress
Trump Aides Interfered With CDC's Communications With American Public To Downplay COVID Risks Report Finds
Trump Aides Interfered With CDC's Communications With American Public To Downplay COVID Risks Report Finds
Trump Aides Interfered With CDC's Communications With American Public To Downplay COVID Risks, Report Finds By Ciara Linnane Aides ‘overruled scientists to weaken multiple CDC guidance documents and to exploit and counteract CDC’s public health authorities to achieve political goals,’ says report Aides from the administration of former President Donald Trump interfered with communications from a leading public health agency to downplay the risks of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a damning new report published Monday. Aides “usurped control of CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) communications and blocked public health officials from providing accurate information about the coronavirus to the American people,” the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, led by Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn, said in the 91-page report. It was the third such investigational report by the subcommittee on the previous administration’s handling of the pandemic. The first report found that Trump sought to prevent health experts from speaking publicly on the crisis and the second alleged that he engaged in a “knife fight” with the Food and Drug Administration. Officials interviewed senior leaders at the CDC including Dr. Robert Redfield, its former head, and heard that Trump officials blocked the agency from offering information to the American public early on in the pandemic. See also: Trump properties charged excessive rates to government, House Democrats say Other findings in the report include that aides: “installed political operatives who sought to downplay the seriousness of the pandemic and retaliated against career officials who contradicted Trump administration talking points; overruled scientists to weaken multiple CDC guidance documents and to exploit and counteract CDC’s public health authorities to achieve political goals; attempted to manipulate the content and block the publication of CDC’s scientific reports and destroy evidence of such political interference; and diverted taxpayer money away from CDC to inject overtly pro-Trump slogans into public service announcements about vaccines.” Redfield said the process for developing guidance “got complicated” during the pandemic and that it gave him “PTSD.” He also said in a transcribed interview for the report that White House officials in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) effectively had veto power over CDC’s coronavirus guidance, explaining: “We didn’t get the approval usually to issue the guidance until OMB gave it a thumb’s up.” Read also: COVID-era ‘baby boom’ marks the first major reversal in declining fertility rates since 2007 Clyburn told MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show” on Monday that CDC scientists were “not prepared to have to deal with political interference. “Their job is to simply do the research, do the science, inform the public, and then hopefully the leadership will be there by the politicians to do what’s necessary to protect the public. Instead, they had their information supplanted and deleted and in many instances they were insulted and embarrassed.” The report comes as U.S. known cases of COVID are continuing to ease and now stand at their lowest level since mid-April, although the true tally is likely higher given how many people overall are testing at home, where the data are not being collected. The daily average for new cases stood at 37,655 on Monday, according to a New York Times tracker, down 17% from two weeks ago. The daily average for hospitalizations was down 4% at 26,413, while the daily average for deaths is down 7% to 357. Coronavirus Update: MarketWatch’s daily roundup has been curating and reporting all the latest developments every weekday since the coronavirus pandemic began Other COVID-19 news you should know about: — California’s coronavirus emergency will officially end in February, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday, nearly three years after the state’s first confirmed death from the disease prompted a raft of restrictions that upended public life, the Associated Press reported. “The State of Emergency was an effective and necessary tool that we utilized to protect our state, and we wouldn’t have gotten to this point without it,” Newsom said in a news release, adding that the declaration will formally end on Feb. 28. Newsom declared a state of emergency for the coronavirus on March 4, 2020, shortly after an elderly patient was the first confirmed death from the disease in California. — Indiana Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch tested positive for COVID-19 after experiencing cold-like symptoms on Monday, according to her office, the AP reported separately. Crouch said in a Twitter post that she had “mild symptoms and will continue to work for Hoosiers from home while following all of Indiana’s COVID guidelines.” Crouch was at her home in Evansville after testing positive with the COVID-19 virus for the first time, said her office spokesman, Ron Green. — China reported 951 new COVID infections for Monday, of which 250 were symptomatic and 701 were asymptomatic, Reuters reported, citing data from the National Health Commission. That compares with 921 new cases a day earlier–245 symptomatic and 676 asymptomatic infections, which China counts separately. There were no new deaths, same as a day earlier, keeping fatalities at 5,226. As of Oct. 17, mainland China had confirmed 256,268 cases with symptoms. — Researchers seeking treatments for long COVID are eager to see whether low doses of naltrexone, a generic drug typically used to treat alcohol and opioid addiction, can help, Reuters reported separately. The treatment has helped Lauren Nichols, a 34-year-old logistics expert for the U.S. Department of Transportation in Boston, who has been suffering from impaired thinking and focus, fatigue, seizures, headache and pain since her COVID-19 infection in the spring of 2020. The drug has been used with some success to treat a similar complex, post-infectious syndrome marked by cognitive deficits and overwhelming fatigue called myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Here’s what the numbers say: The global tally of confirmed cases of COVID-19 topped 625.3 million on Monday, while the death toll rose above 6.56 million, according to data aggregated by Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. leads the world with 96.9 million cases and 1,065,441 fatalities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s tracker shows that 226.2 million people living in the U.S., equal to 68.1% of the total population, are fully vaccinated, meaning they have had their primary shots. Just 110.8 million have had a booster, equal to 49% of the vaccinated population, and 25.6 million of those who are eligible for a second booster have had one, equal to 39% of those who received a first booster. Some 14.8 million people have had a shot of the new bivalent booster that targets the new omicron subvariants. -Ciara Linnane (END) Dow Jones Newswires 10-18-22 1335ET Copyright (c) 2022 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Read More Here
Trump Aides Interfered With CDC's Communications With American Public To Downplay COVID Risks Report Finds
Firefighters Say Pilot OK After Plane Lands In Mesa Canal
Firefighters Say Pilot OK After Plane Lands In Mesa Canal
Firefighters Say Pilot OK After Plane Lands In Mesa Canal FIRST RESPONDERS INDEPENDENT NEWSMEDIA Posted 10/18/22 A pilot suffered minor injuries Tuesday morning after his plane landed in a canal in Mesa, firefighters said. The plane landed at about 7:45 a.m. west of Greenfield and McKellips roads, … This story requires a subscription for $5.99/month. Already have an account? Log in to continue. Current print subscribers can create a free account by clicking here. Otherwise, click here to subscribe. Please log in to continue Need an account? Non-subscribers Click here to see your options for becoming a subscriber. Register to comment Click here create a free account for posting comments. Note that free accounts do not include access to premium content on this site. FIRST RESPONDERS City of Mesa Mesa firefighters responded Tuesday morning when a plane landed in a canal. Posted Tuesday, October 18, 2022 10:22 am INDEPENDENT NEWSMEDIA A pilot suffered minor injuries Tuesday morning after his plane landed in a canal in Mesa, firefighters said. The plane landed at about 7:45 a.m. west of Greenfield and McKellips roads, according to the Mesa Fire and Medical Department. The pilot, the only person on board the aircraft, was able to get out of the plane, officials said, and was taken to a hospital for treatment. Read More Here
Firefighters Say Pilot OK After Plane Lands In Mesa Canal
China Plans To Seize Taiwan On much Faster Timeline Blinken Says
China Plans To Seize Taiwan On much Faster Timeline Blinken Says
China Plans To Seize Taiwan On ‘much Faster Timeline,’ Blinken Says Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused China of speeding up plans to seize Taiwan as Chinese President Xi Jinping looks set to secure a precedent-breaking third term at a Chinese Communist Party congress this week. “There has been a change in the approach from Beijing toward Taiwan in recent years,” Blinken told an event at Stanford University on Monday. This includes “a fundamental decision that the status quo was no longer acceptable and that Beijing was determined to pursue reunification on a much faster timeline,” he said. Blinken did not provide details on the claim of a shorter timeline but said China may be willing to use coercive or forceful means, a prospect that is “creating tremendous tensions.” In a speech Sunday at the Communist Party congress, which takes place every five years, Xi said that the “wheels of history are rolling toward China’s reunification” with Taiwan and repeated intentions of taking the self-governing island of over 23 million people, potentially by force. He said that while China preferred peaceful measures, it would reserve “the option to take all necessary measures.” Tensions between Washington and Beijing have simmered as China faces criticism from Western governments over aggression toward Taiwan and its partnership with Russia. Russia’s war in Ukraine has stoked fears among Taiwanese residents that it could embolden their neighbor China, which claims the island it has never controlled as part of its territory. China has so far refrained from publicly criticizing Russia’s invasion. U.S.-China frictions also heightened after a trip by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to Taiwan and President Biden’s comments that the U.S. military would defend the island in case of an attack by China — comments the White House later played down. While Taiwan does not have U.S. diplomatic recognition, it maintains substantial ties with Washington, including arms sales and trade. In his speech, Xi did not mention the war in Ukraine or China’s ties with the United States, which ordered export bans this month to hit China’s tech and military ambitions. He also described China’s “great rejuvenation” — Xi’s vision of putting the nation at the center of global affairs — as an “irreversible historical process.” Unification with Taiwan is a core part of that vision. In an uneasy stalemate between the two sides for decades, Taiwanese leaders have vowed to defend the island, while Chinese leaders are adamant that it is part of China. Last year, the commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command told a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing that the threat of China’s targeting Taiwan was “manifest during this decade, in fact, in the next six years.” Read More Here
China Plans To Seize Taiwan On much Faster Timeline Blinken Says
Arizona Gets D-Hop Back Adds Anderson
Arizona Gets D-Hop Back Adds Anderson
Arizona Gets D-Hop Back, Adds Anderson All-Pro wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins is back on the practice field for the Arizona Cardinals after serving a six-day suspension for using performance-enhancing drugs. (AP file photo) DAVID BRANDT, AP Sports Writer Originally Published: October 18, 2022 9:59 a.m. TEMPE – Three-time All-Pro receiver DeAndre Hopkins is back on the field after serving his six-game suspension. That won’t fix all of the problems for the Cardinals, but it’s certainly a good start. Arizona’s in the midst of a midseason offensive makeover, celebrating the return of Hopkins while also adding receiver Robbie Anderson in a Monday trade with the Panthers. The Cardinals hope the Hopkins-Anderson combo can make up for the loss of leading receiver Marquise Brown, who has a foot injury and will likely miss several weeks. They also hope the roster shakeup will revive an offense that has been among the worst in the NFL. The Cardinals (2-4) lost to the Seahawks 19-9 on Sunday in a game that they didn’t score an offensive touchdown. “We can’t expect (Hopkins) to be the savior,” Kingsbury said. “We’re all excited to have him and what he brings, the competitor he is, and all those things, but we’ve got a lot we’ve got to get better at.” It’s a quick turnaround for the Cardinals, who host the Saints Thursday night. Arizona is 3-9 in its past 12 games dating to last season. The start of that stretch was about the time Hopkins began to struggle with hamstring and knee injuries. He was suspended for the first six games this season after violating the NFL’s policy on performance-enhancing drugs. Hopkins will be expected to produce right away. Kingsbury said the Cardinals can’t expect miracles, but it should be a welcome addition. “He definitely brings a dynamic that any team would want to have,” Kingsbury said. “He’s a true No. 1, a playmaker that defenses have to be aware of each and every snap, it makes a difference in scheme and play calling.” WHAT’S WORKING Arizona’s defense continues to play well. Defensive coordinator Vance Joseph has built a solid group around safeties Budda Baker and Jalen Thompson, linebackers Zaven Collins and Markus Golden, and defensive linemen J.J. Watt and Zach Allen. Many thought the unit would take a step backward after losing Chandler Jones and Jordan Hicks in free agency, but that hasn’t been the case. WHAT NEEDS HELP The offensive line had some trouble keeping Murray upright Sunday, giving up six sacks. C Rodney Hudson (knee) has been out the past couple weeks and LG Justin Pugh suffered a season-ending knee injury on Sunday. The Cardinals have been solid along the offensive line the past few seasons, but need Hudson to return and someone to step up in Pugh’s absence. STOCK UP Collins has taken a big leap in a his second year and is now a mainstay in the middle of Arizona’s defense. He had two sacks against the Seahawks and led the team with nine tackles. At 6-foot-4 and 260 pounds, Collins has a unique blend of size and speed that allows him to help the defense in multiple ways. STOCK DOWN It’s fair to wonder if WR A.J. Green is nearing the end of his career. The seven-time Pro Bowl selection’s production has dipped dramatically in his 11th season, with 10 catches for 56 yards in five games. The worst part for the Cardinals is they really could have used production from Green while Hopkins was serving his suspension. INJURIES Brown’s injury is expected to keep him out of lineup for a least a month. … The Cardinals are banged up at running back with three of the top four options — James Conner (ribs), Darrel Williams (knee) and Jonathan Ward (hamstring) – nursing injuries. … Kingsbury was hopeful K Matt Prater (hip) will be ready for Thursday’s game. … Kingsbury said Max Garcia would likely see more playing time at left guard with Pugh out for the season. KEY NUMBER 30 – The Cardinals haven’t scored 30 points in a game yet this season. They hit that mark nine times last season, resulting in eight wins. NEXT STEPS It’s a quick turnaround for the Cardinals, who host the Saints on Thursday. Arizona is 0-3 at home this season, losing to the Rams, Chiefs and Eagles. Read More Here
Arizona Gets D-Hop Back Adds Anderson
Scottsdale-Based RETSY Surpasses $1B In Sales In 18 Months AZ Big Media
Scottsdale-Based RETSY Surpasses $1B In Sales In 18 Months AZ Big Media
Scottsdale-Based RETSY Surpasses $1B In Sales In 18 Months – AZ Big Media RETSY, one of the fastest-growing tech-based luxury brokerages in the Valley, announced that it has surpassed $1 billion in sales just 18 months after its launch. This impressive milestone earned the firm recognition and honorsfrom Forbes Global Properties, a curated consumer marketplace that connects discerning buyers directly to the world’s finest homes and the best-in-class agents that represent them. RETSY was only one of a handful of the Valley’s many brokerages to hit this mark, and to do so in less than two years of operation sets it apart from the pack. Launched in October 2020 amid the global COVID-19 pandemic, the tech-based brokerage achieved immediate success. RETSY hit the billion-dollar mark with only 78 agents completing a total of 886 sales transactions, 38% of which RETSY exclusively represented the seller, 55% where the firm represented the buyer, and 8% where both sides were expertly represented. READ ALSO: Arizona No. 2 for largest house price appreciation READ ALSO: Why experts say Arizona housing crisis is a ‘growing cancer’ RETSY’s innovative approach to the industry took the market by storm as many of the Valley’s elite and top producing agents sought to be a part of the firm. With those industry veterans came the trust and loyalty of affluent home buyers and sellers that were looking for greater exposure and access via the technological advances built from scratch and implemented by RETSY Founder Chris Morrison. For several years, Morrison has developed and rolled out platforms designed to catapult elite agents to new heights. These solutions include the utilization of QR technology across all media, in-house and client-based applications, and exceptional back-end operations. While agents are outpacing their competitors, these cutting-edge tools have a direct impact on RETSY’s clients as well. Buyers and sellers reap the benefits of the unique media options available to showcase listings, the audience-targeted advertising tools and the listing-specific QR codes on signage that coincides with their designated landing page. Clients are typically under contract quicker, experience greater ease and efficiency throughout the process, and have a higher level of satisfaction with the transaction results compared to other brokerages. RETSY has attracted exceptional agents and clients in its short time. In September 2021, after less than a year in operation, RETSY was selected by Forbes Global Properties as the first firm to be awarded membership in Arizona where it exclusively represents the brand across the Phoenix metro area, including the most desirable and luxurious areas of Scottsdale, Arcadia and Paradise Valley. Inclusion within the Forbes network further extended RETSY’s reach locally and globally. RETSY’s listings are presented across Forbes and Forbes Global Properties platforms, and it has seen remarkable engagement and success with Forbes’ captive audience of more than 100 million monthly visitors. This global access allows the luxury brokerage to inform potential homebuyers and sellers throughout the world of the Valley’s market conditions and showcase the finest properties for sale through print, digital and social media channels, including expert commentary, timely market data and top-tier editorial. True to its founding mission of celebrating and bolstering independent agents, since joining Forbes Global Properties, RETSY has continued to attract more of the Valley’s highest-producing agents. It has expanded its impressive roster by more than 50% and has additional offices valley-wide in the works. “I could not be prouder of the community we have built here at RETSY,” said Morrison. “Our exceptional agents are equally exceptional people. Watching each of them excel in their individual business with the use of our new technology systems is very humbling. RETSY began in collaboration with elite agents and teams including The TEAM, and the Morrison Team. Over the last year and a half, we have welcomed many of the very best in class, including the Gabel Phillips Group, The Linehan Group, ROCO Luxury Homes, The Connie Colla Group and St John International, to name a few. Our agents and teams are so impressive andI am inspired by them daily. Our relationship with Forbes Global Property gives RETSY agents a deserving international stage to showcase their spectacular listings and remind the world why Arizona remains one of the fastest-growing states in the country.” The following spotlight transactions are included among RETSY’s 18-month accomplishments. • Libby Cohen of ROCO Luxury Homes represented the buyer of 6121 N Nauni Valley Drive, Paradise Valley which closed 1/27/22 for $12,500,000. • The buyer of 7808 N Calle Caballeros, Paradise Valley was represented by Babbi Gabel of the Gabel Phillips Group and closed 4/21/22 for $9,890,000. • Rebecca Clayton of The TEAM represented the buyer of 5901 E Stella Ln, Paradise Valley. The $6,650,000sale closed on 7/9/22 Read More Here
Scottsdale-Based RETSY Surpasses $1B In Sales In 18 Months AZ Big Media
Amazon Workers Vote Against Forming Union In Upstate New York Dealing Setback To Grassroots Labor Group | CNN Business
Amazon Workers Vote Against Forming Union In Upstate New York Dealing Setback To Grassroots Labor Group | CNN Business
Amazon Workers Vote Against Forming Union In Upstate New York, Dealing Setback To Grassroots Labor Group | CNN Business CNN  —  Amazon workers in upstate New York have voted against forming a union, dealing another blow to a grassroots labor group attempting to organize several of the tech giant’s US warehouses. In total, 406 workers at the Amazon facility near Albany voted against unionizing and 206 voted for it, according to a preliminary tally Tuesday from the National Labor Relations Board. There were some challenged and void ballots, but not a big enough figure to sway the final results. Workers at the facility, called ALB1, were seeking to organize with the Amazon Labor Union, the same grassroots worker group that successfully formed the first-ever union at a US Amazon facility in Staten Island, New York, earlier this year. The Albany vote was the ALU’s third attempt to unionize an Amazon warehouse, after it fell short of securing a union win at a smaller Amazon facility also located in Staten Island. It also comes as Amazon has still not formally recognized the union in Staten Island or come to the bargaining table. After the vote count concluded on Tuesday, ALU President Chris Smalls said his labor group is “filled with mixed emotions” over the results and pledged: “This won’t be the end of ALU at ALB1.” Smalls also accused Amazon of retaliating against union organizers at ALB1, which Amazon has previously denied, and blasted the vote as a “sham election.” Amazon, meanwhile, welcomed the results of the election in a statement Tuesday. “We’re glad that our team in Albany was able to have their voices heard, and that they chose to keep the direct relationship with Amazon as we think that this is the best arrangement for both our employees and customers,” Kelly Nantel, a spokesperson for Amazon, said in a statement. “We will continue to work directly with our teammates in Albany, as we do everywhere, to keep making Amazon better every day.” The Amazon organizing efforts have come amid a broader reawakening of the US labor movement during the pandemic, with some early union victories at companies such as Apple and Starbucks. Smalls, in particular, has emerged as a face of this labor movement since the win in Staten Island, making appearances at the White House and posing with celebrities at the Time 100 summit. Smalls previously told CNN Business that the ALU has been fielding an explosion of interest from Amazon workers at other facilities since its original victory. In addition to the ALB1 facility, an Amazon fulfillment center in Moreno Valley, California, also recently submitted a petition for a union election with the ALU. But ahead of the Albany vote last week, Smalls appeared to play down the ramifications of the outcome, suggesting the organizing activity itself is a victory. “The expansion of the ALU is definitely historical by itself,” he previously told CNN. “I don’t think nothing’s up for stake.” Smalls echoed that sentiment in a tweet on Tuesday before the vote tally kicked off. “Proud of the brave workers of ALB1 regardless of todays results,” he tweeted, adding: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!” Amazon’s worker-organizers at the Albany facility say they were inspired to form a union after seeing the success of the ALU in Staten Island. Some workers in Albany said they were also motivated to organize after witnessing colleagues get injured on the job. A report from the National Employment Law Project found that the ALB1 facility had the highest rates of “most serious injuries” among all Amazon facilities in the state. An Amazon spokesperson previously told CNN Business that Amazon ramped up hiring to meet demand from Covid-19 “and like other companies in the industry, we saw an increase in recordable injuries during this time from 2020 to 2021 as we trained so many new employees.” The spokesperson added that the company has invested billions of dollars in new operations safety measures. Read More Here
Amazon Workers Vote Against Forming Union In Upstate New York Dealing Setback To Grassroots Labor Group | CNN Business
US Senate Hopefuls Lee McMullin Spar Over 2020 Vote Inflation More
US Senate Hopefuls Lee McMullin Spar Over 2020 Vote Inflation More
US Senate Hopefuls Lee, McMullin Spar Over 2020 Vote, Inflation, More By Tim Vandenack – | Oct 18, 2022 1 / 4 U.S. Sen. Mike Lee, left, and Evan McMullin participate in a debate at Utah Valley University in Orem on Monday, Oct. 17, 2022. Harrison Epstein, Daily Herald 2 / 4 Evan McMullin, right, speaks during the U.S. Senate debate as Mike Lee requests a rebuttal during their debate at Utah Valley University in Orem on Monday, Oct. 17, 2022. Harrison Epstein, Daily Herald 3 / 4 Sen. Mike Lee stands on stage before the debate between himself and Evan McMullin at Utah Valley University in Orem on Monday, Oct. 17, 2022. Harrison Epstein, Daily Herald 4 / 4 U.S. Senate candidate Evan McMullin speaks to members of the media after the debate between himself and Sen. Mike Lee at Utah Valley University in Orem on Monday, Oct. 17, 2022. Harrison Epstein, Daily Herald ❮ ❯ U.S. Sen. Mike Lee, left, and Evan McMullin participate in a debate at Utah Valley University in Orem on Monday, Oct. 17, 2022. Evan McMullin, right, speaks during the U.S. Senate debate as Mike Lee requests a rebuttal during their debate at Utah Valley University in Orem on Monday, Oct. 17, 2022. Sen. Mike Lee stands on stage before the debate between himself and Evan McMullin at Utah Valley University in Orem on Monday, Oct. 17, 2022. U.S. Senate candidate Evan McMullin speaks to members of the media after the debate between himself and Sen. Mike Lee at Utah Valley University in Orem on Monday, Oct. 17, 2022. OREM — U.S. Senate hopefuls Mike Lee and Evan McMullin met in a debate Monday, sparring over inflation, immigration, the 2020 U.S. presidential vote and more. Lee emphasized the importance of voting Republican to give the U.S. Senate a GOP majority, thus more power in countering the Democratic administration of President Joe Biden and the “rubber stamp” Democratic-controlled Congress. He also sounded a message against big government and excessive federal spending, blaming the Biden administration for what he says is its role in inflation. “The federal government has been too big and too expensive because it was doing too many things for too long that it was never intended or designed to do,” Lee said. He blamed inflation on “Joe Biden and the Democratic Congress.” McMullin, an independent, lamented the partisan state of politics, blasting “party bosses,” “extremist factions” and special interest groups. As an independent, he maintains Utah stands to become “the most influential state in the union” if he’s elected because legislation won’t be able to pass without backing from the state. He blasted what he called “the broken politics” of Lee, one of many jabs at the incumbent, and name-dropped Sen. Mitt Romney, Utah’s more moderate U.S. senator, at a number of points. “My opponent, Sen. Lee, believes that the world should be seen through a prism of partisanship, that it’s always Republicans versus Democrats, it’s always us versus them,” McMullin said. “But I’m here to say it doesn’t have to be that way.” The hour-long encounter at Utah Valley University in Orem comes in the final stretch of an intense campaign marked by sharp attacks by advocates of each candidate on the other, most notably in a seemingly nonstop stream of television ads. Polling, at least some of it, has shown a tight race as Lee seeks his third term and McMullin, a former Central Intelligence Agency officer, aims to take an untraditional route to power as an independent. Some of the testiest exchanges occurred over the the 2020 presidential vote, which former President Donald Trump and some of his backers falsely say Trump won. Lee has been embroiled in controversy over his efforts ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. congressional vote to certify Biden’s presidential win to investigate the notion of letting states submit alternative pro-Trump slates of electors to Congress to potentially shift the outcome in Electoral College voting to Trump’s favor. Amid that backdrop, Lee — asked if Biden fairly won the presidency in the 2020 vote — answered in the affirmative: “Yes, Joe Biden is our president. He was chosen in the only election that matters, the election held by the Electoral College.” McMullin responded, charging that Lee had suggested to Trump’s White House that it seek out fake electors “to overturn the will of the people” by reversing the U.S. presidential popular vote totals to favor Trump. “Sen. Lee, that was the most egregious betrayal of our nation’s Constitution in its history by a U.S. senator, I believe, and it will be your legacy,” McMullin continued, generating boos and a smattering of applause. “Sen. Lee, you advised spurrious so-called legal efforts to mislead tens of millions of citizens that the election had been stolen and congratulations, you succeeded.” Lee rejected McMullin’s characterization. “Evan, that’s not true. You know that’s not true. You, sir, owe me an apology,” Lee said. Leading up to Jan. 6, Lee said he had heard rumors some states were considering switching their slates of electors as Trump backers scrambled to keep Trump in power and that he looked into the matter. He determined the rumors were false, he said, and, on Jan. 6, ultimately affirmed the electoral balloting of the states as submitted, which resulted in Biden’s victory. “There is absolutely nothing to the idea that I would have ever supported, ever did support, a fake electors plot. Nothing. There’s not a scintilla of evidence to suggest that,” Lee said. “Yet you continue to insist that with a cavalier, reckless disregard for the truth. This is sad, this is troubling.” Asked about federal loans to college students, Lee said it’s not the government’s role to be involved in such matters. The Biden administration recently forgave some of the federal outstanding debt still owed by college students, heightening debate on the issue. The federal government should “get out of the student loan business. It has no business there,” Lee said. “Put it back in the private sector and leave the federal government out of it.” McMullin said the federal government has a role in backing college loans in certain circumstances, to lower-income students, for instance, “but it should be more careful” and narrowly focus its efforts. On prescription drugs, McMullin said taxpayers should have more leeway and power in negotiating prices with manufacturers, thus alleviating skyrocketing prices. Lee said he favors more competition in the pharmaceutical drug industry, arguing that will result in new innovations and lower prices. McMullin’s approach, he charged, would result in fewer drug options. On immigration, McMullin said he’d favor efforts to grant citizenship to “dreamers,” immigrants brought to the country illegally by their parents, generally as children. He also called for border security. Lee expressed sympathy for “dreamers,” saying he doesn’t foresee a concerted effort to deport the contingent, but he put the emphasis on security. “First, we have to secure the border,” he said. Monday’s debate was hosted by the Utah Debate Commission while Doug Wright, a former host on KSL radio, served as moderator. The Utah Democratic Party did not field a candidate, instead throwing its support to McMullin. That has generated criticism from Lee that McMullin is beholden to the Democratic Party. Two others are also on the ballot in the U.S. Senate race, Libertarian Jimmy Hansen and Tommy Williams, running under the Independent American Party banner. However, neither Hansen nor Williams garnered enough support ahead of the debate in polling to secure a spot on the stage on Monday. Newsletter Join thousands already receiving our daily newsletter. Read More Here
US Senate Hopefuls Lee McMullin Spar Over 2020 Vote Inflation More
Trump Earned A Reputation As A Bully As A Kindergartner: New Book
Trump Earned A Reputation As A Bully As A Kindergartner: New Book
Trump Earned A Reputation As A Bully As A Kindergartner: New Book CONTINUE READING Show less Read More Here
Trump Earned A Reputation As A Bully As A Kindergartner: New Book
President Of Our Country Has: Arnold Schwarzeneggers Daughter Katherine Took A Dig At Donald Trump For Engaging In A Verbal War With Her Dad In 2017
President Of Our Country Has: Arnold Schwarzeneggers Daughter Katherine Took A Dig At Donald Trump For Engaging In A Verbal War With Her Dad In 2017
“President Of Our Country Has…”: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Daughter Katherine Took A Dig At Donald Trump For Engaging In A Verbal War With Her Dad In 2017 Throughout his life, Arnold Schwarzenegger has donned many hats. Be it bodybuilding, acting, directing, or politics, the legend has done it all. However, the more ventures you partake in, the more tussles you’re going to get into. The ‘Austrian Oak’ wasn’t left behind. There was a time when ‘The Terminator’ got into a war of words with none other that the former President of the US – Donald Trump. ADVERTISEMENT Article continues below this ad In an interview, Arnold’s daughter, Katherine Schwarzenegger, talked about the Twitter war between her father and President Trump. She also mentioned her relationship with her family, while voicing concerns about then President. ADVERTISEMENT Article continues below this ad Arnold Schwarzenegger responds to Donald Trump’s tweets Back in 2017, Donald Trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger got into a social media tussle over a reality show, ‘Celebrity Apprentice’. The feud started when Arnie replaced Trump as the host of the show. The former President took to Twitter to point at the bodybuilder’s show ratings, mocking him in the process. Even after when Arnold quit the show, the feud between the two continued. COLUMBUS, OH – MARCH 06: Arnold Schwarzenegger addresses the crowd at the Arnold Sports Festival on March 6, 2020, at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, OH. (Photo by Frank Jansky/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images) Post quitting, Arnold took to Twitter to release a video, where he pointed out issues in Trump’s budget. The former Mr. Olympia criticized the decision to eliminate after-school programs and Meals on Wheels. Incidentally, these decisions were also followed by a fall in Donald Trump’s ratings. DIVE DEEPER “President Trump I Have a Question”: Legend Arnold Schwarzenegger Asked Donald Trump a ‘Billion Dollar’ Question Once 23 days ago What did Katherine Schwarzenegger have to say? ADVERTISEMENT Article continues below this ad Arnold’s daughter Katherine Schwarzenegger has stood beside him all the time. As her two cents, Katherine didn’t hesitate to support her father and add to his argument. While speaking about the feud, Katherine mentioned how she’s not only protective of her family but she also wouldn’t hesitate to step in, in such situations. The author was happy about her father’s response since he had articulated his ideas well. However, the young Schwarzenegger didn’t hold back with words. As a jibe, she voiced her concerns about the country under Donald Trump’s presidency. She quipped, “my main concern is the fact that the President of our country has the time to get and engage in a Twitter war with my father”. ADVERTISEMENT Article continues below this ad Watch this story: Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Sylvester Stalone rivalry – who drew the first blood? Both Arnold and his daughter do not hold back with their words. The bodybuilder is known and loved by many for his personality and his story. The icon has since been a part of the Republican government and is the most recent Republican governor of California. Read More Here
President Of Our Country Has: Arnold Schwarzeneggers Daughter Katherine Took A Dig At Donald Trump For Engaging In A Verbal War With Her Dad In 2017
2 Killed In Plane Crash At Car Dealership Lot Near Marietta Ohio | CNN
2 Killed In Plane Crash At Car Dealership Lot Near Marietta Ohio | CNN
2 Killed In Plane Crash At Car Dealership Lot Near Marietta, Ohio | CNN CNN  —  Two people were killed when a twin-engine plane crashed Tuesday morning into a car dealership lot just outside the southeastern Ohio city of Marietta, officials said. The 1974 Beechcraft King Air E90 crashed in the parking lot of a Pioneer Buick GMC dealership, killing the pilot and another occupant, the Ohio State Highway Patrol said in a news release. The crash happened shortly after 7 a.m., and the plane was bound from Columbus to Parkersburg, West Virginia, FlightRadar24 data indicates. No injuries to people outside the plane were reported; vehicles and buildings at the dealership were damaged, the highway patrol said. Thick, dark smoke and orange flames rose from the parking lot in video of the scene posted to Facebook by Amber Davis, a Marietta-area resident who heard an explosion from her home and went outside to see what happened. The fire has since been put out, Marietta police Cpt. Aaron Nedeff told CNN. The Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board are investigating the incident, according to an FAA statement. “The NTSB will be in charge of the investigation and will provide updates,” the FAA statement reads. Marietta is a city of about 13,000 residents about a 13-mile drive northeast of Parkersburg and just across the Ohio River from the Mountain State. This story is developing and will be updated. Read More Here
2 Killed In Plane Crash At Car Dealership Lot Near Marietta Ohio | CNN
Doris Madill – ROCKET-COURIER “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her”– Proverbs 31:28 Mrs. Doris Elizabeth Reed Madill, 91, of Weston, Bradford County, passed away peacefully in the comfort of her home surrounded by the love of her family on Saturday evening, Oct. 15, 2022. Doris was born at home in Mehoopany on March 25, 1931, a daughter of the late Edward Reed, Sr. and Bertha Mapleson Reed. She graduated from the Wyalusing High School, a member of the Class of 1949. Doris was a graduate of the Ridley Secretarial School and worked at the Guy F. Johnson Hudson Automobile Agency in Binghamton, NY. After one year, she left this job and worked for the Brewer-Titchner Corporation as a secretary for the next eight years. She married William Brown Madill on May 28, 1960, in the Wyalusing Presbyterian Church. They celebrated 62 years of marriage this year. In early years, Doris and Bill lived in Sugar Run where they raised their family and would later move to Weston in 1988. While her sons were young, she was a den mother for the Cub Scouts and was a former member of the Sugar Run Ladies Church Circle, where the ladies would host activities that benefited the Sugar Run Presbyterian Church. She was also a member of The Order of the Eastern Star and the Sugar Run Presbyterian Church. She also volunteered as a Docent, giving tours at the Towanda Museum. She served as secretary of the Riverside Cemetery Association for many years. Doris enjoyed cooking and baking and everything she made was delicious, especially her pies and cinnamon buns. After Bill retired in February of 1991, they enjoyed traveling extensively all over the United States and abroad. Being a history buff spurred her interest in genealogy, especially researching her and Bill’s family history. Throughout her life, Doris was never without the loving companionship of a dog and most recently enjoyed the company of the family dog, Beau, who never left her side. However her greatest joy was spending time with her family. She was a loving wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend and will be dearly missed by all who knew her. Surviving are her husband, William “Bill” Madill at home; four sons and daughters-in-laws, Reed and Rose Madill of Montour Falls, NY, Mark and Judy Madill of Weston, Drew and Carol Madill of Weston and Brad Madill of Chandler, AZ; three grandchildren, Evan Madill, Whitney Madill and Jade Madill, and sister-in-law, Geraldine Madill of Tunkhannock. She is also survived by five step-grandchildren; four step-great-grandchildren and several nieces, nephews and cousins. Besides her parents, she was predeceased by two sisters and their husbands, Gertrude and Harry Whipple and Ruth and Olin Eberlin; three brothers and their wives, Lewis and Mahala Reed, Edward and Edith Reed and James Reed, and a brother-in-law, Joseph Madill. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, Oct. 22 at 12 p.m. in the Homer Funeral Home, 83 Grovedale Lane, Wyalusing, with the Rev. Jira Albers officiating. Interment will follow in the Wysox Cemetery, Wysox. Friends and family may call on Saturday morning from 10 a.m. until the start of the service at 12 at the Homer Funeral Home Wyalusing. Memorial contributions may be made in Doris’s name to the Wyalusing Valley Museum Association, PO Box 301, Wyalusing, PA 18853; the Bradford County Historical Society, 109 Pine Street, Towanda, PA 18848 or to Guthrie Hospice, 421 Tomahawk Road, Towanda, PA 18848. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Homer Funeral Home, Wyalusing. Read More Here
30% Of Ukraine's Power Stations Destroyed By Strikes; Zelenskyy Urges Troops To Take More Russian Prisoners
30% Of Ukraine's Power Stations Destroyed By Strikes; Zelenskyy Urges Troops To Take More Russian Prisoners
30% Of Ukraine's Power Stations Destroyed By Strikes; Zelenskyy Urges Troops To Take More Russian Prisoners Ukrainian official warns Kyiv residents to shelter, refrain from posting on social media as Russia unleashes fresh attacks Ukrainian firefighters works on a destroyed building after a drone attack in Kyiv on Oct. 17, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Yasuyoshi Chiba | Afp | Getty Images The Ukrainian official in charge of Kyiv’s military administration told residents to shelter in place and not post anything on social media as Russia unleashed fresh strikes in the area. “Residents of the Kyiv region! Stay in shelters! Take care of yourself and your loved ones,” wrote Oleksiy Kuleba, head of Kyiv Military Administration on the Telegram messaging platform. “I emphasize, do not film or post anything on social networks,” he said. He also urged residents not to film the work of the Ukrainian military. Kuleba’s warnings followed fresh Russian drone attacks across Kyiv on Monday. — Amanda Macias Iran agrees to ship missiles, more drones to Russia, defying the West Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi greets Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 19, 2022. Putin likely wanted to show that Moscow is still important in the Middle East by visiting Iran, said John Drennan of the U.S. Institute of Peace. Sergei Savostyanov | AFP | Getty Images Iran has promised to provide Russia with surface-to-surface missiles, in addition to more drones, two senior Iranian officials and two Iranian diplomats told Reuters, a move that is likely to infuriate the United States and other Western powers. A deal was agreed on Oct. 6 when Iran’s First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber, two senior officials from Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards and an official from the Supreme National Security Council visited Moscow for talks with Russia about the delivery of the weapons. “The Russians had asked for more drones and those Iranian ballistic missiles with improved accuracy, particularly the Fateh and Zolfaghar missiles family,” said one of the Iranian diplomats, who was briefed about the trip. A Western official briefed on the matter confirmed it, saying there was an agreement in place between Iran and Russia to provide surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missiles, including the Zolfaghar. — Reuters Ukraine receives 2 billion euros in financial aid from Europe Ukraine received 2 billion euros in financial aid from the European Union ($1.96 billion), part of a 5 billion euro macro-financial loan package. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the bloc in a tweet, saying, “Grateful to [EU] President @vonderleyen for support,” referring to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. “We count on ASAP implementation of the full program – €9 billion. This is a crucial contribution to financial stability & our victory.” Ukraine’s Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal also thanked the EU, saying, “The additional financial resource will help to cover urgent budgetary expenses, in particular for the social and humanitarian spheres.” — Natasha Turak Bodies of five children exhumed in Lyman, Donetsk region GP: Donetsk Region Death Toll: Forensics carry a body of one of 55 dead Ukrainian soldiers buried in one mass grave at a cemetery near Lyman, Donetsk region, on October 11, 2022. Sergey Bobok | AFP | Getty Images The bodies of five children have been exhumed in the eastern Ukrainian city of Lyman, in the Donetsk province, which had been occupied by Russian forces in early October. They were three girls and two boys between the ages of one and 14 who appeared to have died from shrapnel injuries, Ukraine’s defense ministry said. Hundreds of bodies have been found in mass graves in and around the towns and cities that Russian troops occupied and later left, Ukrainian and United Nations officials say. The existence of these graves and the civilian bodies found in them has been well-documented, and Ukraine’s government as well as international rights organizations are in the process of conducting investigations into war crimes committed by Russia. — Natasha Turak Ukraine’s foreign minister proposes cutting ties with Iran A drone flies over Kyiv during an attack on October 17, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Sergei Supinsky | Afp | Getty Images Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has sent a proposal to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to cut diplomatic ties with Iran, based on evidence that Tehran has supplied lethal drones to Russia. The Shahed-136 unmanned aerial vehicles are Iranian-made and have been increasingly used by Russia to strike at civilian and critical infrastructure in Ukraine, particularly in the capital Kyiv. Iran officially denies providing Russia with the drones, but U.S. officials say the first shipment was delivered to Russia in August. Despite Tehran’s denials, Kyiv says this makes Iran fully responsible for the destruction and death caused by the drone attacks across Ukraine. Kuleba has also asked EU foreign ministers to sanction Iran for helping Russia “carry out terror against Ukrainians.” — Natasha Turak Kyiv mayor urges residents to use less water, electricity amid power outages Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko surveys the site of a missile strike in the Shevchenkivskyi district on April 29, 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine. John Moore | Getty Images Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko is urging residents to restrict their water and electricity use after Russian strikes hit critical energy facilities across Ukraine. “In Kyiv, as a result of rocket attacks by Russian barbarians, two critical infrastructure facilities were damaged. Emergency and rescue services are working on the ground,” Klitschko said in a Telegram post.   “Currently, the provision of electricity and water supply services is partially limited in many houses on the left bank of the capital … I appeal to all Kyiv residents to save electricity as much as possible. For residents who have low pressure in the water supply network – save water as much as possible now,” Klitschko said. He added that work was in progress to “stabilize the situation.” Several Russian strikes hit power stations in Kyiv on Tuesday morning, Ukrainian officials said. At least three major cities in the country are experiencing power outages. — Natasha Turak 30% of Ukraine’s power stations destroyed by Russian strikes in roughly a week, Zelenskyy says Smoke rises over Kharkiv’s western outskirts as firefighters put out the fire after a Russian rocket attack hit an electric power station in Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine, on Sept. 12, 2022. Anadolu Agency | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images A whopping 30% of Ukraine’s power stations have been destroyed by Russian strikes in the past eight days, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in the wake of fresh Russian attacks on the country’s critical energy infrastructure. This has resulted in widespread blackouts across the country, with three major cities, including Kyiv, experiencing power outages. “Another kind of Russian terrorist attacks: targeting energy & critical infrastructure,” Zelensky wrote in a tweet. “Since Oct 10, 30% of Ukraine’s power stations have been destroyed, causing massive blackouts across the country. No space left for negotiations with Putin’s regime.” — Natasha Turak Danish police say ‘powerful explosions’ caused Nord Stream gas leaks Climate scientists described the shocking images of gas spewing to the surface of the Baltic Sea as a “reckless release” of greenhouse gas emissions that, if deliberate, “amounts to an environmental crime.” Anadolu Agency | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images Danish police said a preliminary investigation found that “powerful explosions” on two Russian gas pipelines sent gas spewing into the Baltic Sea. The findings appeared to be similar to a crime scene investigation carried out by Sweden’s national security service earlier this month, which reinforced suspicions of “gross sabotage.” A flurry of detonations on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines on Sept. 26 caused what might be the single largest release of methane in history. The explosions triggered four gas leaks at four locations — two in Denmark’s exclusive economic zone and two in Sweden’s exclusive economic zone. Danish police said it was not possible to say when the investigation was likely to be completed. — Sam Meredith Air strikes reported in several Ukrainian cities Police officers stand guard in a street after a drone attack in Kyiv on Oct. 17, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Sergei Supinsky | Afp | Getty Images Air strikes have been reported in several Ukrainian cities, prompting President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to accuse Russia of terrorizing and killing civilians. Zelenskyy said via Telegram that one person had been killed in a missile strike on a residential building in Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine. “Ukraine is under fire by the occupiers. They continue to do what they do best – terrorize and kill civilians,” Zelenskyy said, according to Reuters. “The terrorist state will not change anything for itself with such actions. It will only confirm its destructive and murderous essence, for which it will certainly be held to account.” Meanwhile, Maria Avdeeva, a security analyst from Kharkiv, described the latest barrage of air strikes as a “massive attack on energy infrastructure facilities.” Avdeeva reported three strikes on an energy facility in the Desnyansky district of Kyiv, two strikes at an energy infrastructure facility in Dnipro in central Ukraine and no electricity or water supplies in Zhytomyr in the north. CNBC has not been able to independently verify this report. — Sam Meredith Zelenskyy urges Ukrainian forces to take more Russian prisoners Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called ...
30% Of Ukraine's Power Stations Destroyed By Strikes; Zelenskyy Urges Troops To Take More Russian Prisoners
Steve Lacy & Fousheé Played Terminal 5 As Bad Habits Continues Its Reign (Pics)
Steve Lacy & Fousheé Played Terminal 5 As Bad Habits Continues Its Reign (Pics)
Steve Lacy & Fousheé Played Terminal 5 As “Bad Habits” Continues Its Reign (Pics) It’s been a huge year for Steve Lacy. His song “Bad Habit” had been climbing up the Billboard chart (thanks in part to TikTok), and it eventually unseated Harry Styles’ “As It Was” at No. 1, where it’s stayed for the last three weeks. Steve is currently touring in support of the album on which “Bad Habit” appears, Gemini Rights, and that tour just landed in NYC for two sold-out shows: Brooklyn Steel on Sunday (10/16) and Terminal 5 last night (10/17). Steve’s frequent collaborator and partner Fousheé (who appears on “Bad Habit”) has been opening on this tour, and also joining Steve during his set. We’ve got pictures from the T5 show by Toby Tenenbaum in this post. More pics, some fan-shot video, the setlist, and the list of all remaining tour dates below… Steve Lacy at Brooklyn Steel 10/16/2022 — Setlist (via) Playground Lay Me Down N Side Ryd Dark Red C U Girl Sunshine Mercury Amber Infrunami Cody Freestyle Outro Freestyle/4ever Buttons Bad Habit Steve Lacy — 2022 Tour Dates Wed-Oct-19 Richmond, VA @ The National Thu-Oct-20 Charlotte, NC @ The Underground Fri-Oct-21 Nashville, TN @ Eastside Bowl Sun-Oct-23 Atlanta, GA @ Center Stage Theater Mon-Oct-24 New Orleans, LA @ Republic Tue-Oct-25 Houston, TX @ Warehouse Live Thu-Oct-27 Austin, TX @ Emo’s Fri-Oct-28 Dallas, TX @ The Studio at the Factory Sun-Oct-30 Tucson, AZ @ Rialto Theatre Mon-Oct-31 Las Vegas, NV @ House Of Blues Wed-Nov-2 San Diego, CA @ The Observatory North Park Fri-Nov-4 Oakland, CA @ Fox Theater Sun-Nov-6 Vancouver, BC @ Vogue Theatre Mon-Nov-7 Seattle, WA @ Showbox SoDo Tue-Nov-8 Portland, OR @ Roseland Theater Thu-Nov-10 Anaheim, CA @ House of Blue Fri-Nov-11 Los Angeles, CA @ The Greek Theatre Read More Here
Steve Lacy & Fousheé Played Terminal 5 As Bad Habits Continues Its Reign (Pics)
Men's Basketball Broadcast Schedule University Of North Texas Athletics
Men's Basketball Broadcast Schedule University Of North Texas Athletics
Men's Basketball Broadcast Schedule – University Of North Texas Athletics DENTON — The North Texas men’s basketball team’s broadcast schedule for the upcoming 2022-23 season has been released.   The back-to-back-to-back Conference USA champions, who are scheduled to play 31 regular season games this season, will play five games on national television and 19 on ESPN+.   North Texas’ Jan. 26 matchup versus UTSA at the Super Pit will be broadcast on ESPNU.   The Mean Green, who won a program-record 25 games and a won program-record 16 league games last year, will play two games on CBS Sports Network: Jan. 5 at WKU and March 2 versus Middle Tennessee.   Their final two national television games will be on Stadium when they travel to UAB on Jan. 21 and when they host WKU in the regular season finale on March 4.   Fifteen of the Mean Green’s 20 C-USA games will be streamed on ESPN+.   UNT’s season opener is slated for Nov. 7 at the Super Pit versus Southern Nazarene and will be streamed free on YouTube. Tip-off is scheduled for 7 p.m. CT. It will be one of three North Texas games streamed on YouTube.   The broadcast of the Mean Green’s Nov. 13 game at Saint Mary’s will be announced at a later date. Mean Green Sports Network Presented by Learfield You can listen to every Mean Green men’s basketball game on the Varsity Network ap on the Mean Green Sports Network. Broadcasts are available worldwide. The voice of the Mean Green, Dave Barnett, and Hank Dickenson bring you court side coverage from every single game this season. 2023 Conference USA Championship The Conference USA Men’s Basketball Championship returns to The Star in Frisco, Texas, for the sixth-straight year in 2023. The 11-team, single-elimination tournament tips off Wednesday, March 8 and culminates in the title game, to be televised on CBS Sports Network on Saturday, March 11.    For North Texas ticket information and purchasing options, visit or contact the UNT Athletic Ticket Office at 940-565-2527 during regular business hours.   COMPLETE 2022-23 BROADCAST SCHEDULE Date                Time (ct)             Opponent                          Location                    TV 11/7                7 PM               Southern Nazarene             The Super Pit             YouTube 11/13              7 PM               Saint Mary’s                          Moraga, CA.                TBD 11/19              5 PM               Fresno State                        The Super Pit             ESPN+ 11/22              7 PM               Paul Quinn College             The Super Pit             YouTube 11/25              4:30 PM         San José State                       Nassau, Bahamas       FloHoops 11/26              TBD                TBD                                        Nassau, Bahamas       FloHoops 11/27              TBD                TBD                                        Nassau, Bahamas       FloHoops 12/3                5 PM               Omaha                                  The Super Pit              YouTube 12/6                7 PM               UT Arlington                           Arlington, TX                ESPN+ 12/10              4:30 PM         Grand Canyon                        Phoenix, AZ                  ESPN+ 12/17              2 PM               UMass                                   Springfield, MA             ESPN+ 12/22              7 PM               UTSA*                                    San Antonio, TX           ESPN+ 12/29              7 PM               Florida Atlantic*                    The Super Pit              ESPN+ 12/31              3 PM               FIU*                                        The Super Pit              ESPN+ 1/5                  8 PM               WKU*                                      Bowling Green, KY      CBSSN 1/7                  5 PM               Middle Tennessee*                 Murfreesboro, TN         ESPN+ 1/11                7 PM               Louisiana Tech*                    The Super Pit              ESPN+ 1/14                1 PM               Florida Atlantic*                      Boca Raton, FL            ESPN+ 1/16                6 PM               FIU*                                        Miami, FL                     ESPN+ 1/19                7 PM               Rice*                                       The Super Pit             ESPN+ 1/21                3 PM               UAB*                                       Birmingham, AL           Stadium 1/26                8 PM               UTSA*                                    The Super Pit              ESPNU 1/28                5 PM               UTEP*                                     The Super Pit             ESPN+ 2/4                  7 PM               Rice*                                       Houston, TX                 ESPN+ 2/9                  7 PM               UAB*                                       The Super Pit             ESPN+ 2/11                5 PM               Charlotte*                               The Super Pit             ESPN+ 2/16                6 PM               Louisiana Tech*                       Ruston, LA                  ESPN+ 2/18                8 PM               UTEP*                                     El Paso, TX                 ESPN+ 2/23                6 PM               Charlotte*                                Charlotte, NC              ESPN+ 3/2                  7 PM               Middle Tennessee*                The Super Pit            CBSSN 3/4                  2 PM               WKU*                                      The Super Pit            CBSSN * Conference USA Opponent BOLD = Home Contests         Read More…
Men's Basketball Broadcast Schedule University Of North Texas Athletics
Plane Down Near McKellips And Greenfield Roads In Mesa
Plane Down Near McKellips And Greenfield Roads In Mesa
Plane Down Near McKellips And Greenfield Roads In Mesa MESA, AZ — A small plane went down in Mesa Tuesday morning, landing in a canal near a busy intersection. The incident occurred near McKellips and Greenfield roads, near Falcon Field Airport, just before 8 a.m. Video from the scene showed a small aircraft that landed in a canal full of water. It appeared to be a strategic emergency landing, according to Mesa Fire and Medical officials. One person, the pilot, was on the plane at the time it went down and self-extricated from the aircraft. The pilot suffered minor injuries. The FAA says the aircraft involved was a single-engine Cessna 177RG. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating what led to the incident. It’s unknown whether the pilot was taking off, landing or otherwise when the incident occurred. Stay with ABC15 for updates on this developing story. Copyright 2022 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Sign up for the Headlines Newsletter and receive up to date information. Read More Here
Plane Down Near McKellips And Greenfield Roads In Mesa
The Armed Rebellion Wasn't Over FBI Agent Details Alleged Oath Keepers Conspiracy Ahead Of Jan. 6 Attack
The Armed Rebellion Wasn't Over FBI Agent Details Alleged Oath Keepers Conspiracy Ahead Of Jan. 6 Attack
“The Armed Rebellion Wasn't Over” – FBI Agent Details Alleged Oath Keepers Conspiracy Ahead Of Jan. 6 Attack As the high-profile Oath Keepers’ seditious conspiracy trial entered its third week on Monday, an FBI special agent testified that members of the far-right group worked to amass weapons and store them in a Washington, D.C.-area hotel in the days leading up to the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021. Prosecutors alleged that the group’s founder, Stewart Rhodes, traveled from his home state of Texas to Washington, D.C., stopping multiple times along the way to purchase weapons and ammunition, according to bank records presented to the jury in court. Rhodes and his associates Kelly Meggs, Jessica Watkins, Kenneth Harrelson and Thomas Caldwell stand accused of multiple crimes stemming from their alleged involvement in the events of Jan. 6, including seditious conspiracy, the most serious crime so far alleged in the Justice Department’s sprawling investigation. The five defendants have all pleaded not guilty and, although none are actually accused of weapons crimes, the alleged amassing of an arsenal outside the D.C. city limits is key to the government’s case. Rhodes and Caldwell are not accused of entering the Capitol. Meggs, Watkins and Harrelson allegedly formed a military-style “stack” to breach the building, according to the government. Their defense teams say the group was in D.C. largely to provide security to high-profile members of Trump’s orbit. During testimony from FBI agent Sylvia Hilgeman, prosecutors showed security camera footage from inside a Comfort Inn in Ballston, Virginia, where some of the defendants and their associates, some of whom have been charged and others who haven’t, allegedly planned for Jan. 6. The videos showed members of the Oath Keepers, like Harrelson and Meggs, inside the hotel as large containers, which investigators allege held weapons, were brought into the hotel — some on luggage carts, others in duffel bags. The weapons never entered Washington, D.C. — prosecutors concede the Oath Keepers were cognizant of the city’s firearms laws — but the government contends that the group amassed the weapons as part of an armed Quick Reaction Force, or QRF, designed to respond to Washington, D.C. if called into action. For his part, as Rhodes traveled from to the D.C. area, allegedly amassing weapons along the way, text messages displayed at trial revealed sexually-explicit communications between Rhodes and Oath Keepers attorney-turned Jan. 6 defendant Kellye SoRelle. Prosecutors contend the two had a personal relationship and defense attorneys have so far unsuccessfully argued SoRelle’s position as attorney barred her messages from the evidentiary records. SoRelle is charged with multiple counts related to the Jan. 6 attack and pleaded not guilty. Once in the Washington, D.C. area, the Oath Keepers allegedly prepared to take action. In a podcast on the morning of Jan. 6, Edward Vallejo – a member from Arizona also charged with seditious conspiracy and set to go on trial next month – spoke of resorting to “guerilla war,” according to recordings played at trial, advocating for Donald Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act and take a stand against the incoming Biden presidency. Vallejo was heard saying that Trump needed to take action, adding, “If that doesn’t happen, then sh** is on.” Vallejo is accused of preparing the QRF leading up to the attack. FBI agent Hilgeman’s testimony also advanced the government’s theory of the case, that the the storming of the Capitol was only the beginning, part of a larger seditious plan to prevent the peaceful transfer of power from Trump to Joe Biden. Defense attorneys are contending the Capitol breach was the final event, devoid of any larger conspiracy. Under cross-examination, Hilgeman told defense attorneys that she believed the allegedly armed QRF was not necessarily meant for the Capitol itself, but to occupy the city and prevent Joe Biden from ever becoming president, “whatever form that took.” Hilgeman said Caldwell talked of sending a boat full of weapons across the Potomac River from their Virginia hotel to the Capitol, if necessary. Seizing on the fact that none of the Oath Keepers are accused of bringing guns into Washington, D.C., Rhodes’ attorney Philip Linder asked the agent, “The armed rebellion was unarmed?” “The armed rebellion wasn’t over,” Hilgeman responded, acknowledging the government’s contention that the Oath Keepers planned to continue their resistance after the events of Jan. 6. And when asked by another defense attorney if Biden’s impending presidency was the impetus for the Oath Keepers’ presence in D.C. that day, Hilgeman responded by recalling her recollection of Rhodes’ own words that if Trump failed to act, “we will.” “This was the ‘we will’ part,” the agent said. Copyright 2022 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Sign up for the The Big Sky Blend Newsletter and receive up to date information. Read More Here
The Armed Rebellion Wasn't Over FBI Agent Details Alleged Oath Keepers Conspiracy Ahead Of Jan. 6 Attack
Mike Lee Tries To Distance Himself From Trump In Utah Debate
Mike Lee Tries To Distance Himself From Trump In Utah Debate
Mike Lee Tries To Distance Himself From Trump In Utah Debate OREM, Utah — Fending off attacks from his independent challenger, Sen. Mike Lee of Utah worked to distinguish himself from former President Donald Trump in a contentious debate Monday evening. “I stood against my party time and time again to oppose reckless spending. I will do it again and again and again. We need people who say no,” the second-term Republican said. Lee repeatedly pointed to his voting record and twice told the audience at Utah Valley University that he voted less in line with Trump than all but two Republican senators — Rand Paul and Susan Collins. “To suggest that I’m beholden to either party, that I’ve been a bootlicker for either party is folly. And it’s contradicted by the plain facts,” Lee said. Lee faces a challenge from Evan McMullin, a former Republican known most for his long-shot bid for president six years ago, when as an independent he won 21.5% of voters in Utah, including Lee. McMullin has remained a pillar of the anti-Trump movement, attacking the former president as an authoritarian who poses a threat to democracy. Lee’s attempts to draw a distinction with Trump reflect the peculiar dynamics emerging in Utah this election cycle. In the red state’s marquee race, one candidate is running as an independent and the other is attempting to emphasize his independent streak. The race has taken shape as one of the nation’s many referendums on the direction Trump has taken the GOP. McMullin is attempting to harness anti-Trump sentiment that has distinguished Utah from other Republican strongholds. Lee’s last minute efforts to put space between his voting record and Trump’s stances depart from his past messaging as Election Day nears. “I don’t think he’s trying to distance himself from Trump. What I think he’s trying to do is draw that contrast,’” Utah Republican Party Chair Carson Jorgensen said. “No, he’s stood up for what he believed every time, even when it came to Trump,” he added. Utah is a reliably Republican state, however its religion-infused politics are idiosyncratic. The majority of residents belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which places a high value on manners and eschews alcohol and foul language. Members of the faith lean Republican, yet polling has shown Trump commands less robust support among them than other prominent GOP politicians. Trump failed to win support from a majority of Utah voters in 2016 and Joe Biden performed better with Utah voters in 2020 than any Democrat since 1964. Lee’s emphasis on his willingness to stray from Trump comes as McMullin attempts to paint him as one of the former president’s most loyal disciples. McMullin recently released an attack ad based on Lee’s 2020 remarks comparing Trump to Captain Moroni, a scriptural hero in the Book of Mormon. Monday’s debate was McMullin’s first chance to directly confront Lee about the text messages he sent to Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in the lead-up to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, which he’s made a centerpiece of his campaign. The texts show Lee asking for advice on how to contribute to efforts to challenge the 2020 election results. Lee has defended his actions by saying he merely intended to look into the legal arguments and rumors about swing states putting forth slates of fake electors, noting that he ultimately voted to certify the results. On Monday, Lee demanded an apology from McMullin and said his version of events exhibited a “cavalier, reckless disregard for the truth.” Though the messages suggest Lee researched the legality of alternate elector slates in the lead-up to Jan. 6, Lee said they showed no evidence that he would have supported such a scheme. He said he wouldn’t have and noted that he voted to certify the election results. A raucous crowd made up mostly of Lee supporters jeered and booed when McMullin called Lee’s actions “a travesty.” “Senator Lee, that was the most egregious betrayal of our nation’s Constitution in its history by a U.S. Senator. I believe it will be your legacy,” McMullin said, wagging his finger at Lee. Read More Here
Mike Lee Tries To Distance Himself From Trump In Utah Debate
Trevor Noah Mocks Trump For Trying To Get Melania Truth Social Shares: Find You A Man Who Will Commit Securities Fraud For You (Video) IMDb
Trevor Noah Mocks Trump For Trying To Get Melania Truth Social Shares: Find You A Man Who Will Commit Securities Fraud For You (Video) IMDb
Trevor Noah Mocks Trump For Trying To Get Melania Truth Social Shares: ‘Find You A Man Who Will Commit Securities Fraud For You’ (Video) – IMDb Trevor Noah Mocks Trump for Trying to Get Melania Truth Social Shares: ‘Find You a Man Who Will Commit Securities Fraud for You’ (Video) 18 October 2022 by Andi Ortiz The Wrap When it comes to finding a romantic partner, Trevor Noah has some new advice for women: find a man who’s willing to commit fraud for you, like Donald Trump apparently tried to do for Melania. According to a report this week from The Washington Post, a whistleblower from Truth Social revealed that the twice impeached former president pushed another executive to give some of his shares in the social media company to Melania Trump and then fired him when he didn’t comply. Also Read: Trevor Noah Says Trump Will Testify Before the Jan. 6 Committee for the Ratings: It’s ‘the Super Bowl Meets Watergate’ (Video) “Which is just…so romantic!” Noah joked. “Yeah ladies, find you a man who will commit securities fraud for you! Are you kidding?” Joking somewhat aside — it is Trevor Noah after all — the late night host noted that giving your wife shares in See full article at The Wrap », Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the above news articles, Tweets, or blog posts. This content is published for the entertainment of our users only. The news articles, Tweets, and blog posts do not represent IMDb’s opinions nor can we guarantee that the reporting therein is completely factual. Please visit the source responsible for the item in question to report any concerns you may have regarding content or accuracy. Read More Here
Trevor Noah Mocks Trump For Trying To Get Melania Truth Social Shares: Find You A Man Who Will Commit Securities Fraud For You (Video) IMDb
Netanyahu Declines To Condemn Trumps Antisemitic Comments
Netanyahu Declines To Condemn Trumps Antisemitic Comments
Netanyahu Declines To Condemn Trump’s Antisemitic Comments Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday refused to say whether former president Donald Trump’s threat that American Jews should be more appreciative of him “before it’s too late” was antisemitic or opine on whether the twice-impeached ex-president is an antisemite. Mr Netanyahu – who has twice served as Israel’s prime minister, is currently facing corruption charges but could be returned to that post once more if his coalition of right-wing and religious fundamentalist parties garners a majority in the 1 November Israeli elections – was pressed on Mr Trump’s latest antisemitic comments while promoting his memoir on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Asked what he made of Mr Trump’s claim that Jews in the US should be more appreciative of what he has done for Israel — an invocation of dual loyalty tropes that most observers have condemned as classic antisemitism — Mr Netanyahu invoked Mr Trump’s Jewish son-in-law and his daughter, a convert to Judaism. “Well, you know, he has a Jewish son-in-law and his daughter converted to judaism, his grandchildren are raised as Jews,” he said. Mr Netanyahu added that in his estimation, Mr Trump’s antisemitic comment “reflects his frustration” for not getting “credit for the things he did”. Questioned further on whether the ex-president should be more careful with his rhetoric, the Israeli leader again refused to opine on whether Mr Trump’s use of antisemitic tropes carried any risk for American Jews. “Look, he’s been a great supporter of Israel. He has many Jewish supporters and he also has many opponents,” he said. Read More Here
Netanyahu Declines To Condemn Trumps Antisemitic Comments
Congressional Investigation Alleges Trump Administration Actively Tried To Downplay The COVID-19 Pandemic KVIA
Congressional Investigation Alleges Trump Administration Actively Tried To Downplay The COVID-19 Pandemic KVIA
Congressional Investigation Alleges Trump Administration Actively Tried To Downplay The COVID-19 Pandemic – KVIA A new Congressional report makes alarming allegations against the trump administration saying they blocked accurate information about COVID-19. Those accusations come in a 91-page report issued by the Democrat-led House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus crisis. Senior CDC employees say they were not allowed to convey information early on in the pandemic. One communications officer said Trump appointee Michael Caputo at the Department of Health and Human Services made her feel threatened. Another CDC official says he was not asked to do tele-briefings anymore after Caputo found his statements “too alarming.” Caputo denies both these claims and suggested the communication officer’s allegation is a case of sour grapes after she clashed with his management style. Other CDC officials say the Trump administration made the process of releasing scientific reports and death tolls unnecessarily complicated. Yet another CDC official says his team did not order the border to be closed during the pandemic but was handed orders to do so. BE PART OF THE CONVERSATION KVIA ABC 7 is committed to providing a forum for civil and constructive conversation. Please keep your comments respectful and relevant. You can review our Community Guidelines by clicking here If you would like to share a story idea, please submit it here. Read More Here
Congressional Investigation Alleges Trump Administration Actively Tried To Downplay The COVID-19 Pandemic KVIA
Five Takeaways From The Second Ohio Senate Debate ABC17NEWS
Five Takeaways From The Second Ohio Senate Debate ABC17NEWS
Five Takeaways From The Second Ohio Senate Debate – ABC17NEWS By Dan Merica, CNN The second Ohio Senate debate between Democrat Tim Ryan and Republican J.D. Vance was a personal and combative affair, with each candidate repeatedly questioning the other’s character. The heated nature highlighted just how crucial this race has become as Republicans look to defend the seat and win control of the evenly divided Senate in November. The Democratic Party has struggled for years in the Buckeye State, which former President Donald Trump twice carried, and even the most buoyant members of the party thought flipping retiring GOP Sen. Rob Portman’s seat in 2022 was a longshot. But a strong campaign from Ryan and Vance’s struggles have made the race more competitive than expected. Some of the most notable flashpoints in the debate were about whether either candidate would stand up to Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, which abortions laws each candidate would back and a personal and heated argument about “replacement theory,” the idea that White people are being slowly and intentionally replaced by minorities and immigrants. What became clear throughout the night is that Ryan and Vance visibly don’t like each other, as each tried to tie the other to a long slate of other people: From Trump to Pelosi to conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent. Here are five takeaways from the second Ohio Senate debate: ‘Donald Trump told a joke’ Some of the clearest — and most personal — exchanges were over the candidates’ willingness to stand up to their own parties, most notably Vance’s ties to Trump after the former President said at a recent campaign rally that Vance was “kissing my ass” to get him to campaign for him. “Donald Trump told a joke,” Vance said after the moderator asked about the former President’s comment, “and Tim Ryan has decided to run his entire campaign on it.” Vance added: “I know the President very well and he was joking about a New York Times story. That’s all he was doing. I didn’t take offense to it — I talked to the President before it. I talked to the President after it. Everybody there took it as a joke.” That response gave Ryan, who visibly chuckled while Vance was answering, an opening. After being asked about voting with Pelosi — a frequent talking point for Vance — Ryan noted he ran against the California Democrat for speaker. But then pivoted to Vance. “You have to have the courage to take on your leaders. These leaders in DC will eat you up like a chew toy,” Ryan said. “You were calling Trump America’s Hitler, then you kiss his ass, and then you kissed his ass, and he endorsed you and you said he is the greatest president of all time.” The congressman added: “It is nothing personal. I am just telling you, like, I have been in this business, it is tough business. If you think you are going to help Ohio, you are not. If you can’t even stand up for yourself, how are you going to stand up for the people of this state?” Pelosi, Pelosi, Pelosi Ryan was not alone in seeking to tie his opponent to a leader of his party. It took mere minutes for Vance to mention Ryan’s ties to Pelosi — and the Republican kept coming back to the hit. “I really wish Tim Ryan would have stood up to his party on this vote because it might have made the inflation crisis we have been seeing over the last few months a lot better if he hadn’t done what he always does, which is vote with Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden 100% of the time,” Vance said in his first answer, alluding to the congressman’s vote for Democrats’ health care, climate and tax package. Ryan looked prepared to take on the attack, using it to tie Vance to the San Francisco area, where the Republican used to live and which Pelosi represents. “J.D., you keep talking about Nancy Pelosi. If you want to run against Nancy Pelosi, move back to San Francisco and run against Nancy Pelosi. You are running against me,” Ryan said. But the response didn’t dissuade Vance, who took the attack a step further by comparing Ryan voting with Pelosi “100% of the time” with an ad the Democrat is running where he and his wife joke about only agreeing 70% of the time. “Must make things a little awkward in the Ryan household, I suppose,” Vance said. “But look, you vote with her 100% of the time, so you can’t run from the policies that she has supported, that she has shoved down the throat of people in Ohio.” Questions of character Each candidate spent much of the night questioning the other’s character, often implying — our outright saying — that their opponent is not who they say they are. During an exchange on immigration, Ryan said he is “not going to take any guff” from Vance on the issue because “he invested in dozens of companies that use foreign workers.” “This is why, J.D. Vance, with all due respect, is a fraud,” Ryan said. “My little Italian grandmother had a saying for when she met somebody like J.D. Vance — due facce — you have two faces, one for the camera and one for your business dealings.” Vance, in turn, questioned the moderate persona Ryan touts on the campaign trail. “Tim Ryan says he believes in reasonable solutions. Well Tim, what were you doing on those reasonable solutions in your 20 years in Washington, DC?” Vance asked. Abortion remains a point of divergence There are vast differences in the candidates’ positions on abortion, an issue Democrats have seized on since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in late June. Ryan, asked about the prospect of Republicans controlling Congress, said that would lead him to “spend all my time trying to fight a national abortion ban.” Vance responded with one of his most scathing lines from their first debate by seemingly blaming Ryan for the rape of the 10-year-old Ohio girl who sought an abortion in neighboring Indiana by noting she was allegedly raped by an undocumented immigrant. “That little girl was raped by an illegal immigrant,” Vance said, adding that people “need to be honest about the fact that she would have never been raped in the first place if Tim Ryan had done his job on border security.” Vance took issue with a question on exceptions to strict abortion laws. An exception in the case of incest “looks different at 3 weeks of pregnancy versus 39 weeks of pregnancy, so I actually don’t think you can say on a debate stage every single thing that you are going to vote for when it comes to an abortion piece of legislation.” The Republican did, however, indicate he was likely to support a bill proposed by South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham that would ban the procedure after 15-weeks and does provide exceptions for abortions required to protect the life of the mother, and if the woman becomes pregnant through rape or incest. “I think it is totally reasonable to say you cannot abort a baby, especially for elective reasons, after 15 weeks of gestation,” Vance said. ‘It’s disgraceful’ Some of the most personal sniping came during a back-and-forth on “replacement theory,” which has been embraced in some quarters of the right. Asked about the theory by the moderator, Ryan said it was “nonsense” and “grounded in some of those most racially divisive writings in the history of the world.” He also accused Vance of “running around” with people who believe in it. “There is no big grand conspiracy — this is a country who has been enriched by immigrants,” said Ryan, which sparked a fierce response from the Republican because, as he noted, his wife Usha is the “daughter of South Asian immigrants.” “Shameful for you to accuse me of that,” Vance said. Vance criticized Ryan, arguing that that kind of hit leads “my biracial children” to “get attacked by scumbags online and in person because you are so desperate for political power, that you will accuse me, the father of three beautiful biracial babies, of engaging in racism. We are sick of it.” He added: “This just shows how desperate this guy is for political power. I know you have been in office for 20 years, Tim. And I know it is a sweet gig. But you are so desperate to not have a real job that you will slander me and slander my family. It’s disgraceful.” Ryan, who did not invoke Vance’s family, ended by noting that he seemed to have “struck a nerve” but “would never talk about your family.” Ryan and Vance went right into closing statements after the raw exchange, putting a cap on an already dramatic night. The-CNN-Wire & © 2022 Cable News Network, Inc., a Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All rights reserved. Read More Here
Five Takeaways From The Second Ohio Senate Debate ABC17NEWS
Keystone Law Firm In Chandler Has Experienced Estate Planning Attorney For Immediate Legal Help Digital Journal
Keystone Law Firm In Chandler Has Experienced Estate Planning Attorney For Immediate Legal Help Digital Journal
Keystone Law Firm In Chandler Has Experienced Estate Planning Attorney For Immediate Legal Help – Digital Journal Chandler, AZ – Keystone Law Firm is a leading estate planning law firm in Chandler, AZ, and the surrounding areas. They have been serving community members for years, ensuring they have access to immediate legal help when needed the most. The law firm has experienced Chandler estate planning attorneys who provide free case evaluations to community members, helping them to better understand their situation and the right legal steps to take. Encouraging community members to contact their Chandler estate planning attorney for all issues relating to elder law and estate planning, the firm’s spokesperson said: “Here at Keystone Law Firm, we are problem solvers, and we take great pride in helping our clients find optimal solutions that concern Estate Planning, Probate, Trust, Elder Law, & Long-term Care Planning Law issues.” The firm’s team of highly dedicated attorneys understands the difficult decisions that the clients must make when deciding how to protect their hard-earned assets in case of illness, incapacitation, or death. Keystone Law Firm strives to ease the stress by paying close attention to their individual wishes and unique needs. Serving clients in Chandler, AZ, and the surrounding areas, including Gilbert, Sun Lakes, Mesa, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Apache Junction, and Tempe, the firm’s Chandler will lawyer ensures that each client gets the personalized service they need. The lawyers will go over typical client needs like wills and trusts, how to set them up, who can set them up and beneficiaries, etc. Clients will have a chance to ask questions and seek advice on how suitable the option is for them and their loved ones. Those looking for help with financial planning can trust the Chandler lawyer at Keystone Law Firm to save them from the deceptive business practices that are common in today’s financial industry. The lawyers will work directly for their clients, ensuring that clients don’t have to deal with the hassles of a broker or funds company. The lawyers will also explain all areas of their financial plan and provide ongoing coaching to clients. Chandler residents looking for tax planning help can also consult with the expert tax planners at the law firm. The tax planners will check for inaccuracies in taxes, evaluate charitable contributions that could be deducted, and put tax planning strategies in place to save the client more money in taxes. They can also be trusted to help with the preparation of federal and state income tax returns and calculating quarterly estimated tax payments. Individuals and families considering long-term care, those interested in caring for disabled or impaired adults, and those involved in probate matters can also contact Keystone Law Firm for help. The law firm offers free case evaluations and can be contacted via phone at (480) 418-8448 or visit their website. Their office is at 2701 W. Queen Creek Rd., #3, Chandler, AZ 85248, USA. Media Contact Company Name Keystone Law Firm Contact Name Francisco Sirvent Phone (480) 418-8448 Address 2701 W. Queen Creek Rd. #3 City Chandler State AZ Postal Code 85248 Country United States Website Read More Here
Keystone Law Firm In Chandler Has Experienced Estate Planning Attorney For Immediate Legal Help Digital Journal
Barbie Is Bringing Malibu To The Desert! Check Out The Fun Pop-Up Truck's Three Arizona Stops
Barbie Is Bringing Malibu To The Desert! Check Out The Fun Pop-Up Truck's Three Arizona Stops
Barbie Is Bringing Malibu To The Desert! Check Out The Fun Pop-Up Truck's Three Arizona Stops The fun is headed to Tucson, Glendale and Gilbert Mora Film Co./Mora Film Co. Posted at 6:27 AM, Oct 18, 2022 and last updated 2022-10-18 09:27:11-04 Barbie is bringing retro Malibu vibes to the desert! The Barbie Malibu Pop-Up Truck will be hitting Arizona on its 2022 national tour, stopping in Tucson, Glendale and Gilbert. Barbie Malibu Tour Barbie fans can take photos with the bright Barbie merchandise truck, and browse and buy 1970s-themed Barbie beach apparel and accessories. They have exclusive embroidered denim jackets, hats, patches, pins, beach towels, water bottles, jewelry and other apparel. Mora Film Co./Mora Film Co. The national tour coincides with the 50th Anniversary of the famous Malibu Barbie! IF YOU GO: Tucson: October 22, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at La Encantada in Restaurant Circle, 2905 E. Skyline Drive, Tucson, AZ 85718 Glendale: Saturday, November 5, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Arrowhead Towne Center near the AMC Theater, 7700 W. Arrowhead Towne Center, Glendale, AZ 85308 Gilbert: Saturday, November 12, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at SanTan Village near American Eagle, 2218 E. Williams Field Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85295 Copyright 2022 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Sign up for the Headlines Newsletter and receive up to date information. Read More Here
Barbie Is Bringing Malibu To The Desert! Check Out The Fun Pop-Up Truck's Three Arizona Stops