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White Supremacy In Blackface: The Curious Case Of Herschel Walker Baptist News Global
White Supremacy In Blackface: The Curious Case Of Herschel Walker Baptist News Global
White Supremacy In Blackface: The Curious Case Of Herschel Walker – Baptist News Global Blackface is one of the disgraceful aspects of American history. Popularized in the United States after the Civil War, blackface involved white performers playing characters that demeaned and dehumanized African Americans. These offensive and blatantly racist performances were done in minstrel shows and, eventually, on screen. Performers transformed themselves into caricatures of Black people by using burnt cork, greasepaint or shoe polish. Advertisement for a minstrel show featuring blackface. In the 21st century, there is a particularly pernicious type of blackface that utilizes actual Black bodies to promote white supremacy. It often involves the white-dominated Republican Party using Black men and women to forward a reactionary political agenda that is harmful to Black lives. This “Blaxploitation,” as it were, is on full display in a number of individuals. These include Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, Candace Owens and Stacey Dash. However, the most recent iteration of this phenomenon is the former football great Herschel Walker. Unfit for office Walker is the GOP nominee in the 2022 U.S. Senate election in Georgia, endorsed by former President Donald Trump. He is running against the current senator, Raphael Warnock. Also a Black man, Warnock is a member of the Democratic Party and pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. “By every objective measure, Walker is wholly unqualified and unfit for the office he seeks.” By every objective measure, Walker is wholly unqualified and unfit for the office he seeks. He obviously doesn’t understand the basics of government and public affairs. Also, it has been reported that he has a history of violence toward women. His ex-wife stated, “The first time he held a gun to my head, he held a gun to my temple and said he was gonna blow my brains out.” It has been reported by The Daily Beast that, in 2009, Walker paid for a woman to have an abortion. Credible evidence of the same has been presented by the woman in question. Subsequently, it was reported that Walker asked the same woman to have a second abortion. She refused. The child whom they conceived is now 10 years old. Walker is running on a platform that includes a national ban on abortion with no exceptions. Many see this as the height of hypocrisy, given what has been reported. But, to many “pro-life” supporters (many of whom are white evangelicals), two things make Walker useful as a candidate: He has name recognition, and he has a Black face. These same Republicans historically have railed against supporters of affirmative action. But, as was the case when Clarence Thomas was nominated for the Supreme Court, white Republicans have rallied behind Walker. Walker being Black provides them with cover to claim they’re not racist because of their willingness to vote for him. “He would be an instrument of white supremacy, rather than an advocate for people of color.” Walker has made several nearly unintelligible comments about important policy issues. In fact, Walker’s remarks in four areas indicate he would be a servant of the privileged few, rather than a champion for the common good. He would be an instrument of white supremacy, rather than an advocate for people of color. Voting rights When asked where he stands on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which Warnock supports, Walker made it quite clear he is not in favor of the proposed legislation. He said, “You know what’s sad about that — to use the name of a great man to brand something that is so bad, I think it is terrible to do. Sen. Lewis was one of the greatest senators that’s ever been and for African Americans that was absolutely incredible. To throw his name on a bill for voting rights I think is a shame.” Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker walks off the stage during a rally featuring former US President Donald Trump on September 25, 2021 in Perry, Georgia. Georgia Secretary of State candidate Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) and Georgia Lieutenant Gubernatorial candidate State Sen. Burt Jones (R-GA) also appeared as guests at the rally. (Photo by Sean Rayford/Getty Images) One would think any candidate for a national office would know Lewis was not a senator but a member of the House of Representatives. Further, to say the bill “doesn’t fit what John Lewis stood for” is tantamount to saying, “Kobe Bryant was not especially passionate about basketball.” An icon of the Civil Rights movement, Lewis shed his life’s blood for the purpose of securing equal voting rights for Black citizens. Most notably, this occurred on a “Bloody Sunday” in 1965, as Lewis and others were brutally beaten by Alabama state troopers on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. There is a systematic effort on the part of Republicans around the country to pass more restrictive voting laws, making it harder for people to vote. Such laws disproportionately impact African Americans and other people of color. Walker’s comments indicate he would do nothing to protect the voting rights of people who look like him. Critical Race Theory In evaluating Walker’s fitness for office, one should also consider what he’s said about Critical Race Theory. At a rally in Atlanta, Walker exclaimed, “I’m sick and tired of them wanting to teach ‘CTR’ in school.” He got the abbreviation for Critical Race Theory (CRT) wrong. But one could argue that was a gaffe, albeit a very awkward one. The bigger issue is that he’s bought into the myth perpetuated by right-wing propagandists that Critical Race Theory is taught in schools all around the country. In actuality, it’s primarily taught in certain law schools. The manufactured CRT “Red Scare” Walker is pushing is really about outlawing any truthful discussions in schools concerning racism. It’s also about perpetuating a romanticized historical narrative that’s rooted in American exceptionalism. This does not foster patriotism in students, but a misinformed and misguided nationalism. Walker is apparently on board with this.  Colorblindness  During the same speech in Atlanta, Walker said: “We’re Americans. We’re not Black. We’re not white.” To be sure, Walker is propagating colorblindness. The problem with a colorblind conception within American society is that white always has been the default color. Whiteness is seen as the ideal into which non-whites should assimilate. “Whiteness is seen as the ideal into which non-whites should assimilate.” In her book White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America, Anthea Butler said, “A call for colorblindness seems peculiar in a nation wherein race has been the most critical and the most powerful issue in effecting political change.” While it is true that race is a social construction, it is also true that race is the most salient determinant of social power. Colorblindness is both naive and dismissive of this reality. To say to a person of color, “I don’t see color” is the same as saying, “I don’t see you, or the unique struggles that are associated with your color.” Colorblindness enables a candidate such as Walker to totally disregard racial disparities at play within the communities he’s seeking to represent. African Americans make up half of Atlanta’s residents, but 80% of its Black children live in high-poverty neighborhoods with little access to health care, compared to 6% of white children. “Atlanta has the widest gap in breast cancer mortality rates between African American women and white women of any U.S. city.” According to a study in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Atlanta has the widest gap in breast cancer mortality rates between African American women and white women of any U.S. city. It also is the city with the nation’s highest death rate for Black men with prostate cancer— 49.7 deaths per 100,000 residents. According to the National Cancer Institute, the mortality rate for white men in Atlanta is 19.3. I’m sure Walker is clueless about all these disparities. Environmental concerns  While speaking at a Hall County GOP event, Walker made some remarks about air pollution that came across more like a stand-up comedy routine than a specific policy statement. In this case, however, peoples’ health and survival are at stake, and that’s not a laughing matter. Walker said: “We in America have some of the cleanest air and cleanest water of anybody in the world.  … Since we don’t control the air, our good air decided to float over to China’s bad air, so when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move. So, it moves over to our good air space. Then, now, we got to clean that back up.” Two things should be noted relative to Walker’s nonsensical comments. First, according to the Yale Environmental Performance Index, the United States only ranks 43rd out of 180 countries in overall environmental quality and 16th in air quality. Second, reputable studies have shown that, in terms of air quality, China and the United States are two of the world’s biggest polluters, although both have made improvements in recent years. Some researchers contend that environmental racism is the leading cause of death in communities of color. According to a report by Scientific American, “air pollution and extreme heat are killing inner-city residents at a higher rate than almost all other causes.” Walker said at another campaign event, “Don’t we have enough trees around here?” By doing so, more of his callousness toward marginalized communities was exposed. The bottom line Herschel Walker is bad for voting rights, bad for education, bad for addressing disparities among Georgians, bad for the environment. Like his “friend” Donald Trump, he has been prolific at lying. He has lied about his academic record, his previous work experience, his business dealings, his earnin...
White Supremacy In Blackface: The Curious Case Of Herschel Walker Baptist News Global
Google Lets Trump's "Truth" Social Onto App Store
Google Lets Trump's "Truth" Social Onto App Store
Google Lets Trump's "Truth" Social Onto App Store Infamy, infamy, they have all got it infamy Google has approved former US President Donald Trump’s social media app Truth Social for distribution in the Google Play Store. In May, Former President Donald Trump was reportedly spreading a rumour that Google was undermining his new social media platform, Truth Social, two sources told Rolling Stone. Since it debuted, the Twitter alternative developed by Trump Media & Technology Group has been unavailable for download on the Google Play store — a digital marketplace for Android apps that controls nearly 70 per cent of the global operating system market and 42 per cent of the domestic market. “He keeps hearing about how Google and YouTube have it out for him … including on Truth Social, and I think he’s taking it seriously,” a source told the outlet. So, basically Google cannot win by allowing Truth Social into the store. If it doesn’t then they are part of the great socialist big state which is suppressing his free speech and if they do then they are secretly trying to undermine him and will be responsible if it fails. Read More Here
Google Lets Trump's "Truth" Social Onto App Store
Social Security COLA 2023 Release Live Online: Estimate Adjustment And Inflation Relief Checks | SSA Updates
Social Security COLA 2023 Release Live Online: Estimate Adjustment And Inflation Relief Checks | SSA Updates
Social Security COLA 2023 Release, Live Online: Estimate, Adjustment And Inflation Relief Checks | SSA Updates 2023 Social Security COLA: Latest Updates SOCIAL SECURITY How can you check your COLA notice online and when will I see the increase in my Social Security checks? The Social Security Administration announces annually its cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to benefits so that they keep pace with inflation. With prices rising at a clip not seen in four decades many beneficiaries will be anxious to see what the boost to their monthly checks will be in 2023. While the agency mails out letters throughout the month of December, but they request not to contact them until January, the first month when beneficiaries will see payments with the higher amount, as the notice could take time to reach you. However, you may not need to wait for the mail to know how much your payments will increase based on the 2023 COLA. Read our full coverage for more details on when beneficiaries will be informed of their 2023 benefit amounts.  In anticipation of the 2023 Social Security COLA announcement, Democrats are going on the attack.  Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse sent a tweet calling out Republican plans to make cuts to Social Security.  “Republicans have said they want to put Social Security on the chopping block, though they’re awful cagey about admitting it,” said Whitehouse. In the lead up to the mid-terms, Democrats are trying to make the differences between their position and that of Republicans on Social Security very clear to voters. Democratic leaders know that Social Security is popular and that they can nail Republicans by calling out their attempts to continue the privatization of retirement, which comes at great risk to workers. Consider that during the 2008 Financial Crisis, millions of workers saw their 401(k) and pension devastated by criminal bets taken by Wall Street bankers.  Latest News Social Security COLA 2023: how much is the increase on benefits? The Social Secuirty Administration (SSA) is likely to announce the 2023 Cost-of-living adjustment on Thursday, 13 October. Last year, an increase of 5.9 percent was applied to benefits – one of the largest on record. This year, that number could be surpassed as inflation has continued to impact markets of key commodity groups, including food, energy, and shelter. Read more on the possible increase in our full coverage.  Social Security COLA increase, explained The Social Security COLA is calculated using price data from July, August, and September and comparing the data from the current year to the previous.  This year, inflation has rocked consumer markets, meaning that the 2023 COLA would be one of the largest seen in forty years. The COLA will not only be applied to Social Secutiy benefits but also beneficiaries of Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance.  SOCIAL SECURITY At what age is Social Security no longer taxed in the US? The Social Security Administration is expected to announce the 2023 COLA on 13 October, and the boost could be a doozy. Great news for those that are finding their monthly checks not going as far in the face of rising prices. Bad news for those that will break the income thresholds where a portion of their benefits are liable to taxation. Read more in our full coverage.  Hello and welcome to AS USA’s live blog on the 2023 Social Security COLA increase for Thursday, 13 October.  The Social Security Adminstration is expected to announce the 2023 Cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for social security benefits, as well as other programs like Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance. The COLA offered this year could be historic in size after inflation has plagued markets for basic commodities consumed by most households, including food, shelter, utilities, and gasoline.   Read More Here
Social Security COLA 2023 Release Live Online: Estimate Adjustment And Inflation Relief Checks | SSA Updates
Kamikaze Drones And Missiles Hit Ukraine's North And South; Putin Could Discuss Peace Talks With Turkey's President
Kamikaze Drones And Missiles Hit Ukraine's North And South; Putin Could Discuss Peace Talks With Turkey's President
Kamikaze Drones And Missiles Hit Ukraine's North And South; Putin Could Discuss Peace Talks With Turkey's President Satellite imagery shows damaged Crimea bridge being repaired A satellite image by Maxar shows repairs being made to the Kerch Strait bridge that was damaged by an explosion on Oct. 8, 2022. Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies New satellite images have been released by Maxar showing repairs being made to the Kerch Strait, also known as the Crimea Bridge, that was damaged by a large explosion last Saturday. The image above shows repairs in progress on both the rail line of the Crimea Bridge as well as on damaged sections of the road/vehicle bridge span. Vehicles (primarily cars and small trucks) can be seen traveling along the bridge and nearby while a ferry transports trucks across the Kerch Strait. The image was taken on Oct.12. On Wednesday, Russia’s security services said it had made eight arrests in connection to the attack, detaining five Russians and three citizens of Ukraine and Armenia that it alleged were connected to the attack on the bridge that Russia uses to access Crimea, a peninsula it illegally annexed from Ukraine in 2014, and to resupply its troops in southern Ukraine. Kyiv has not said whether it was responsible for the attack on the bridge and said it would not respond to the arrests. — Holly Ellyatt Ukraine says it has only 10% of what it needs for air defenses Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy poses for a pictures with Ukrainian servicemen as he visits the town of Izium, recently liberated by Ukraine’s armed forces, in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine on Sept. 14, 2022. Gleb Garanich | Reuters President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the country only has about 10% of what it needs for its air defenses and ruled out diplomatic contacts with Russia, Reuters reported Thursday. Participating in a question-and-answer session with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Zelenskyy said diplomacy was not possible with leaders who do not respect international law. The comments come as Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to meet Turkey’s President Erdogan on Thursday. It’s expected that Turkey could formally offer to host peace talks between Russia and the West in a bid to end the war in Ukraine. Kyiv has previously said it will not partake in any talks while Putin is president. — Holly Ellyatt More details on drone strikes on the Kyiv region More details have emerged of drone strikes on the Kyiv region in the early hours of Thursday morning. Oleksiy Kuleba, the head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration, said on Telegram earlier that “kamikaze” drones were attacking the region, calling on residents to shelter. In an update on the messaging platform, Kuleba said three attacks by kamikaze drones had targeted an “infrastructure object” causing a fire. “There are no victims or injured. At 06:45, the fire was contained, there was no open fire. 43 people and 12 units of emergency services equipment were involved in extinguishing the fire,” he said, without specifying the object targeted. Russia has repeatedly targeted Ukraine’s energy infrastructure this week, severely disrupting the country’s water and power supplies. — Holly Ellyatt Russian forces likely looking to cement new front line in the south, UK says A view of the grad rocket firing as counterattacks against Russian forces continue in the Kherson region, on October 07, 2022. Anadolu Agency | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images Having retreated around 20 kilometers (around 12 miles) in the north of the Kherson region earlier in October, Russian forces are likely now attempting to consolidate a new front line, according to Britain’s Ministry of Defense. This new front line was likely to the west of the village of Mylove, which lies to the east of the city of Kherson, a Russian-occupied city in the Kherson region in southern Ukraine, where Ukrainian forces are continuing a counteroffensive to reclaim lost territory. “Heavy fighting continues along this line, especially at the western end where Ukrainian advances mean Russia’s flank is no longer protected by the Inhulets River. Most of the Russia troops on this front line remain understrength VDV (airborne) units,” the ministry said in its latest intelligence update on Twitter. The U.K. believes that, in recent days, the Russian occupation authorities have likely ordered preparation for the evacuation of some civilians from Kherson. “It is likely that they anticipate combat extending to the city of Kherson itself,” the ministry said. — Holly Ellyatt Putin and Erdogan could discuss peace talk options Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to meet Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday. Anadolu Agency | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to meet Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday. It’s expected that Turkey could formally offer to host peace talks between Russia and the West in a bid to end the war in Ukraine. There have been various reports suggesting Ankara — which has positioned itself as something of a broker between Russia and Ukraine during the conflict, helping to negotiate the restarting of grain shipments from Ukraine — could suggest that it host talks between Western governments and Russia about how to bring an end to the war in Ukraine. Crucially, however, no mention of Ukraine attending the talks has been made. Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy has repeatedly said lately that he will not negotiate with his Russian counterpart and that Ukraine is only ready to talk when Russian troops retreat from its territory. Yuri Ushakov, an aide to President Putin, told the Russian state-owned Interfax news agency that the Russian leader and Erdogan could be expected to discuss the matter when they meet in Astana Thursday, however. The leaders enjoy cordial relations despite Turkey’s NATO membership. “Many say that the Turks are ready to come up with other initiatives in the context of the settlement of the Ukrainian conflict, there are various reports in the press that the Turkish side puts forward specific considerations on this matter. I do not exclude that Erdogan will actively touch upon this topic in during this Astana contact, so a very interesting and, I hope, useful discussion awaits us,” Ushakov said, Interfax reported Thursday. Ushakov noted that several possible formats for talks were being reported on in the Turkish media, “including ‘Russia and the United States, the leading countries of Western Europe’, etc.” Earlier this week, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday that Moscow had not received any specific proposals to hold talks with Washington, London, Paris and Berlin in Turkey. Peskov said that “there is a need to figure out what the goal of such a meeting will be, what the result of the meeting could be and whom it could involve,” before speculating about the possibility of talks. — Holly Ellyatt Mykolaiv ‘massively shelled’ overnight, mayor says Air raid warnings sounded out over the southern port city of Mykolaiv overnight with the city’s Mayor Oleksandr Senkevich saying it had been “massively shelled.” “Mykolaiv was massively shelled. A five-story residential building was hit. The two upper floors were completely destroyed, the rest – under rubble. Rescuers are working on the spot,” the Ukrainian official posted on Telegram. A 12-year-old boy (some reports suggest the boy is 11) was found under the rubble of a residential building and was handed over to medics. “According to preliminary information, there may be seven more people under the rubble, with whom there is no contact. Search and rescue work continues,” he added. — Holly Ellyatt Ukraine says critical infrastructure facilities in Kyiv hit by drones Critical infrastructure facilities in the Kyiv region have been hit by drone strikes, Reuters reported, citing a statement from Ukraine’s presidential office. “Another attack by kamikaze drones on critical infrastructure facilities,” the office’s deputy head Kyrylo Tymoshenko was quoted as saying on Telegram, the messaging app. –Jihye Lee Air defense systems crucial for Ukraine as Russian strikes continue, Zelenskyy says Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has spent much of the week calling on Ukraine’s international allies to provide it with more air defense assistance as Russian strikes on various regions continue. In his nightly address Wednesday, he said “the more audacious and cruel Russian terror becomes, the more obvious it is to the world that helping Ukraine to protect the sky is one of the most important humanitarian tasks for Europe.” NATO ministers gathering in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday have already pledged more comprehensive air defense assistance for Kyiv to protect against Russian strikes. The U.S., U.K., France and Germany all pledged, or have sent, such systems to Ukraine. Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov (center) talks to his Turkish counterpart Hulusi Akar (left) before the start of the Ukrainian defense contact group meeting at NATO headquarters, on Oct. 12, 2022 in Brussels, Belgium. Omar Havana | Getty Images News | Getty Images The need for such systems has become pressing given Russia’s targeting of cities and critical infrastructure across the country this week. Power and water supplies are still damaged in a number of regions after Russia targeted energy facilities on Monday and Tuesday and, to a lesser extent, yesterday. Zelenskyy said last night that the power supply had been fully restored to most parts of the country while work was ongoing to repair the electricity supply in four regions. “Recovery continued across the country today [Wednesday] after a two-day Russian missile attack. At...
Kamikaze Drones And Missiles Hit Ukraine's North And South; Putin Could Discuss Peace Talks With Turkey's President
Nury Martinez Resigns From Los Angeles City Council In Wake Of Leaked Audio Scandal
Nury Martinez Resigns From Los Angeles City Council In Wake Of Leaked Audio Scandal
Nury Martinez Resigns From Los Angeles City Council In Wake Of Leaked Audio Scandal Nury Martinez motion is pictured at City Hall on Aug. 30, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA. Photo: Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images Nury Martinez resigned from the Los Angeles City Council on Wednesday in the fallout of leaked audio in which she and two other councilmembers made racist remarks. The latest: The council has struggled to perform its duties in the wake of the scandal, as angry protesters disrupted a meeting for a second straight day at City Hall on Wednesday. Acting city council president Mitch O’Farrell emphasized that none of the councilmembers who took part in the taped conversation were present, but the meeting was adjourned after just over an hour with no discussion or official action complete, the New York Times notes. Driving the news: “It is with a broken heart that I resign my seat for Council District 6, the community I grew up in and my home,” Martinez said in a statement. The council’s former president said previously she would take a leave of absence after resigning from her leadership position.  California Gov Gavin Newsom (D) said in a statement Martinez’s resignation was “the right move,” adding “these comments have no place in our state, or in our politics.” The big picture: The announcement comes after days of blowback over the audio — from a conversation last year about redistricting — that was obtained and published by the Los Angeles Times over the weekend. Martinez was called to step down by City Council colleagues, community activists, and even President Biden, along with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, mayoral candidates Karen Bass and Rick Caruso and U.S. Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.). Meanwhile, Councilmembers Gil Cedillo and Kevin de León, who were also heard on the call, have apologized but have not resigned. Background: The three Latino councilmembers used derogatory language during the secretly-recorded conversation. In the audio, Martinez is heard saying a white councilmember handled his Black son like an “accessory.” She also used a Spanish term meaning “little monkey” to describe the child. Of note: California Attorney General Rob Bonta (D) announced earlier Wednesday that his office will launch an investigation into Los Angeles redistricting as a result of the leaked audio. Zoom out: The nation’s second-largest city is in the midst of a mayoral election in which rising crime, growing homelessness and the economy have dominated, per Axios’ Russell Contreras. Experts say the racism heard in the recording underscores prevailing anti-Black and anti-Indigenous attitudes among many Latino communities. What’s next: The crisis is unlikely to affect the upcoming mayoral election, but if all the councilmembers refuse to resign and the protests continue, tensions could increase. A new mayor will have to tackle those issues — and heal a new fallout. Editor’s note: This article has been updated with new details throughout. Read More Here
Nury Martinez Resigns From Los Angeles City Council In Wake Of Leaked Audio Scandal
The Top-Notch AC And Heating Services In Mesa AZ Digital Journal
The Top-Notch AC And Heating Services In Mesa AZ Digital Journal
The Top-Notch AC And Heating Services In Mesa AZ – Digital Journal Everest Air LLC is a leading AC and heating installation contractor in Mesa, providing reliable HVAC installation, repair, replacement, and maintenance solutions to the residents in the locality. In a recent update, Everest Air LLC noted the benefits of hiring the best AC and heating installer in Mesa. Mesa, AZ – Everest Air LLC pinpointed the necessity of hiring the most professional HVAC contractors Mesa has in a website post. The company also shared they provide quality workmanship and products to their clients that are backed up with long-term warranties. The licensed crew also assured clients of premier full-service AC repair and replacement at affordable rates. One of the significant benefits of hiring the most professional HVAC contractor Mesa has is that they can spot other potential issues with the systems. Professional help could help clients save money that comes with escalated problems down the road. Also, the professionals can help keep the AC and heating system running smoothly by cleaning the client’s HVAC system. Hence the need to hire a knowledgeable and highly trained HVAC contractor in Mesa.  The homeowner could also benefit from warranties, guarantees, and discounted prices that professional HVAC contractors provide. Warranties give clients peace of mind, knowing the company is fully responsible if something goes wrong with the installation process or the product becomes inefficient. Hiring the most reputable HVAC company Mesa has for HVAC installations, repairs, and maintenance services is recommended.  About Everest Air LLC Everest Air LLC is a top-tier HVAC contractor in Mesa catering to the HVAC needs of residents in Mesa and the surrounding region. The licensed crew is confident that their quality artistry, variety of makes/models, and excellent customer service make Everest Air LLC the go-to AC and heating installation contractor. Media Contact Company Name: Everest Air LLC Contact Person: Mark Brimley Email: Send Email Country: United States Website: Read More Here
The Top-Notch AC And Heating Services In Mesa AZ Digital Journal
Gas Prices Today October 13 2022: Check The Cheapest Gas Stations Today
Gas Prices Today October 13 2022: Check The Cheapest Gas Stations Today
Gas Prices Today, October 13, 2022: Check The Cheapest Gas Stations Today While it isn’t the case everywhere in the world, gas prices in the United States have started to steadily move in the right direction for consumers – down. Still, though, prices are far from being what they were in 2020 and in 2021, meaning that individuals and families are still having to shop around in order to find the best gas prices. So we’re here to help, as we are every day. We’ve put together a list of the cheapest places to find gas in the USA’s 10 most populated cities, to make your job a little bit easier. What state has the highest gas prices? The highest average gas price in America today is in California, as has been the case for a very long time. The average cost is 6.246 dollars per gallon, cheaper than yesterday. Which state has the lowest gas prices? The cheapest state for gas on average today is Georgia in the deep south. The southern states have remained the cheapest for gas and the average price there is 3.266 dollars per gallon. Where are the cheapest gas stations in the US? When it comes to finding the cheapest gas stations in the USA, these are the lowest-priced places to get gas in the top 10 most populated cities in the country: New York, New York (3.15 dollars): BJ’s, 790 Sunrise Hwy South Service Rd, Bellport, NY. Los Angeles, California (5.29 dollars): Doheny Village Car Wash, 34241 Doheny Park Rd, Capistrano Beach, CA. Chicago, Illinois (3.59 dollars): Gulf, 5922 Sheridan Rd, Kenosha, WI. Houston, Texas (2.49 dollars): Valero, 16630 Clay Rd, Houston, TX. Phoenix, Arizona (3.69 dollars): Circle K, 307 AZ-77, Mammoth, AZ. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (3.44 dollars): Lukoil, 201 W Lehigh Ave, Philadelphia, PA. San Antonio, Texas (2.89 dollars): 7-Eleven, 2505 IH-35, New Braunfels, TX. San Diego, California (5.49 dollars): Horizon Fuel Center & The Pit Stop Market, 31267 Valley Center Rd, Valley Center, CA. Dallas, Texas (2.95 dollars) 7-Eleven, 10340 Forest Ln, Dallas, TX. San Jose, California (5.49 dollars): Diamond Gas and Market, 1995 Warburton Ave, Santa Clara, CA. Read More…
Gas Prices Today October 13 2022: Check The Cheapest Gas Stations Today
The World And Everything In It: October 14 2022
The World And Everything In It: October 14 2022
The World And Everything In It: October 14, 2022 WORLD Radio – The World and Everything in It: October 14, 2022 Hispanics are flexing their political independence, especially along the Texas-Mexico border; what makes this election year different than those in the past; and serving children in a dangerous area. Plus: commentary from Cal Thomas, and the Thursday morning news. MARY REICHARD, HOST: Good morning! Texas has five Congressional districts along its border. Democrats hold four. Flipping just one district could upset the balance of power in Congress. PAUL BUTLER, HOST: Also the Trump factor ahead of the midterms and the unique nature of this election. Plus, vacation bible school in the most dangerous city on earth. And commentator Cal Thomas. REICHARD: It’s Thursday, October 13th. This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Mary Reichard. BUTLER: And I’m Paul Butler. Good morning! REICHARD: Now news with Kristen Flavin. KRISTEN FLAVIN, NEWS ANCHOR: Covid boosters » NURSE: 1 2 3 poke… Children five and up are eligible for the latest COVID-19 booster. The Food and Drug Administration authorized Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines for elementary-aged kids on Wednesday. The FDA greenlit the latest COVID-19 booster tweaks without requiring human test results—similar to how it approves yearly changes to flu vaccines. Dr. Jason Newland from Washington University in St. Louis. NEWLAND: we have been doing this for years upon years with influenza vaccine. The booster combines half the recipe for the original strain of the virus with a vaccine to target newer variants. As of this month, only about 1 in 3 children ages 5 to 12 had received a full first series of the COVID-19 vaccine. Severe cases of the disease in children under 12 are rare. During the surge of the omicron variant this year, fewer than three children out of every 100,000 ages 5 to 11 were hospitalized with COVID-19. Alex Jones » READER: To plaintiff Robbie Parker: A) Defamation/Slander, damages past and future $60 million… A six-member jury today ordered Infowars host Alex Jones to pay $965 million in punitive damages to the families of Sandy Hook victims. This is the second major verdict against Jones for his promotion of the theory that the 2012 shooting at an elementary school was just a hoax. READER: To plaintiff David Wheeler: A) Defamation/Slander, damages past and future $25 million…  Jones has admitted in court and outside of court that the shooting was real, and that he was wrong. But he says he had a right to publicly question whether it happened. A Texas jury in August ordered Jones to pay $50 million to the parents of another slain child. Cruz trial » JUDGE: Before you vote you should carefully weigh and consider the evidence A jury has to decide whether Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz should get the death penalty or life without parole. Deliberations started yesterday. Cruz pleaded guilty last year to murdering 17 people in 2018 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The defense argued that Cruz’s birthmother drank excessively while she was pregnant. They said that left Cruz with brain damage. To sentence Cruz to death, all 12 members of the jury must agree. If one person votes for life in prison, that’s what he’ll get. Ohio EVs » Ohio auto workers will build many North Americans’ next set of wheels. Honda just announced plans for a $3.5 billion dollar battery factory 40 miles south of Columbus. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. DEWINE: These batteries will be produced by your fellow Ohioans…. This new facility, this new facility will bring at least 2,200 new jobs to Ohio. The company said it plans to invest in other plants in the state to help them start making electric vehicles. The governor said he wants the state to be Honda’s new electric vehicle hub. Construction will start in a year with plans to start production by 2025. Ukraine » Western nations say they will give Ukraine more air defense systems as Russia continues a days-long barrage on targets across Ukraine. ZELESNKYY: [Ukrainian] President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called for the defense systems in a video address, saying that after the damage the Russian missiles have done to civilians, air defense systems are the biggest humanitarian task for Europe at this time. Russia says it only attacked military and infrastructure targets. Ukrainian officials say that airstrikes have killed 14 people in the past day, and wounded 34 more. Anita Anand, Canada’s defense minister. ANAND: On behalf of the Government of Canada, today I would like to announce an additional approximately $50 million worth of military aid for Ukraine. That aid will include money for winter gear and drones. LAMBRECHT: [German] German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht says her country has already delivered air defense systems to Ukraine. UN Condemns Russia Annexation » KOROSI – Those in favor of draft resolution A/ES/11/L5 please signify. Those against or abstentions. Meanwhile, the UN General Assembly voted on a resolution to demand that Russia reverse its annexation of four regions of Ukraine. KOROSI: Results of the vote is as follows: in favor 143; against, five; abstentions 35. Draft resolution A.ES/ll/L5 is adopted. The vote signified the UN General Assembly’s strongest demonstration of support for Ukraine against Russia since Russia’s invasion began back in February. The UN Security Council has been handicapped by Russia’s veto power in that group. The General Assembly voted by a smaller margin in April to suspend Russia from the UN’s human rights body because of allegations that Russian soldiers in Ukraine engaged in rights violations. I’m Kristen Flavin. Straight ahead: political candidates on the southern border. Plus, serving children in the world’s most dangerous city. This is The World and Everything in It. MARY REICHARD, HOST: It’s Thursday, the 13th of October, 2022. We’re so glad you’ve joined us for today’s edition of WORLD Radio. Good morning! I’m Mary Reichard. PAUL BUTLER, HOST: And I’m Paul Butler. First up on The World and Everything in It: changing demographics. The latest census shows Hispanics in Texas are now the state’s majority population. That demographic has historically voted Democratic. And the Democrat Party hopes that trend continues to help it take control of the Texas legislature and the U.S. Congress. REICHARD: But, not so fast. Hispanics are flexing their political independence, particularly along the border with Mexico. Five Congressional districts run along it, and four are held by Democrats. Flipping just one of those districts in November could upset the balance of power in Congress. Here’s WORLD Correspondent Bonnie Pritchett. BONNIE PRITCHETT, REPORTER: Attorney Eddie Morales works in Eagle Pass, where he was born and raised. The city of about 30 thousand sits on the northern shore of the Rio Grande River where the cultures of Mexico and the United States meet. MORALES: We have our own language here, which is Tex-Mex, everybody understands it, and you can go from going English to the next word being in Spanish and nobody bats an eye… Morales also represents South Texas in the State Legislature. And, like his predecessors, he’s a Democrat. MORALES: I represent the largest district in the state of Texas, I have over 750 border miles that we share with Mexico, I represent nine out of the 14 counties that share a border with Mexico. And my district district, District 74, is actually bigger than 15 US states… An even bigger U.S. Congressional district consumes Morales’. It’s represented by retired Navy veteran Tony Gonzales, a Republican. GONZALES: And then my district stretches from San Antonio to El Paso. It’s larger than 25 states. It’s takes me 10 hours to get from one end to the other; 42% of the southern border and it’s a very diverse district, predominantly Hispanic. With family roots originating in Mexico, Morales and Gonzales represent the mashups of cultures and politics along the Texas border. Both acknowledge that while the majority of Hispanics vote Democratic, their constituents are more conservative than Hispanics in other parts of the country, even parts of Texas. MORALES: Being the fifth most conservative Democrat after my freshman year voting record, I think ensures again, that I’m playing the the moderate centrist – views that play well, in House District 74. You know, I’m, I’m more liberal personally, but I’m voting my district… But that might not be enough. For example, U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar has been hawkish on the border. He was the lone House Democrat to vote against the pro-abortion Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022. Still, Cuellar barely survived a primary against a more progressive Democrat. On November 8 he’ll face Republican new-comer Cassy Garcia. Tony Gonzales said playing the moderate Democrat in socially conservative districts has its limits. GONZALES: I think a lot of these members, whether they’re the state, the federal or local, it’s getting harder and harder to buck your party. And it’s getting harder and harder to take those votes that are in the best interest of your constituency… Since 2016 the Republican Party has made inroads in South Texas. The 2020 election seemed to indicate the shift among Hispanics wasn’t an outlier. Redistricting put at least one of the five Congressional districts on Texas’ border in play, according to Mark Jones. He is the chief information and analytics officer for the Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation at Rice University. He says as many as three seats could be competitive. JONES: Without question, Republicans actually are the likely favorites in the 15th district, both because of the changing political demographics of the area, as well as a redistricting process that made the 15th Distric...
The World And Everything In It: October 14 2022
Hey US Media Alex Jones Is A Liar Not A fabulist
Hey US Media Alex Jones Is A Liar Not A fabulist
Hey, US Media — Alex Jones Is A Liar, Not A ‘fabulist’ Fabulist. It’s such a pretty little word, isn’t it? It’s even prettier when you say it out loud. Try it: Fab-u-list. So nice. So sweet. Goodness, it’s only one syllable away from “fabulous”. The word hardly seems at all unkind. The word has a hint of child-like innocence about it, too. Perhaps that’s because a common definition describes a “fabulist” as a “person who composes or relates fables”. The ancient Greek author, Aesop, heads the pantheon of fable writers. The German Brothers Grimm and the celebrated Honduran short-story teller Augusto Monterroso are among a litany of literary icons of this fantastical genre. Like most people who possess even a scintilla of decency and an understanding of the distinction between fact and falsehood, I have never associated the whimsical word “fabulist” with Alex Jones — a marauding mountebank who has leveraged his malevolent mouth into money and fame. Instead, the other simple and blunt meaning of the word comes to my mind instantly when I suffer the nauseating affront of reading or hearing his foul name: “Liar”. On Wednesday, a jury ordered Jones to pay nearly $1bn in damages to families of victims of the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, which he lied about, dismissing it as a hoax. Fact: Jones lies like a human spigot. His lies are not only sinister, they betray the figments of a mind untethered from fact and empathy. He lied when, within hours of the shooting, he said the massacre at Sandy Hook was “staged.” He lied when he said the killing of 20 children between six and seven years old, and six teachers and staff, “was as phoney as a $3 bill” and “stinks to high heaven”. He lied when he said the carnage “looked like a drill”. He lied when he said on his Infowars program that the parents of all the dead children were “crisis actors”. In this grotesque context, I was astonished to read that the New York Times (NYT) and Washington Post — the stubborn bastions of editorial gentility — opted to call Jones a “fabulist” in recent weeks. How considerate. Here is how a September 13, 2022, NYT dispatch described the testimony of several of the dead Sandy Hook children’s families before a jury considering the damages Jones owed them for the harm his torrent of debased lies had caused. “In wrenching testimony Tuesday, the families of eight Sandy Hook victims began telling a jury about years of torment and threats they had endured after the Infowars fabulist Alex Jones claimed the school massacre was a government hoax in which they were ‘actors,’” the NYT wrote. Jones was also identified as a “fabulist” in the subheading attached to the story. No, a “fabulist” was not responsible for the “torment” and “threats” endured by the families of murdered elementary schoolchildren. Nor was a “fabulist” responsible for insisting the parents of those murdered elementary schoolchildren were “actors”. A serial, gloating liar was. To her credit, the NYT reporter referred to Jones’ Sandy Hook “lies” four times in the body of her story. This, however, raises some perplexing questions. If the evidence is clear and convincing that Jones repeatedly lied, why not label him a “liar”? Is the word too harsh, too frank, too judgemental to be employed — despite being accurate? The NYT, in the same piece, reached — predictably — for the always-reliable euphemisms, “bogus claims” and “theory”, proving that camouflaging the truth behind polite-sounding language remains in vogue at the newspaper. A more egregious example of this infuriating tendency — even in the most blatant cases — not to employ “liar” when it demands to be used, came courtesy of a Washington Post opinion and editorial writer. Incredibly, not once in a more than 800-word column celebrating, in part, Jones’ courtroom comeuppance did the columnist write “liar”. Instead, she described Jones as an “infamous fabulist” prone to “falsehood[s]” and “accusation[s] of fakery” who has made a “career out of deception — hawking hoaxes”. Again, why all the unnecessary embroidery when one succinct word — liar — will do? My complaint is not a quibble revolving simply around word choice. It reflects the refusal or, more charitably, grating hesitancy of too many establishment editors and reporters to follow George Orwell’s first and most important rule on writing: Never use a long word where a short [and honest] one will do. This is not a new phenomenon. Indeed, the engrained practice of America’s “elite” media of shading, qualifying or publishing the lies of powerful, particularly political, liars is familiar and dishonourable. But the election in 2016 of Alex Jones’ fawning favourite, Donald Trump, as president, forced these top-of-the-masthead editors to reckon with livid readers, listeners and viewers demanding an end to the old, agreeable ententes between the liars and the so-called “truth-tellers”. Trump is addicted to lying. Yet, initially at least, publications like the NYT and the Post appear to have decided that it would be unbecoming, if not discourteous, to declare on their news pages that the commander-in-chief was a liar who lied with, well, Alex Jones-like facility and cruelty. Pressed by subscribers, former NYT Editor Dean Baquet acknowledged that Trump had lied. “On a couple of occasions, we have used ‘lie’ to describe something President Trump said.” Hip. Hip. Hooray. And yet, spent, anachronistic habits are hard to break. “I don’t think we should use that word every day in The New York Times,” Baquet explained. Since “using ‘lie’ repeatedly could feed the mistaken notion that we’re taking political sides. That’s not our role”. I gather the same deference and aversion to “taking political sides” extends, these days, in weighty newsrooms in New York and Washington, DC, to Alex Jones. This must stop. It won’t. Even yesterday, the Post and the NYT did not include “liar” in news stories detailing the extraordinary damages awarded by the jury. For the Post, Jones remains “a reckless purveyor of conspiracy theories”. While the NYT clung, of course, to “fabulist”. It is shameful. The families who confronted Jones and prevailed know the vile measure of this “fabulist”: he is, and will always be, a liar. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance. Read More Here
Hey US Media Alex Jones Is A Liar Not A fabulist
China Only US Competitor That Can Reshape World Says Team Biden
China Only US Competitor That Can Reshape World Says Team Biden
China Only US Competitor That Can Reshape World, Says Team Biden When it comes to China, the Biden administration is “looking for competition but not conflict”. The Biden administration labeled China as the nation’s top competitor, while Russia remains a danger to be constrained in a new defense strategy that also calls inflation a threat to global security. Jake Sullivan, President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, said Wednesday that the US is in “the early years of a decisive decade” in which “the terms of our competition with the People’s Republic of China will be set.” “The PRC’s assertiveness at home and abroad is advancing an illiberal vision across economic, political, security and technological realms — in competition with the West,” he said at a Georgetown University event following the release of the administration’s long-delayed National Security Strategy. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine prompted a major rewrite of the congressionally mandated document, which provides a window into the White House’s thinking on foreign policy and national security issues. “This war has loomed large in the formulation of the strategy, as it should, but we do not believe it has blotted out the sun,” said Sullivan. The new 48-page public document describes China and Russia as “increasingly aligned” with each other, but says the two countries pose distinct challenges. It calls China the US’s only competitor “with both the intent to reshape the international order and, increasingly, the economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to do it.” The challenge of handling Russia is described as one of “constraining a still profoundly dangerous” force. Biden officials released their strategy more than 600 days into his administration, compared with the just over 300 days it took former President Donald Trump’s team. The Trump document portrayed China and Russia as co-equal threats. By the 2030s, the US for the first time will need to deter two major nuclear powers, according to the strategy, in reference to those countries. “To ensure our nuclear deterrent remains responsive to the threats we face, we are modernizing” the US nuclear force “as well as strengthening our extended deterrence commitments to our allies,” it says. When it comes to China, the Biden administration is seeking to reinforce that they’re “looking for competition but not conflict — and we’re not looking for a new Cold War.” Inflation Threat The document also mentions inflation, Democrats’ biggest political liability, as among the threats to global security, less than a month before midterm elections which will determine if Biden’s party retains control of the House and Senate. It lists inflation as one of the cross-border issues “people all over the world are struggling to cope with.” Stubbornly high inflation has been a drag on Democrats’ midterm prospects. The Department of Labor will release the latest inflation numbers Thursday, the last release before Election Day. The median estimate of economists surveyed by Bloomberg is for a 8.1% annual rate — the lowest since February. Rising prices also have the Federal Reserve poised to deliver its fourth-straight 75-basis-point hike when it meets early next month, just days before voters go to the polls. The central bank’s rate hikes have fueled concerns of a recession. In an interview Tuesday with CNN, Biden said a recession in the US is possible but any downturn would be “very slight” and the US economy is resilient enough to ride out the turbulence. Among the other cross-border issues cited is climate change. “The window of opportunity to deal with shared challenges like climate change will narrow drastically even as the intensity of those challenges grows,” Sullivan said. One long-pending issue remains unresolved by the new strategy: Sullivan told reporters earlier Wednesday that the US trade representative’s review of Trump’s Section 301 tariffs on imports from China will continue “over the coming months.” He said the review “will produce outcomes and recommendations to the president about a way forward.” Read More Here
China Only US Competitor That Can Reshape World Says Team Biden
U.S. Predicts Ukraine Will Battle Through Winter; Allies Bolster Air Defenses
U.S. Predicts Ukraine Will Battle Through Winter; Allies Bolster Air Defenses
U.S. Predicts Ukraine Will Battle Through Winter; Allies Bolster Air Defenses NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin deliver short remarks during a NATO defence ministers meeting at the Alliance’s headquarters, in Brussels, Belgium October 13, 2022. REUTERS/Yves Herman BRUSSELS, Oct 12 (Reuters) – Ukraine is expected to battle through harsh winter conditions to try to recapture even more territory from Russia, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Wednesday, as allies announced delivery of new air defenses and committed more aid in the wake of Russian missile strikes. Military analysts are watching to see whether fighting subsides during Ukraine’s tough winter, potentially giving an opportunity for troops on both sides of the conflict to reset after months of brutal fighting since Russia’s Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine. But Austin, speaking at a gathering at NATO headquarters in Brussels of about 50 countries providing military aid to Ukraine, said he expected Kyiv to do what it could to press ahead after regaining territory occupied by Russian forces in recent weeks. Register now for FREE unlimited access to “I expect that Ukraine will continue to do everything it can throughout the winter, to regain its territory and to be effective on the battlefield,” Austin told a news conference. “And we’re going to do everything we can to make sure that they have what’s required to be effective.” A senior U.S. defense official said there was an “outpouring” of support to help Ukraine get through the winter fighting months, including provision of winter clothing. “But what about those Russian forces? What kind of support are they going to have through the winter? Right now, the Russians are isolated and alone,” the official said. Many countries have condemned the invasion, which Russian President Vladimir Putin calls a “special military operation” to ensure Russian security and protect Russian-speakers in Ukraine. Ukraine and its allies accuse Moscow of waging war to grab territory or even occupy a pro-Western neighbor. MISSILE ATTACKS Austin opened the NATO event, sitting next to his Ukrainian counterpart, by condemning Putin’s deadly missile attacks against “targets with no military purpose” across Ukraine two days ago. U.S. Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the strikes met the definition of war crimes under the international rules of war. Kyiv and its allies have repeatedly accused Russian forces of war crimes and targeting civilians, charges Russia rejects. “Russia has deliberately struck civilian infrastructure with the purpose of harming civilians,” Milley told reporters. “They have targeted the elderly, the women, and the children of Ukraine. Indiscriminate and deliberate attacks on civilian targets is a war crime in the international rules of war.” The latest Russian air attacks killed 19 people in Ukraine, wounded more than 100 and knocked out power supplies across the country, adding new urgency to Kyiv’s long-standing calls for air defenses to protect its cities. Germany announced that the first of four IRIS-T air defense systems had reached Ukraine. German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht called it a “very important support for Ukraine in the fight against missile attacks”. ‘PHYSICAL RESPONSE’? The gathering in Brussels is also the first big NATO meeting since Moscow proclaimed in September that it was annexing four regions of Ukraine, announced a mobilization and issued veiled nuclear threats – moves that the alliance has classified as a clear escalation of the war. A senior NATO official said a Russian nuclear strike would change the course of the conflict and almost certainly trigger a “physical response” from Ukraine’s allies – “and potentially from NATO itself.” The official did not detail what a physical response might entail. NATO’s nuclear planning group will hold a closed-door meeting on Thursday, but the alliance has not released details about what specifically will be discussed. Speaking ahead of the two-day meeting of the alliance’s defense ministers, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance would proceed with its annual nuclear preparedness exercise next week. He was referring to the “Steadfast Noon” exercise, in which NATO air forces practise the use of U.S. nuclear bombs based in Europe with training flights, without live weapons. Cancelling the drills because of the war in Ukraine would send a “very wrong signal”, Stoltenberg said. “It’s an exercise to ensure that our nuclear deterrent remains safe, secure and effective,” he said, adding NATO’s military strength was the best way to prevent any increase in tensions. Moscow has accused the West of intensifying the conflict by supporting Kyiv. Europe is already on edge after attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines running under the Baltic Sea, although it remains unclear who was behind the explosions. NATO has said it would meet attacks on allies’ critical infrastructure with a “united and determined response” and has already doubled its presence in the Baltic and North seas to more than 30 ships supported by aircraft and undersea activities. Register now for FREE unlimited access to Reporting by Sabine Siebold, Philip Blenkinsop and Phil Stewart; Additional reporting by John Chalmers and Jan Strupczewski; Editing by Nick Macfie, Jonathan Oatis and Grant McCool Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Read More Here
U.S. Predicts Ukraine Will Battle Through Winter; Allies Bolster Air Defenses
Toshiba Shares Jump On Report Of Possible $19 Bln Buyout
Toshiba Shares Jump On Report Of Possible $19 Bln Buyout
Toshiba Shares Jump On Report Of Possible $19 Bln Buyout TOKYO, Oct 13 (Reuters) – Shares in Toshiba Corp (6502.T) on Thursday surged on a report that a domestic investor-led group was looking at a $19 billion bid – a potential deal that would likely lead to foreign activist shareholders being bought out after years of tension. A consortium led by private equity firm Japan Industrial Partners and which also includes Chubu Electric Power Co (9502.T) has been given preferred bidder status in the second round of bidding, Kyodo news agency and other media have reported. The 2.8 trillion yen figure cited by Kyodo would mark a 26% premium to Wednesday’s closing price. Register now for FREE unlimited access to The shares were up 7% in afternoon trade, on track for their biggest one-day gain in more than a year. They have risen some 17% this year. Once a storied conglomerate, Toshiba has been weakened by accounting and governance scandals. Attempts to turn itself around have been overshadowed in recent years by discord between management and its many activist shareholders. The consortium will put up around 1 trillion yen in equity, with the rest of the money likely to come from bank loans, Kyodo said, adding that financing talks were ongoing and the offer value could change depending on future movements of Toshiba’s stock price. Toshiba has declined to comment on the report. It was not immediately clear how many bids Toshiba is seriously considering but the contest to take over the company is likely still an open race between Japan Industrial Partners and state-backed Japan Investment Corp, said Travis Lundy, a Quiddity Advisors analyst who publishes on the Smartkarma platform. The two had previously joined forces to bid for Toshiba but have since gone their separate ways, sources have said. Japan Investment Corp has since been in talks with private equity firm Bain Capital, one of several overseas funds that passed the first round of bidding, local media have reported. Toshiba and activist shareholders have been at odds over the direction of the company, with several large foreign funds pushing the conglomerate to consider private equity bids. Tensions culminated last year when a shareholder-commissioned investigation concluded management had colluded with Japan’s trade ministry – which sees the company’s nuclear and defence technology as a strategic asset – to block overseas investors from gaining influence at its 2020 shareholder meeting. “The only way to get rid of the activists is to buy them out,” Lundy said. ($1 = 146.8300 yen) Register now for FREE unlimited access to Reporting by Sam Byford; Editing by David Dolan and Edwina Gibbs Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Read More Here
Toshiba Shares Jump On Report Of Possible $19 Bln Buyout
Arizona Clean Elections Postpones Q & A With Kari Lake After Hobbs Campaign Says AZPBS Will Interview Democratic Nominee Next Week
Arizona Clean Elections Postpones Q & A With Kari Lake After Hobbs Campaign Says AZPBS Will Interview Democratic Nominee Next Week
Arizona Clean Elections Postpones Q & A With Kari Lake After Hobbs Campaign Says AZPBS Will Interview Democratic Nominee Next Week TUCSON (KVOA) — PHOENIX – Last month, the Arizona Clean Elections Commission rejected Democratic gubernatorial nominee Katie Hobbs proposal to change the general election debate format to a town hall style with both her and Republican nominee Kari Lake each getting 30 minutes on stage separately. For the last two decades, Arizona’s candidates for governor have been on stage together taking questions from a moderator. However, Hobbs, who’s long called Kari Lake a 2020 election denier, declined to participate in the traditional format. With that public stance from the Hobbs camp, AZ Clean Elections and Arizona PBS set aside 30 minutes for GOP nominee Kari Lake to take questions tonight. But that didn’t happen. Instead, the Hobbs campaign announced it had agreed to an interview with AZPBS next week. So, the AZ Clean Elections postponed the Q & A with Lake. That announcement took the debate sponsor by surprise. Shortly after, Lake held a news conference to express her outrage. “Unfortunately, I’m running against a coward who’s afraid to stand on a debate stage and talk about what she wants to do for Arizona,” Lake said Tuesday afternoon. “And, unfortunately, PBS and ASU have done a backroom deal to give her airtime that she does not deserve. The people of Arizona deserve to hear from both people who are running for governor.” said Lake.  In a statement to News 4 Tucson, Katie Hobbs Communications Director Sarah Robinson said:  “Kari Lake is once again creating chaos and proving she has no interest in a real conversation about the issues facing Arizonans. In the time it took Lake to put on her press conference full of lies she could have sat down to speak to Arizona voters. But she didn’t because she doesn’t want to face tough questions and answer for her extreme record.” Tom Collins, the Executive Director of Arizona’s Clean Elections Commission said AZPBS never consulted with the commission before reaching out to the Hobbs campaign to offer time. “We were completely surprised,” Collins told News 4 Tucson’s Eric Fink. “In fact, if we hadn’t been surprised, I don’t think this would have happened the way it did today.” The issue is we received word from reporters contacting us about it because they believed there might be a relationship here between the commission and PBS and the Hobbs campaign when our commission voted in a very clear public hearing to reject that proposal.” said Collins Collins argues debates are vital for candidates and voters. “That opportunity to watch folks interact, take questions live, to see how they treat one another, those are all pieces of information that really do help voters understand candidates and how they’re going to behave in different situations and how they solve problems,” he said. Read More Here
Arizona Clean Elections Postpones Q & A With Kari Lake After Hobbs Campaign Says AZPBS Will Interview Democratic Nominee Next Week
Trump Has 21 Days To Decide Which Mar-A-Lago Documents To Fight
Trump Has 21 Days To Decide Which Mar-A-Lago Documents To Fight
Trump Has 21 Days To Decide Which Mar-A-Lago Documents To Fight (Bloomberg) — The Justice Department said Wednesday that it had turned over the bulk of documents seized from Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate to the former president’s legal team, starting a 21-day clock for Trump to decide — and officially declare — precisely which records he wants off-limits in a criminal probe. Most Read from Bloomberg Intel Is Planning Thousands of Job Cuts in Face of PC Slump Here’s How Weird Things Are Getting in the Housing Market Putin Says All Infrastructure at Risk After Nord Stream Hit Alex Jones Must Pay $965 Million for His Sandy Hook Lies US Core Inflation Seen Returning to 40-Year High as Rents Rise Trump’s legal team will have the next three weeks to go through the thousands of pages of documents and produce a spreadsheet detailing claims they want to press for why the government shouldn’t be allowed to use specific materials in its investigation. Those could include claims of attorney-client privilege or executive privilege, or that certain presidential records should be considered “personal” under federal law. The Justice Department has disputed that Trump, as a former president, could claim executive privilege or successfully argue that government records he hadn’t turned over to the National Archives after leaving office were “personal” under the Presidential Records Act. The government has also argued that a special filter team already did a sweep for any legal documents that might be protected. The court-appointed special master tasked with overseeing this process, US District Senior Judge Raymond Dearie, also received the documents from the Justice Department this week, according to the notice. Dearie is already looking at Trump’s claims of attorney-client and attorney work-product privilege over several documents that a government filter team originally flagged during the search. The Justice Department’s updated inventory of what was seized from Mar-a-Lago listed more than 13,000 government records — including some bearing classified markings — news clippings, books, articles of clothing, and empty folders. Not included in what the government has shown to Trump’s lawyers and Dearie are approximately 103 documents that the Justice Department said feature classified markings. Trump has asked the US Supreme Court to revive the special master’s authority to look at those documents. Trump’s lawyers had said in an earlier court filing that they’d been told by government lawyers that the seized records totaled more than 200,000 pages. A spreadsheet filed in court on Wednesday by the Justice Department indicated a smaller page count, noting 21,792 “Bates” stamped pages across the 33 boxes and other document collections. Once Trump’s challenge list is complete, his lawyers and the Justice Department will have another 10 days to figure out where they disagree. Dearie will go through those disputes and make recommendations to US District Judge Aileen Cannon about who should prevail. His deadline to finish is Dec. 16. Cannon will then decide whether to accept Dearie’s findings and enter a final order. This week’s production kicks off the core component of Dearie’s work. The veteran Brooklyn-based judge had originally suggested having Trump go through the documents in smaller batches and identify areas of disagreement with the government on a rolling basis. Cannon rejected that approach in her scheduling order, instead asking for a “comprehensive” report from Trump’s lawyers 21 days after the government formally notified the court that it had turned over all of the documents. Most Read from Bloomberg Businessweek The Twitter Deal Has Pierced Elon Musk’s Reality Distortion Field Hedge Fund Managers Paid for Stockpicking Genius Aren’t Showing Much of It Biden Is Walking a Tightrope as the World Clamors for US Oil and Gas Twitter Faces Only Bad Outcomes If the $44 Billion Musk Deal Closes The Great Post-Covid Online Shopping Bet Was a Costly Delusion ©2022 Bloomberg L.P. Read More Here
Trump Has 21 Days To Decide Which Mar-A-Lago Documents To Fight
Johnson Barnes To Debate In Tight Wisconsin Senate Race
Johnson Barnes To Debate In Tight Wisconsin Senate Race
Johnson, Barnes To Debate In Tight Wisconsin Senate Race MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Republican Wisconsin U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson and Democratic challenger Mandela Barnes are to meet Thursday night for their second and final debate before the Nov. 8 election. Johnson, who is seeking a third term, and Barnes, the lieutenant governor, are locked in a tight race that could determine which party controls the Senate. Their first debate last week, hosted by the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association, was marked by both candidates repeating their well-worn positions, but breaking little new ground. Both campaigns have mirrored arguments being made in races nationally, with Johnson focusing on crime, public safety and the economy while Barnes has tried to make it about abortion, Johnson’s views on election integrity and the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the Capitol. Johnson, one of former President Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters, has embraced controversial views during his years in the Senate and in his reelection campaign. A former plastics manufacturer, Johnson has questioned the outcome of the 2020 election, downplayed the Jan. 6 riot and touted unproven treatments for COVID-19. Johnson and his allies have attacked Barnes as being “dangerous” and soft on crime, allegations that Democrats have said are racist. Barnes is seeking to become the state’s first Black senator. Barnes has denied he wants to defund the police, despite past comments that he wanted to redirect police funding. The one-hour debate Thursday is sponsored by, 620 WTMJ, and the Milwaukee Business Journal. Copyright © The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Read More Here
Johnson Barnes To Debate In Tight Wisconsin Senate Race
Trump Employee Tells FBI That Trump Directed Boxes To Be Moved At Mar-A-Lago After Subpoena Served ABC17NEWS
Trump Employee Tells FBI That Trump Directed Boxes To Be Moved At Mar-A-Lago After Subpoena Served ABC17NEWS
Trump Employee Tells FBI That Trump Directed Boxes To Be Moved At Mar-A-Lago After Subpoena Served – ABC17NEWS By Pamela Brown, CNN A Trump employee has told the FBI about being directed by the former President to move boxes out of a basement storage room to his residence at Mar-a-Lago after Donald Trump’s legal team received a subpoena for any classified documents at the Florida estate, according to a source familiar with the witness’ description. The FBI also has surveillance footage showing a staffer moving boxes out of the storage room, the source told CNN. The witness account of Trump’s actions after the subpoena was served in May coupled with the footage could be key to the federal criminal investigation that’s looking into a range of potential crimes, including obstruction, destruction of government records and mishandling of classified information. FBI agents executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago in August and seized thousands of documents, including about 100 marked as classified. The FBI also subpoenaed the Trump Organization for surveillance video from the resort. The Trump employee initially denied handling sensitive documents or boxes at Mar-a-Lago, according to the source. But the FBI developed evidence that prompted investigators to go back to the witness, who revised their story to say Trump had given instructions to move the boxes, the source said. The Washington Post was the first to report on the witness account. The Department of Justice has previously alleged that classified documents at the resort were “likely concealed and removed” from a storage room at Mar-a-Lago as part of an effort to “obstruct” the FBI’s investigation into Trump’s potential mishandling of classified materials. After Trump returned 15 boxes of materials to the National Archives in January, the Justice Department subpoenaed Trump in May, seeking documents with classification markings that were still at Mar-a-Lago. According to a lawsuit he later filed, Trump directed his staff to search for any remaining classified material to comply with the subpoena. After federal investigators retrieved documents from the resort in June, his lawyers later told investigators that they had searched the storage area and that all classified documents were accounted for. Prosecutors said in August that that some documents were likely removed from a storage room before Trump’s lawyers examined the area, while they were trying to comply with the subpoena. “The government also developed evidence that government records were likely concealed and removed from the Storage Room and that efforts were likely taken to obstruct the government’s investigation,” prosecutors wrote at the time. “This included evidence indicating that boxes formerly in the Storage Room were not returned prior to counsel’s review.” This story has been updated with additional information. The-CNN-Wire & © 2022 Cable News Network, Inc., a Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All rights reserved. Read More Here
Trump Employee Tells FBI That Trump Directed Boxes To Be Moved At Mar-A-Lago After Subpoena Served ABC17NEWS
Dixon Looks To Gain On Whitmer At Michigan Governor Debate
Dixon Looks To Gain On Whitmer At Michigan Governor Debate
Dixon Looks To Gain On Whitmer At Michigan Governor Debate GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — The candidates for governor of Michigan are having their first debate on Thursday, as Republican challenger Tudor Dixon looks to use the primetime appearance to narrow her gap with Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Dixon is a former commentator for a conservative online program who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump. She has never held public office and is still working to introduce herself and her ideas to voters — some of whom may be seeing her in action for the first time at Thursday’s debate. For months, Whitmer and fellow Democrats have been airing attack ads portraying the Republican as too extreme on issues such as abortion, noting Dixon’s opposition to the procedure even in cases of rape or incest. Those ads have largely gone unanswered as Dixon has struggled to raise money to compete with Whitmer’s multimillion-dollar campaign fund. But with just weeks to go before the Nov. 8 election, Dixon is expected to fire back at Whitmer during the debate in Grand Rapids. She has described the governor’s views as “radical” on issues such as education, abortion and criminal justice. Dixon also has criticized Whitmer on the campaign trail for her approach to the COVID-19 pandemic, saying lockdowns she imposed hurt the state’s economy. Whitmer is seeking her second term as governor after serving in leadership in the Michigan Legislature, where in 2013 during a debate over insurance coverage of abortion she publicly shared her story of being raped. She has since said she will “fight like hell” to protect abortion rights, including filing a lawsuit earlier this year to block a 1931 ban from taking effect in the state after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Abortion has been a particularly prominent issue in Michigan this year because voters in November also will decide whether to enshrine the right to the procedure in the state constitution. Dixon has said she supports abortion only to save the life of the mother, and she has been endorsed by anti-abortion groups, including Right to Life of Michigan. She has had support from the family of Betsy DeVos, the former Education Secretary under Trump, and a well-known member of the state’s GOP establishment. Her campaign said she was getting help preparing for the debate from another endorsee, former Gov. John Engler. Dixon emerged from a five-candidate Republican primary after receiving Trump’s endorsement. She said during the primary that she believed the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, whose loss to Joe Biden in Michigan by some 154,000 votes was confirmed through multiple investigations and lawsuits. The mother of four has criticized Whitmer over education in the state, saying parents should have more rights in regard to what is taught to children. The two candidates are scheduled to debate again on Oct. 25 at Oakland University in Rochester. ___ Joey Cappelletti is a corps member for The Associated Press/Report for America Statehouse News Initiative. Report for America is a nonprofit national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms to report on undercovered issues. ___ Burnett reported from Chicago. Read More Here
Dixon Looks To Gain On Whitmer At Michigan Governor Debate
Australia News LIVE: Medibank Private Hit By cyber Incident; PM Confirms Spending Cuts In October Budget
Australia News LIVE: Medibank Private Hit By cyber Incident; PM Confirms Spending Cuts In October Budget
Australia News LIVE: Medibank Private Hit By ‘cyber Incident’; PM Confirms Spending Cuts In October Budget Key posts 1 of 4 4.38pm Second WA mining death this week By Peter Milne A worker has died on a Pilbara mine site on Thursday, two days after a fatality at Gold Fields’ Saint Ives mine near Kambalda. WorkSafe WA commissioner Darren Kavanagh said any work-related death was a tragedy and conveyed his condolences to the worker’s family, friends and co-workers. Another worker has died at a West Australian mine. Mine safety inspectors are travelling to the site to investigate the incident. WA Police are also attending the scene. The regulator said it was unable to provide further details of either incident at this time. Loading The two tragedies this week are the first fatalities in WA’s mining sector since industrial manslaughter legislation came into effect in March 2022. A worker died late Tuesday after an accident at the Hamlet underground mine at Gold Fields’ Saint Ives operation near Kambalda. Gold Fields executive vice president Australasia Stuart Mathews said all mining at Saint Ives was suspended until it was safe to restart. Australian Workers’ Union WA branch secretary Brad Gandy said the Gold Fields fatality was devastating news and the union would participate in the investigation as appropriate. Thursday’s fatality in the Pilbara is the eighth death in WA mining in the past three years. Read more here. 4.25pm Former Trump employee tells FBI Trump ordered Mar-a-Lago boxes to be moved By Sarah N. Lynch and Kanishka Singh Washington: A former employee of Donald Trump has told federal agents the former president asked for boxes of records to be moved within his Florida residence after receiving a government subpoena demanding their return, the Washington Post reported. The testimony of the key witness, coupled with surveillance footage the Justice Department also obtained, represent some of the strongest known evidence to date of possible obstruction of justice by the former Republican president. Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally last month.Credit:AP The FBI conducted a court-approved search on August 8 at Trump’s home at the Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, seizing more than 11,000 documents including about 100 marked as classified. Loading The employee who was working at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida was cooperating with the Justice Department and has been interviewed multiple times by federal agents, the newspaper reported, citing people familiar with the situation. The witness initially denied handling sensitive documents and in subsequent conversations with agents admitted to moving boxes at Trump’s request, the newspaper reported. The Justice Department declined to comment. A Trump spokesperson said the administration of US President Joe Biden had “weaponised law enforcement”. “Every other President has been given time and deference regarding the administration of documents, as the President has the ultimate authority to categorise records, and what materials should be classified,” Trump spokesperson Taylor Budowich told the newspaper. Read more here. 4.15pm Still hold a flame for gas? Going electric can save up to $1900 a year By Miki Perkins Ingrid Jolley and her family were lucky: when their ageing gas hot water tank started to fail, they had a short grace period to research the electric alternatives. And it ended up saving them money. In an emergency, they might have panic-bought another gas heater. But with time on their side, they decided to install an electric heat pump and 3.7 kilowatt rooftop solar panel system for their Northcote home. Ingrid Jolley, with daughter Hazel, has converted her home’s household’s gas appliances to electric.Credit:Chris Hopkins “We were aware of the climate and environmental concerns associated with domestic gas, and it felt like the perfect opportunity to switch to something cleaner,” said Jolley. Homeowners in Australia’s capitals could save between $500 and $1900 a year on their electricity bills by replacing gas heating, cooking and hot water appliances with electric alternatives, according to analysis from the Climate Council. The switch from gas to electricity could also significantly improve a household’s greenhouse gas emissions in most states, it found. Its calculations showed that savings were possible even for those relying solely on electricity from the grid, rather than solar panels. The Climate Council, an organisation that advocates to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, wants governments to help Australians get off gas by providing low or zero-interest loans to help with the upfront costs of replacing appliances. It has developed a calculator (below) to estimate the savings when switching from one, or all, gas appliances. Read more here. 3.57pm ‘Before we leave – can we talk?’: Optus cajoles customers to stay By Zoe Samios, Nick Bonyhady and Lucy Cormack Optus is scrambling to hang on to disaffected users caught up in the cyberattack that compromised the personal data of millions of Australians last month, as some customers complain that the telco is dragging its heels as they attempt to switch carriers. This masthead has received multiple reports from industry sources and customers who claim Optus subscribers are facing barriers in their attempts to leave the carrier including security rules introduced in recent months and cancellation fees. Optus customers trying to leave are finding it difficult to do so.Credit:Nikki Short Optus is also running advertisements against Google search results for queries involving “Optus” and “cancellation”. The advertisement says: “Before you leave – can we talk?” In a statement, an Optus spokesperson said the carrier would only impose cancellation fees on fixed contracts. Loading “For customers who are on month-to-month plans without a device, they can simply exit their contracts without any cancellation fees,” an Optus spokesperson said. “Customers who have a repayment plan for the device will be required to pay off the remaining device repayments or applicable cancellation fees as part of their agreement with Optus.” The NSW minister in charge of driver’s licence replacements, Victor Dominello, said Optus had sent so many messages to customers it risked confusing them and leaving people at risk of fraud. Customers who are on month-to-month plans that don’t include a device can exit without any fees, but the telco is not waiving the rules for people tied to long-term contracts. Optus sources said long-term contracts form a small part of its customer-base, but the exact split between month-to-month contracts and fixed-term agreements is unclear. The industry sources said people are complaining they are being passed through various Optus departments as controls are tightened on who can give information out to protect customers from scams. Read more here. 3.42pm Qantas flight attendants claim new EBA slashes rest time between shifts By Linda Parri Qantas flight attendants are outraged at the airline’s “diabolical” attempt to slash two hours off their rest times, claiming it will leave them only seven hours to sleep in some cases. Under a confidential EBA proposal sent to Qantas cabin crew in August, flight attendants would have their minimum rest periods reduced from 12 to 10 hours. Flight attendants are taking their fight against Qantas’ proposed EBA to the Fair Work Commission. Credit:Peter Rae Qantas is also seeking to increase shifts from 9.45 hours to 12 hours in duration, with an allowance for some shifts to blow out to 14 hours in unplanned circumstances. The proposal comes amid controversy over Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce’s $287,000 pay rise and widespread customer service problems. Loading It has been slammed by the Flight Attendants’ Association of Australia and described as “diabolical” by one Qantas flight attendant, who said a 10-hour break between shifts did not allow for travel to and from the hotel, check-in time, or time zone differences. “It takes 35 minutes, on a good day, to get to Melbourne airport and same to the hotel,” the Qantas flight attendant, who did not want to be named, said. “Then by the time we check in and get into bed, we get seven hours sleep – if we’re lucky.” The flight attendant said the current 12-hour rest period started 15 minutes after flight landing and ended 45 minutes before flight departure, despite being picked up from their hotel an hour and 15 minutes before departure. Working 12 to 14 hours shifts would see flight attendants lose many of their overnight trips. Read more here. 3.33pm Tech billionaires and former PM back ‘game-changer’ solar startup By Angus Thomson Replacing the silver in solar panels with cheaper and more abundant copper could deliver more affordable and efficient rooftop solar to consumers, according to a Sydney-based startup aiming to turn Australia into a solar manufacturing powerhouse. SunDrive’s ambition to become a leading manufacturer of copper solar panels in Australia has attracted the interest of some of the country’s most prominent backers of renewable energy, including Mike Cannon-Brookes’ Grok Ventures, former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and the family of Canva co-founder Cameron Adams. All of them participated in a recent $21 million capital raising, which was led by venture capital firm Main Sequence and the government-owned Clean Energy Finance Corporation to help SunDrive get large-scale production ready to sell its panels in 18 months. SunDrive co-founders Vince Allen (left) and David Hu.Credit: Turnbull described SunDrive’s use of copper instead of silver as “a potential game-changer” in the global race to produce more efficient and scalable solar technology. The solar industry cur...
Australia News LIVE: Medibank Private Hit By cyber Incident; PM Confirms Spending Cuts In October Budget
US Capitol Riot Panel To Get Inside Trump
US Capitol Riot Panel To Get Inside Trump
US Capitol Riot Panel To Get Inside Trump Text size Lawmakers investigating the 2021 attack on the US Capitol plan to journey inside the mind of Donald Trump on Thursday during the final public presentation on their sprawling probe before crucial midterm elections. The House of Representatives panel has already unveiled reams of evidence on the former president’s involvement in a labyrinthine series of connected schemes to overturn the 2020 election. In what could be its last public session before it issues a report on its findings, the panel of seven Democrats and two Republicans has promised fresh damning evidence on the insurrection. “And we’re going to bring a particular focus on the former president’s state of mind and his involvement in these events as they unfolded,” a select committee aide said. Blockbuster witness testimony across eight hearings in the summer provided stunning examples of Trump and his allies pressuring election officials and trying to get lawfully-cast votes nullified in swing states, and of Trump’s inertia amid the mob uprising on January 6, 2021. The aide said that while each previous hearing had dug into separate aspects of the plan to overturn the election and block the transfer of power, Thursday’s session would reach back before January 6 to tell the broader story. “So what you’re going to see is a synthesis of some evidence we’ve already presented with that new, never-before-seen information to illustrate Donald Trump’s centrality to the scheme from the time prior to the election,” he added. The panel plans to release its final report by the end of the year, but after the November 8 elections that decide which party controls Congress. A preliminary report may come out beforehand. It will be the first hearing without live witnesses — instead featuring new video evidence, including footage from a Danish film crew shot for a documentary about longtime Trump ally Roger Stone. In one clip from the day before the 2020 election, the notorious self-styled “dirty trickster” is seen telling the filmmakers he has no interest in waiting to contest the vote tally. “Let’s get right to the violence,” says the 70-year-old Republican operative. Stone, who has not been charged in connection with the riot, has challenged the authenticity of the clips. Committee aides said there would also be new video footage showing “efforts to respond in real time to the violence… as that violence was unfolding.” The panel also plans to unveil evidence developed from “hundreds of thousands” of pages of documents surrendered by the Secret Service, the aides said, as lawmakers seek to understand why certain agents’ text messages from the eve of the insurrection and the day itself went missing. The records are expected to confirm evidence from earlier hearings that Trump riled up his supporters despite being repeatedly warned of looming violence on January 6. Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified in June that Trump was briefed that some of his supporters had turned up armed, and demanded they be permitted into his rally and that he be allowed to lead them at the Capitol. Trump, who urged his supporters in a fiery speech near the White House to “fight like hell,” was impeached for inciting the mob to storm Congress to halt the peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden. The defeated president’s election fraud falsehoods inspired a welter of restrictive voting laws in conservative states as he endorsed a crop of Republican candidates running to oversee future elections who have tried to undermine faith in the last one. The hearing comes with the former president’s legal woes mounting, as the Justice Department probes the mishandling of government secrets found at his Florida beach club, Mar-a-Lago. Individual panelists have publicly suggested Attorney General Merrick Garland should charge Trump over the Capitol attack, although the committee has not announced a formal decision on whether it will make criminal referrals. It is looking increasingly unlikely that members will subpoena Trump and his vice president Mike Pence, who was threatened by the president’s supporters during the insurrection. ft/md/mca Read More Here
US Capitol Riot Panel To Get Inside Trump
Jury Decides Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Should Pay Nearly $1 Billion In Damages To Sandy Hook Families For His Lies About The School Massacre | CNN Business
Jury Decides Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Should Pay Nearly $1 Billion In Damages To Sandy Hook Families For His Lies About The School Massacre | CNN Business
Jury Decides Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Should Pay Nearly $1 Billion In Damages To Sandy Hook Families For His Lies About The School Massacre | CNN Business CNN Business  —  Far-right talk show host Alex Jones should pay eight families of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims and one first responder $965 million in compensatory damages, a Connecticut jury decided Wednesday, capping a wrenching weeks-long trial that put on display the serious harm inflicted by the conspiracy theorist’s lies. With its punishing award, the decision could shrink or even doom Jones’ Infowars media empire, which has been at the center of major conspiracy theories dating back to former President George W. Bush’s administration and was embraced by President Donald Trump. The plaintiffs and their attorneys were visibly emotional when the jury’s decision were read. The decision marks a key moment in the years-long process that began in 2018 when the families took legal action against Jones and his company, Free Speech Systems, the parent of the fringe media organization Infowars. Jones baselessly said again and again after the 2012 mass shooting, in which 26 people were killed, that the incident was staged, and that the families and first responders were “crisis actors.” The plaintiffs throughout the trial described in poignant terms how the lies had prompted unrelenting harassment against them and compounded the emotional agony of losing their loved ones. Plaintiffs in the trial included family members of eight school students and employees, in addition to one FBI agent who responded to the scene. The three cases were all condensed into the single trial. Jones was not in the courtroom for the verdict. He was streaming live when the jury’s decision was read in court, mocked the decision on his Infowars show and used it to fundraise. It’s unclear when or how much of the money the plaintiffs will ultimately see. Jones has said that he will appeal the decision and during his Wednesday broadcast said that there “ain’t no money” to pay the massive figure the jury awarded the plaintiffs. Christopher Mattei, an attorney for the plaintiffs, had urged jurors to award at least a half a billion dollars for having permanently mangled the lives of his clients. The figure, he said, would represent the more than 550 million online impressions Jones’ Sandy Hook lie allegedly received online. “You may say that is astronomical. It is,” Mattei said. “It’s exactly what Alex Jones set himself up to do. That’s what he built. He built a lie machine that could push this stuff out. You reap what you sow.” Mattei praised the jurors after the verdict was reached. “The jury’s verdict is a testament to that courage, in a resounding affirmation that people of goodwill, dedicated to the truth, mindful of their responsibilities to their fellow citizens can come together to protect the innocent, to reveal lies masquerading as truth, and to set right a historic wrong,” Mattei told reporters outside the courthouse. The decision in Connecticut comes two months after a separate jury in Texas determined that Jones and his company should award two Sandy Hook parents who sued in that state nearly $50 million. Later this month, the judge in that case will consider whether to reduce the punitive damages awarded under Texas law. While Jones initially lied about the 2012 shooting, he later acknowledged that the massacre had occurred as he faced multiple lawsuits. But he failed to comply with court orders during the discovery process of the lawsuits in Connecticut and Texas, leading the families in each state to win default judgments against him. During the latest trial, families of the Sandy Hook victims offered emotional testimony, telling the jury in haunting terms how Jones’ lies about the shooting had permanently altered their lives and compounded the pain of losing their loved ones. Jones, who was cross-examined by the plaintiffs’ attorneys, but chose not to testify in his own defense as was originally planned, sought to portray himself as a victim of an elaborate “deep state” conspiracy against him. In a particularly explosive moment in the trial, Jones tangled with an attorney for the plaintiffs, accusing him of “ambulance chasing,” before descending into an unhinged rant in court about “liberals.” The judge overseeing the case admonished Jones several times during his testimony, warning him even at one point that he could be held in contempt of court if he violated her rules moving forward. Jones has attacked the judicial process, even acknowledging in court that he had referred to the proceedings as those of a “kangaroo court” and called the judge a “tyrant.” He has already indicated that he plans to appeal. This story has been updated with additional details. Read More Here
Jury Decides Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Should Pay Nearly $1 Billion In Damages To Sandy Hook Families For His Lies About The School Massacre | CNN Business
Tom And Jean (O
Tom And Jean (O
Tom And Jean (O MESA, AZ – On October 6, 2022, Tom and Jean Welder were taken from us by a tragic automobile accident in Mesa, AZ. Relatives and friends are invited to the visitation to be held on Sunday, October 16, 2022 from 5-8:00 p.m. at Valley of the Sun Mortuary 10940 East Chandler Heights Rd. Chandler, AZ 85248. A service will take place the following day, Monday, October 17, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. (1:00 p.m. CDST) at Valley of the Sun Mortuary. Livestream will be from Valley of the Sun Mortuary Facebook page. Inurnments will take place at the North Dakota Veterans Cemetery Mandan, ND at a later date. Thomas (Tom) (75) was born on April 12, 1947 in Zeeland, ND, the oldest of 6 children to Peter and Lillian (Schatz) Welder. Jean (71) was born on September 27, 1951 in Bismarck, ND, child number 6 of 13 to Ray and Bernice (Bohls) O’Hara. Tom graduated from Zeeland High School and Jean graduated from Bismarck St. Mary’s High School. Following college, Tom was drafted into the Army and served in Korea. Tom and Jean met while they were both employed at Midwest Motor Express in Bismarck. Their first date occurred over lunch where Tom offered Jean a can of tuna and some cherries. From there their love blossomed. They were married on the Free-Throw-Line in the original Corpus Christi Church, Bismarck on September 2, 1972. Corpus Christi’s first sanctuary was also the school gym. Tom’s career as an accountant with Super Value started in Bismarck where their daughter Kathryn was born in February of 1976. They transferred to Brooklyn Park, MN where their son Sean was born in July of 1978. They later moved back to Bismarck where Jean worked for the ND Public Employees Retirement System and Tom completed his employment with Super Value. Then it was off to Dickinson where Jean worked for Armstrong Corporation and Tom worked for Kadrmas Lee & Jackson Engineering and Planning. Their last ND residence was in Bismarck. In 2017 they decided to trade the snow shovels for golf clubs and moved to Queen Creek, Arizona to be closer to their grandchildren. Tom remained active with the Veteran’s community, organizing charitable events and decorating the community with flags on each of the holidays. He spent most days making friends and divots on the golf course and spoiling his granddaughters. Jean enjoyed listening to live music from their patio and always had coffee, chocolates, or a glass of wine ready for friends and neighbors to stop by. Tom and Jean are survived by their daughter Kathryn O’Hara of Chandler, AZ, their son Sean (Rachael) Welder of Reno, NV, and granddaughters Sydney Dutchin of Cincinnati, OH and Samantha Dutchin of Chandler, AZ. Jean is survived by her sisters, Pat Smith of Bismarck, Kathleen (Ray) Seidel, Denver, Julie (Rick) Tronson and Bridgette Braun, all of Devils Lake; and Mary Stephanie (Craig) Geinert, Helena, Mont.; her brothers, Dan (Sharon), Dallas, Dennis (Sharon) and Jim (Lisa), all of Denver, David, San Antonio, Texas, and Brian (Shelly), Dickinson. Tom is survived by his sisters Anna Welder of Fargo, Bev Welder of Moorhead, MN and Bonnie (Rick) Siewert of Sioux Falls, SD; his brothers, Dick (Judi) of Alexandria, MN and Vern (Joyce) of Bismarck. Tom and Jean were preceded in death by their parents, Jean’s sisters Carolyn and Peggy (Jack) Schwichtenberg, and Jean’s brother-in-law John Smith. Obituaries Newsletter Sign up to get the most recent local obituaries delivered to your inbox. Read More Here
Tom And Jean (O
North Korea Says It Tested Two Nuclear-Capable Cruise Missiles
North Korea Says It Tested Two Nuclear-Capable Cruise Missiles
North Korea Says It Tested Two Nuclear-Capable Cruise Missiles State media says the tests were supervised by leader Kim Jong Un who has made acquiring tactical nuclear weapons a priority. Published On 13 Oct 202213 Oct 2022 North Korea has test-fired a pair of long-range strategic cruise missiles, with leader Kim Jong Un lauding another successful display of the country’s tactical nuclear strike capability. The test, which took place on Wednesday, aimed at “enhancing the combat efficiency and might” of cruise missiles deployed to the Korean People’s Army “for the operation of tactical nukes”, state media KCNA reported on Thursday morning. It was the latest in a series of weapons launches that have increased tension on the divided Korean Peninsula and heightened fears Pyongyang might be about to conduct its first nuclear test in five years. The cruise missiles travelled 2,000km (1,240 miles) over the sea, according to KCNA, which said the projectiles hit their intended, but unspecified, targets. Cruise missile launches are not as closely watched as ballistic missile launches, but analysts say that in the event of conflict they could carry either conventional or nuclear warheads [KCNA/KNS via AFP] Stressing that the test was another clear warning to “enemies”, Kim said the country “should continue to expand the operational sphere of the nuclear strategic armed forces to resolutely deter any crucial military crisis and war crisis at any time and completely take the initiative in it”, according to KCNA. A US Department of State spokesperson declined to comment on the launches, saying Washington remained focused on coordinating with allies and partners to address threats posed by North Korea. On Monday, North Korean state media reported that Kim had supervised two weeks of guided nuclear tactical exercises, including the test of a new intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) that was launched over Japan as a protest against recent joint naval drills by South Korea and the United States that involved the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan. Mistake to dismiss tests North Korean state media once reported routinely on the country’s weapons testing but has stopped doing so in recent months. Analysts say that while the recent “deluge of propaganda” could not be trusted, the tests should not be ignored. “North Korea’s cruise missiles, air force, and tactical nuclear devices are probably much less capable than propaganda suggests. But it would be a mistake to dismiss North Korea’s recent weapons testing spree as bluster or sabre-rattling,” Leif-Eric Easley, a professor at Ewha University in Seoul, wrote in emailed comments. “Pyongyang’s military threats are a chronic and worsening problem for peace and stability in Asia that must not be ignored. Policymakers in Seoul, Tokyo and Washington should not allow domestic politics and other challenges such as Russia’s war in Ukraine to prevent them from increasing international coordination on military deterrence and economic sanctions.” North Korea’s cruise missiles usually generate less interest than ballistic weapons because they are not explicitly banned under UN Security Council resolutions. Kim made acquiring tactical nuclear weapons – smaller, lighter and designed for battlefield use – a priority at a key party congress in January 2021 and first tested a “strategic” cruise missile in September of that year. Analysts said it was the country’s first such weapon to have nuclear capability and was a worrying development because, in the event of a conflict, it might not be clear whether it was carrying a conventional or nuclear warhead. The country revised its nuclear laws last month to allow preemptive attacks, with Kim declaring North Korea an “irreversible” nuclear power, effectively ending the possibility of negotiations over its arsenal. President Joe Biden unveiled the latest update to the United States National Security Strategy on Wednesday but it contained only a single reference to North Korea. Daniel Russel, the top US diplomat for East Asia under former President Barack Obama, said this was striking, “not only because it passes so quickly past a persistent and existential threat, but also because it frames the strategy as ‘seeking sustained diplomacy toward denuclearization,’ when North Korea has so convincingly demonstrated its utter rejection of negotiations”. Source : Al Jazeera and news agencies Read More Here
North Korea Says It Tested Two Nuclear-Capable Cruise Missiles
United Home Offer Shares Tips On How To Sell Phoenix AZ Properties For Those Going Through Divorce
United Home Offer Shares Tips On How To Sell Phoenix AZ Properties For Those Going Through Divorce
United Home Offer Shares Tips On How To Sell Phoenix AZ Properties For Those Going Through Divorce “Sell a Home in Divorce in Phoenix AZ” Going through a divorce is unpleasant, more so getting rid of the conjugal home. To help speed things up, we’ve enumerated some tips to sell your house fast during divorce in Phoenix, AZ. Sell your house fast in Phoenix, AZ even while going through divorce It’s an unfortunate truth that not all marriages last for a lifetime. Couples who experience tough, irreconcilable problems often turn to divorce in order to end their marriage and start over. However, if the couple has conjugal property, divorce might get messy. Which spouse, for instance, receives the marital home? Is the house able to be sold? If so, are they required by law to split the proceeds from the sale of the marital home? These are some questions you should think about before selling your house fast during a divorce in Phoenix, AZ. Because this can be an emotionally overwhelming time, knowing your options to sell your home when going through a divorce can be a source of comfort that lessens any anxiety you might be having. Tips on Selling Your Phoenix, AZ Home During Divorce To help you sell your home fast, an experienced cash home buyer in Phoenix, AZ, United Home Offer, shares some useful tips to get the ball rolling ASAP. Preparing your home before selling it If you find yourself thinking, “How do I sell my house during divorce in Phoenix, AZ?” you’ll be glad to know it’s really not that hard. But before listing your home for sale, you should first do a thorough inspection of your home to see if there is any maintenance work that needs to be done. While you are not required to renovate your property before listing it for sale, it’s expected that you’ll have a higher chance of closing a great deal quickly if you do. Deciding whether to sell through FSBO or a real estate agent Seeking the help of a real estate agent is the traditional way of selling your property. An agent will walk you through the entire process, so you don’t have to worry about showings, listings, and dealing with potential buyers. On the other hand, FSBO or for-sale-by-owner means you’ll list and sell your Phoenix home by yourself. You’ll have to schedule home inspections yourself, and find trustworthy contractors to start on the repairs, if any. You’ll also have to pay, out of pocket, to have your home listed in a multiple listing service (MLS). While you don’t have to worry about paying for commissions and fees, you’ll have to bear the burden of hosting open houses and showings as you wait for a potential buyer. Advertising your property It is up to you if you want to disclose that your home is being sold because of your divorce. When marketing your property, you don’t actually have to mention this–as long as there is no legal problem attached to your marital home. All you have to do is focus on the assets of your property: is it located in a good neighborhood? Is it near schools, the business district, and shopping areas? List down all of the advantages of living in your home in your marketing plan to attract more potential buyers. Handling offers The most difficult part of the selling process is probably reviewing offers for your property as they come in. While your Phoenix home is on the market, think of the lowest price you are willing to accept to avoid getting low-balled later on. If you can’t reach an agreement on certain offers, keep an open mind and seek advice from an expert. Although you may be thinking of ways to sell your home in Phoenix fast even while divorcing your spouse, taking the time to decide on sale price and terms is important. It’s also crucial that you know how much your Phoenix home is actually worth relative to other properties in the area. This will give you a good estimate of which offers to consider or drop altogether. Sell to a cash home buyer in Phoenix, AZ If you’d rather not go through the traditional process of selling your home yourself or through a real estate agent, you can always choose to sell to a reliable cash home buyer in Phoenix, AZ, like United Home Offer. We buy houses in Phoenix, AZ, regardless of the condition it is in, which means you can sell your home as-is, and you don’t have to spend anything on repairs, marketing, or listing. We can provide you with the best price for your home while still ensuring a quick close so you can liquidate your inherited property ASAP. When you choose to sell to a professional home buyer, you can be sure to receive a fair cash offer and a quick, painless close on the date of your choosing. If you want to sell your house fast during divorce in Phoenix, AZ, you should consider selling to a cash home buyer in Phoenix, AZ, like United Home Offer. When you choose to sell to us, you don’t have to wait weeks and months just to get good offers. We’re direct buyers and we pay in cash to arrange a quick close. We buy houses in Phoenix, AZ, in just about any condition and situation, including foreclosure, late mortgage payments, or fair market value. To find out more about our home purchasing process, give us a call at (214) 817-4224 today. Media Contact Company Name: United Home Offer Contact Person: Nate A. Email: Send Email Phone: (214) 817-4224 City: Dallas State: Texas Country: United States Website: Press Release Distributed by To view the original version on ABNewswire visit: United Home Offer Shares Tips on How to Sell Phoenix AZ Properties For Those Going Through Divorce © 2022 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved. Read More…
United Home Offer Shares Tips On How To Sell Phoenix AZ Properties For Those Going Through Divorce
House Committee Member Hints surprising Material To Be Showcased In Capitol Riot Hearing
House Committee Member Hints surprising Material To Be Showcased In Capitol Riot Hearing
House Committee Member Hints ‘surprising’ Material To Be Showcased In Capitol Riot Hearing WASHINGTON – The House committee is investigating the January 6 Capitol riot as it prepares for its 9th hearing on Thursday. Lawmakers will present new evidence and taped testimony that could include former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Secretary of Treasury Steve Mnuchin, former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Lawmakers are aiming to hammer home that former President Trump and his allies provoked the insurrection in an effort to overturn the 2020 election. “He refused to defend our constitution,” said Liz Cheney, Vice Chair of the Jan 6 selection committee. “He could not be moved,” said Bennie Thompson, chair, of the Jan 6 selection committee. It comes after the White House counsel told former President Trump to condemn the rioters. “I said people need to be told, there needs to be a public announcement that they need to leave the capitol,” said Pat Cipollone, former White House counsel. The panel called it a dereliction of duty as they’ve now conducted more than a thousand interviews apart of the year-long investigation into the events leading up to the attacks on the Capitol. “We found some new things that we will be able to present but also to be able I think to tie together some loose ends,” said U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a member of the Jan 6 Select Committee. Copyright 2022 by WPLG – All rights reserved. About the Authors: Ben Kennedy Ben Kennedy is an Emmy Award-winning Washington Bureau Chief for Local 10 News. He has more than a decade of reporting experience nationwide. Ryan Mackey Ryan Mackey is our newest digital journalist at WPLG. He is New York born and South Florida raised. Read More Here
House Committee Member Hints surprising Material To Be Showcased In Capitol Riot Hearing
DOJ Asks Supreme Court Steer Clear Of Legal Fight Over Documents Seized From Trumps Mar-A-Lago Home
DOJ Asks Supreme Court Steer Clear Of Legal Fight Over Documents Seized From Trumps Mar-A-Lago Home
DOJ Asks Supreme Court Steer Clear Of Legal Fight Over Documents Seized From Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Home During a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) search of former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate in August, classified documents were seized. On Tuesday, the Joe Biden administration urged the Supreme Court to steer clear of a legal fight over them. The high court is currently weighing an emergency appeal from the former President. He asked it to overturn a lower court ruling. He wants it to permit a special master to review the roughly 100 documents with classified markings. They were taken in the Aug. 8 search of Mar-a-Lago. The Department Of Justice (DOJ) argued in a filing that the Supreme Court should reject Trump’s motion. They want the documents to be kept out of the special master’s purview. They want this since Trump did not show that he was being irreparably harmed. They believe that his arguments about jurisdiction didn’t have merit, reported The Guardian. The DOJ wrote that Trump did not acknowledge the “court of appeals’ conclusion that the district court’s order” was an “unwarranted intrusion on the Executive Branch’s authority to control the use and distribution of extraordinarily sensitive government records.” And so, they urged that the “application should be denied.” Last month, a three-judge committee from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit limited the special master’s review to the much larger share of non-classified documents, reported the AP News. The judges sided with the DOJ, but Trump’s legal team said in their application to the Supreme Court that it was essential for the special master to have access to the classified documents. Last month, veteran Brooklyn judge Raymond Dearie was named to serve as a special master. He was given the task to segregate any documents seized from Mar-a-Lago that may be covered by claims of attorney-client privilege or executive privilege. Now the issue is a legal dispute over the scope of the authority given to Dearie, who was appointed by Judge Aileen Cannon. She empowered him to inspect the classified documents. She halted the DOJ’s use of those records for its criminal investigation until the special master’s review was done. But the appeals court set aside that part of the judge’s longer ruling. It agreed with the DOJ’s arguments that there was no need for Dearie to review the classified records since they were not likely to involve issues of privilege that the Trump team appealed. Meanwhile, the Justice Department is appealing Cannon’s entire ruling to the 11th Circuit. Former US President Donald Trump during a campaign rally in support of Doug Mastriano for Governor and Mehmet Oz for US Senate at Mohegan Sun Arena in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on September 3, 2022. Photo by Ed Jones/AFP via Getty Images Read More Here
DOJ Asks Supreme Court Steer Clear Of Legal Fight Over Documents Seized From Trumps Mar-A-Lago Home
3 Philadelphia Police SWAT Officers Shot Serving Warrant; Suspect Killed
3 Philadelphia Police SWAT Officers Shot Serving Warrant; Suspect Killed
3 Philadelphia Police SWAT Officers Shot Serving Warrant; Suspect Killed PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — Three SWAT officers serving an arrest warrant were wounded and a suspect was killed after gunfire erupted Wednesday morning in North Philadelphia. It happened around 6:30 a.m. in the 800 block of N. 10th Street near Brown Street. Officers were serving a warrant on a suspect wanted for homicide and other violent offenses. Police sources identified the suspect as 19-year-old Raheem Lee. According to police, Lee fired at officers through a door and a window. “Officers were able to continue to breach the property where they took on more gunfire from this individual,” Deputy Commissioner John Stanford said. Raheem Lee That’s when the officers were hit. One officer was shot in the hip and another officer was shot in the leg. A third officer was hit in the upper chest after a bullet ricocheted off his vest. He suffered a serious contusion but, we’re told, the bullet did not penetrate. Police say the suspect then attempted to flee through the rear of the property, police said, at which point the suspect fired at SWAT officers who were stationed there. At least six officers returned fire on the suspect, striking him in the head. Lee was taken to Temple University Hospital where he was pronounced dead just after 7:30 a.m. Action News is told one of the officers who was hit drove himself, and his partner, right down 10th Street to Jefferson Hospital for help. “Let them know I’m shot in the hip, my partner is shot in the leg,” he could be heard saying on police radio. The officer who was hit in his chest and the officer shot in the hip were treated and released from the hospital. We’ve learned that the officer shot in the hip was sent home with the bullet still lodged in him. Doctors are going to wait for the swelling to go down before trying to remove it. The officer shot in the leg remains hospitalized. Police say the bullet went through that officer’s leg so he’s being held overnight for observation. Sources in the homicide unit say Lee was wanted for a killing that occurred at approximately 2:46 a.m. on Sunday, August 21, in the 2600 block of West Berks Street. That’s where a 34-year-old man was found inside a Range Rover with gunshot wounds to the neck. The victim was identified as Theodore Bell of the 10800 block of Keswick Road. Sources say Bell was the father of Lee’s sister’s child. Pictured: The scene of a homicide in the 2600 block of West Berks Street in Philadelphia on August 21, 2022. Lee was also wanted for multiple armed robberies. Stanford called the level of gun violence in Philadelphia “ridiculous,” adding, “it’s enough.” “There’s not a day that goes by that we don’t either have a child that is shot, or multiple people shot, because there are too many people out here carrying guns and they don’t have consequences,” he said. “Some people need to be in jail.” “This should not be happening — this is not normal,” he said. “Unfortunately we have come to believe that this is the normal course of events — it’s not … it is troubling.” Stanford stressed that Wednesday’s suspected gunman was just 19 years old. “Something has been broken in this young man’s life for a long time, and it just didn’t start today,” he said. Several officers arrived at Jefferson Hospital to check on the wounded SWAT members. Mayor Jim Kenney said the officers were sitting up and talking, and were surrounded by family members. “Our officers continue to work every single day and every single night, to work their best, to be brave, to put themselves in harm’s way, and to do that for us,” Kenney said. Commissioner Danielle Outlaw, who is currently attending a police chiefs’ conference in Dallas, released a statement decrying violence against officers. “While our SWAT officers are highly-trained professionals, this is yet again another cold reminder of the dangers involved in the work they do. Warrant service is always a high-risk assignment; particularly when the suspect is wanted in connection to violent crime,” she said. “But let me make sure something is perfectly clear: it is NOT the job of our officers to be shot at. It is not their job to be stabbed, spat upon, accosted or attacked in any way. And this type of violence towards our police – towards anyone – can not continue to be normalized,” she continued. “As your Police Commissioner, I can promise you this: Our officers will not be intimidated, and we will continue to do everything we can to make Philadelphia a safer place to live.” Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #5 President John McNesby says he’s frustrated that someone linked to murder and armed robbery charges was out in the public in the first place “There is no accountability. Zero accountability. And they are doing what they want, shooting at police, they are shooting the community, they are shooting children, and nothing is happening. They’re not being held accountable,” he said. Copyright © 2022 WPVI-TV. All Rights Reserved. Read More Here
3 Philadelphia Police SWAT Officers Shot Serving Warrant; Suspect Killed
Expert: Reported Trump Worker Account On Mar-A-Lago Boxes Could Mean Obstruction Of Justice Charge
Expert: Reported Trump Worker Account On Mar-A-Lago Boxes Could Mean Obstruction Of Justice Charge
Expert: Reported Trump Worker Account On Mar-A-Lago Boxes Could Mean Obstruction Of Justice Charge The Hill Georgia Senate race unchanged after Walker abortion report: poll A new survey indicates that the Georgia race between Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) and his Republican challenger, Herschel Walker, is largely holding steady amid reports that the former football star pressured a former girlfriend into getting an abortion, which he also paid for. A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday showed Warnock leading Walker by 7… The Hill Here’s what the White House is expecting tomorrow’s Social Security COLA increase to be The White House predicted that Americans on Social Security will see a $140 per month increase ahead of Thursday, when the Social Security Administration is expected to announce a cost of living adjustment (COLA). “Tomorrow, seniors and other Americans on Social Security are will learn precisely how much their monthly checks will increase – but… Ukrayinska Pravda Russians surveyed about whether they are ready to “lose” Crimea STANISLAV POHORILOV – TUESDAY, 11 OCTOBER 2022, 16:53 The Russian authorities are conducting a secret survey to study public opinion regarding the possible loss of control over occupied Crimea. Source: National Resistance Center Quote: “Russian state organisations that “study” public opinion in the Russian Federation have received an urgent task to conduct a survey regarding the return of Crimea to Ukrainian control. Reuters China’s ‘liberal’ Wang Yang seen as possible premier as reshuffle looms When Wang Yang was Chinese Communist Party boss of economic powerhouse Guangdong province, the man now considered a top contender to be China’s next premier displayed a liberal streak that has been less visible since Xi Jinping took power. During his time in Guangdong, which borders Hong Kong, Wang made his mark by pushing an upgrade of rusting industries and touting socially inclusive policies. The Daily Beast Kremlin TV Exposes the Real Goal of Putin’s ‘Revenge-Bombs’ Serhii Mykhalchuk/Global Images Ukraine via Getty ImagesRussia escalated its reign of terror against its neighbor this week, raining missiles on the people of Ukraine and civilian infrastructure in what appeared to be a series of indiscriminate strikes. While the attacks seemed to be devoid of any military meaning—changing nothing on the battlefield, where Russia continues to lose—the rationale behind them was revealed on Russian state media, where the ugly truth is systematically breaking throu The Daily Beast Russian Judge Linked to Top Putin Ally Allegedly Killed in Bridge Bomb Anadolu Agency via GettyThree days after a huge explosion tore through a key bridge linking Russia to occupied Crimea in what the Kremlin deemed a Ukrainian “terrorist” attack against civilians, sources cited in Russian media say one of the victims was no ordinary civilian at all.Sergei Maslov, a judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court, is said to have died in the blast along with three other people who were in the same vehicle with him: fitness instructor Gleb Orgetkin and Eduard Chuchakin and Zo The Daily Beast Putin’s Megalomania Is to Blame For Massive ‘Strategic Errors’ in Ukraine, Says Top Spy ILYA PITALEV/GettyRussian President Vladimir Putin’s unchallenged power has led to catastrophic “strategic errors” that have been a disaster for the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine, according to one of Britain’s most senior spy chiefs.Sir Jeremy Fleming, the head of the U.K.’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), is set to give a damning analysis of Putin’s leadership during a rare public speech in London on Tuesday. The boss of Britain’s equivalent of the NSA will also say that “Russia’ Bloomberg DOJ Asks Supreme Court to Reject Trump Classified Records Review (Bloomberg) — The Justice Department on Tuesday urged the US Supreme Court stay out of the Mar-a-Lago documents dispute and reject Donald Trump’s bid to have an outside special master review more than 100 records with classified markings.Most Read from BloombergHere’s How Weird Things Are Getting in the Housing MarketIntel Is Planning Thousands of Job Cuts in Face of PC SlumpUS Core Inflation Seen Returning to 40-Year High as Rents RiseA First Look at the Ritz-Carlton Superyacht: PhotosPutin Sa Read More Here
Expert: Reported Trump Worker Account On Mar-A-Lago Boxes Could Mean Obstruction Of Justice Charge
US State Department Says Iran Nuclear Deal 'not Our Focus Right Now' | CNN Politics
US State Department Says Iran Nuclear Deal 'not Our Focus Right Now' | CNN Politics
US State Department Says Iran Nuclear Deal 'not Our Focus Right Now' | CNN Politics Washington CNN  —  The Iran nuclear deal is “not our focus right now,” US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said Wednesday, noting the administration was instead focusing on supporting the protesters in Iran as efforts to restore the nuclear deal have hit yet another impasse. “The Iranians have made very clear that this is not a deal that they have been prepared to make, a deal certainly does not appear imminent,” Price said at a department briefing. “Iran’s demands are unrealistic. They go well beyond the scope of the JCPOA,” he said, using the acronym for the formal name of the deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. “Nothing we’ve heard in recent weeks suggests they have changed their position,” Price added. The spokesperson said the administration’s current focus “is on the remarkable bravery and courage that the Iranian people are exhibiting through their peaceful demonstrations, through their exercise of their universal right to freedom of assembly and to freedom of expression.” “And our focus right now is on shining a spotlight on what they’re doing and supporting them in the ways we can,” Price said. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in late September that he did not “see any prospects in the very near term” to bring about a return to the Iran nuclear deal. In an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Blinken said that “Iran has continued to try to add extraneous issues to the negotiation that we’re simply not going to say yes to.” “We will not accept a bad deal, the response that they’ve given to the last proposals put forward by our European partners have been a very significant step backwards,” he said. A senior State Department official said at that time that “we’ve hit a wall” because of Tehran’s “unreasonable” demands. Speaking to reporters during the UN General Assembly, the official said the UN nuclear watchdog’s probe into unexplained traces of uranium found at undisclosed Iranian sites remained the key sticking point. “At the same time as Iran is standing against its people on the street, it’s standing in the way of the kind of economic relief that a nuclear deal would provide. So I think they have to explain that to their own people why, on the verge of the deal, they would choose this issue and jeopardize at this point the possibility of the deal,” the official said in late September. Amid the standstill on the JCPOA, the Biden administration has unveiled a series of measures aimed at punishing the regime for its repression of the Iranian people and to try to support the protesters. In late September, the US announced sanctions on Iran’s Morality Police following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in their custody. In a statement, the US Treasury Department said it was sanctioning the morality police “for abuse and violence against Iranian women and the violation of the rights of peaceful Iranian protestors.” Shortly thereafter, amid internet shutdowns by the Iranian government in the face of widespread protests over Amini’s death, the US government took a step meant to allow technology firms to help the people of Iran access information online. Last week, the US issued additional sanctions on seven senior Iranian officials for the government shutdown of internet access and the violence against protesters, targeting Iran’s Minister of the Interior, Ahmad Vahidi, who oversees all Law Enforcement Forces that have been used to suppress protests, as well as its Minister of Communications. Read More Here
US State Department Says Iran Nuclear Deal 'not Our Focus Right Now' | CNN Politics
Google Approves Trump's Truth Social For Play Store
Google Approves Trump's Truth Social For Play Store
Google Approves Trump's Truth Social For Play Store Oct 12 (Reuters) – Alphabet Inc’s (GOOGL.O) Google has approved former U.S. President Donald Trump’s social media app Truth Social for distribution in the Google Play Store, a company spokesperson said on Wednesday. Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), which operates Truth Social, is expected to make the app available in the Play Store shortly, Google said. “It’s been a pleasure to work with Google, and we’re glad they helped us to finally bring Truth Social to all Americans, regardless of what device they use,” TMTG’s Chief Executive Officer Devin Nunes said in a statement. Register now for FREE unlimited access to Truth Social, which launched in the United States in the Apple App Store in February, had not previously been available in the Play Store due to insufficient content moderation, according to a Google spokesperson in August. Google had expressed concerns to Truth Social about violations of its Play Store policies prohibiting content like physical threats and incitement to violence. Without Google and Apple stores, there is no easy way for most smartphone users to download Truth Social. Google’s Play Store is the main way users of Android phones in the United States download apps. Android users can get apps through competing stores or download them directly from a website, though it often requires extra steps and security permissions. Truth Social has been available through those means even as Google blocked it from the Play Store. Android phones comprise about 40% of the U.S. smartphone market. Truth Social restored Trump’s presence on social media more than a year after he was banned from Twitter Inc (TWTR.N), Facebook (META.O) and Alphabet Inc (GOOGL.O)‘s YouTube following the Jan. 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol riots, after he was accused of posting messages inciting violence. TMTG has pledged to deliver an “engaging and censorship-free experience” on Truth Social, appealing to a base that feels its views around such hot-button topics such as the outcome of the 2020 presidential election have been scrubbed from mainstream tech platforms. News of Google’s approval was first reported by Axios. Register now for FREE unlimited access to Reporting by Helen Coster in New York; Additional reporting by Paresh Dave in Oakland, Anirudh Saligrama and Bhanvi Satija in Bengaluru; Editing by Shounak Dasgupta, Deepa Babington, Marguerita Choy and Sherry Jacob-Phillips Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Read More Here
Google Approves Trump's Truth Social For Play Store
Maricopa County Ballots Contain Built-In Advantage For Republican Candidates
Maricopa County Ballots Contain Built-In Advantage For Republican Candidates
Maricopa County Ballots Contain Built-In Advantage For Republican Candidates PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) — Maricopa County election officials began mailing out ballots on Wednesday that contain a small advantage for Republican candidates: their names appear first in each partisan category. Decades of political science research has revealed that appearing first on a ballot can boost a candidate’s vote total by several percentage points. Democrats have called Arizona’s ballot order law unfair, and some groups are challenging it in court. The advantage of appearing first is sometimes called the “primacy effect.” One study found the magnitude was nearly 10 points, although most research finds it’s in the low- to mid-single-digit percentages. “In very rare circumstances, they can change election outcomes,” said political scientist and former Arizona State University professor Jennifer Steen. In 2004, Steen and Jonathan GS Koppell published a major study analyzing the 1998 Democratic primary in New York City. In that election, the city randomized and rotated candidate names by precinct, allowing Steen and Koppell to compare the effects of having a candidate’s name appear in different positions on the ballot. In 71 of New York’s 79 precincts, candidates received more votes when they were listed first than when they appeared in any other position. “What we found in our study was that the effect could range from a low of about 2% up to about 8%,” she said. In about 10% of the cases, the advantage from appearing first exceeded the candidate’s margin of victory. Studies show the primacy effect diminishes in high-profile elections when the electorate is familiar with the candidates. Steen said the effect will be “very, very small” for high profile top-of-the ballot races like the ones in Arizona for governor and U.S. senate. But in lesser-known, down-ballot races, these ballot order effects can have a moderate impact, she said. It’s all because of how people process information cognitively. For example, studies show that when people are presented with a list of choices and they lack a firm preconception or preference, “they will conserve their own time and resources by making the first choice that’s presented to them that is acceptable.” “Or, often in elections, they’re making the first choice that’s presented to them that’s not objectionable,” Steen said. For this reason, many states randomize the order of names on the ballot, but an Arizona law enacted in 1979 ties name order to past election results at the county level. Within each county, the party of the candidate who won the most recent governor’s election gets their candidate names listed first. In 2018, a majority of Maricopa County voters chose Republican Doug Ducey. That means Republicans will appear first on every Maricopa County ballot until the next gubernatorial election – this November. Over the last 40 years, Republicans have enjoyed a first-name advantage in Maricopa County in all but two election cycles. Copyright 2022 KTVK/KPHO. All rights reserved. Read More…
Maricopa County Ballots Contain Built-In Advantage For Republican Candidates