Second-Generation Asian American Pan-Ethnic Identity: Pluralized Meanings of a Racial LabelSociological Perspectives - Jerry Z. Park, 2008

from Diigo
Why Brands Should Shift Their Focus from Data to Identity | Neustar Blog
Brand New: New Logo and Identity for Sandals Church done In-house
How to Take Control of Your Online Identity & Build Your Professional Brand | Between the Dots - Your Domain Name Online Identity & WHOIS information is safe with us
What's in a Domain Name? -
CS Lewis, Tim Keller, and the Sex Therapist |
10 Questions to Ask Before Naming Your Business
Sales Tip: Look at the Left Side of the Email Address |
Why It Takes Seven Days To Name A Brand - Digital Doughnut
Your company's single biggest mistake on Twitter - Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow}
Who is the Instructor? Developing Social Presence in an Online Course -
Becoming My Own Main Character: Straddling Conservative and Radical Spaces | Suey Park
Americans love to ask people 'what do you do'? | Heather Long | Comment is free |
Shaping a Digital me: An Introduction to Avatar Customization as Interactional and Engaging Feature in Videgames | Thais Weiller -
Cultivating Ethnic and Religious Identities for Chinese Americans
"Asian American Studies: Identity Formation in Korean American Parachut" by Albert J. Lee
Brand New: Opinions on Corporate and Brand Identity Work
Brand New: Opinions on Corporate and Brand Identity Work
Magntize | Beautiful websites that introduce you to the world.
KnowEm Username Check - Secure your Brand or Online Identity on Social Media
Teens First, Asian Americans Second | Hyphen Magazine
People Search - Find People with MyLife™
Rice University | Churches influence attitudes of new Americans
The Spectrum Online: Asia at Noon lectures discuss religious, civic life
KOREAN AMERICANS: Community worries about '1.5 generation,' fears racial backlash
How the World Works -
How the World Works -
ABC News: 'This Is a Betrayal That Goes Straight to the Heart of My Self-Identity'
Chronicle-Telegram » Collective Guilt by Korean-Americans Is Familiar to Minorities