"I Think the White Evangelical Church is Dead": Dr. Russell Jeung on 'Guilt' vs. 'Shame' and Decolonizing Asian-American Christianity

from Diigo
Bruce W. Fong Faculty Page | Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS)
Progressive Asian American Christians
Major Minor Christianity
The Need for Other Voices | Soul Theology
BRnow.org - Asian-Americans called to be ‘All In’
Korean Americans Reshape their Churches
EFC Churches
"Jesus' Way" Starting Worship Tour in Atlanta, Hoping to Restore Radical Worship - Christianity Daily
Asian American Theological Forum | AATF (vol. 1 no. 2), ISSN 2374-8133
A Theological Challenge to Second-Generation North American Ethnic Asian Churches: Towards a New Ecclesiology | cross·cultured
Historical Factors That Influenced the Deductive Preaching Style in the Korean Church | Asian American Theological Forum
Asian American pastors minister across culture gap - Los Angeles Times
Asian Americans | Topics | Christianity Today
Exponential Addressing Asian-American Leaders’ Concerns | Exponential
Beyond Buddha to Beloved | Christianity Today
How Asian-American Millennials Practice Faith: HuffPost Live
Asian American Christianity: A Reader by Timothy Tseng (Paperback) - Lulu
Fellowship of American Chinese Evangelicals (FACE) newsletter archives 1979-2003
ReligionLink - A guide to Asian-Americans and religion
Looking4yu.com - serving Asian American ministries
Center for Pacific & Asian-American Ministries, Affiliated with Claremont School of Theology
Cross Cultural Alliance of Ministries
Asian American Information Ministries
Pacific Islander & Asian American Ministries Northern Californa Nevada UCC
Council for Pacific Asian Theology
North American Pacific/Asian Disciples
Korean Americans and Their Religions: Pilgrims ... - Google Book Search
The History of Asian American Christianity