Use Legible Font Sizes | PageSpeed Insights | Google Developers

from Diigo
What’s the best font size for the web? Well, it depends… | Imarc, a digital agency
Best Font Size for Websites
WordPress › Support » Plugin has not changed Max
Equal Height Blocks in Rows | CSS-Tricks
The Ultimate Complete Final Social Media Sizing Cheat Sheet
PunyPNG - PNG Compression and Image Optimization
Sized Up: Apple iPhone vs Pack Of Playing Cards
Optimizing MP3 exporting in Audacity - Jason Salas' WebLog
Online Image Optimizer: Optimize your GIFS, JPGS, and PNGS online.
Online Image Optimizer: Optimize your GIFS, JPGS, and PNGS online.
Which themes can I add a header image to? «
Which themes can I add a header image to? «