Together In This
![from Diigo](
from Diigo
Why White-Centered Discipleship Hurts Us All | CT Women | Christianity Today
Race and Ethnicity
CTSA: Asians say their interest is mission, not church | National Catholic Reporter
Korean Americans Reshape their Churches
The Grasshopper Myth
8 Ways to Rethink the Conversation About Singleness - The Junia Project
The Front Porch
Home - The International Institute for the Study of Technology and ChristianityThe International Institute for the Study of Technology and Christianity
Pathways to Promise | Pathways to Promise
EMIN | Episcopal Mental Illness Network
Mental Health Ministries: To Erase the Stigma of Mental Illness
South Bay Korean American Pastors Switch Pulpits : Christianity Daily
Ekklesia Project | Fostering conversations about the Church among theologians, pastors, and congregations.
1001 New Worshiping Communities
Keeping Faith - The Atlantic
The Christian and the Mental Illness V: The Church and the Mentally Ill |
"Jesus' Way" Starting Worship Tour in Atlanta, Hoping to Restore Radical Worship - Christianity Daily
How Technology is Changing Millennial Faith - Barna Group
Peter Leithart’s “Church of the Future” | The Search
The sad, twisted truth about conservative Christianity’s effect on the mind -
Technology Recapitulates Theology — The Narthex — Medium
Introducing My Blog Series on Race | Amy Julia Becker | A blog by Amy Julia Becker on Faith, Family, and Disability.
Model Minorities: Welcome to the Church | Amy Julia Becker | A blog by Amy Julia Becker on Faith, Family, and Disability.
Modern Reformation - Face-to-Face Discipleship in a Facebook World
Asian American pastors minister across culture gap - Los Angeles Times
10 Powerful Church Statistics on Social Media Use » Capterra Blog
How to Reach More Hispanics in Your Community | LeadNetLeadNet
How I Escaped the Mormon Temple | Christianity Today