Google Announces Nomulus! New Domain Registry Platform Will Power Their TLDs as Well as Others & Donuts Helped Develop It

from Diigo
Google coughs over "New-TLDs-as-SEO-boost" claims - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News & Views
One We've Been Waiting For: Google Switches TLD Registrar to .Google Domain Name
Google's most popular and least popular top level domains - SEO by the Sea
Google Domains Service Moves to .Google
A look inside Google's new domain name registrar - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News & Views
Google Moves Its Domain Name Registrar To Domains.Google
Google begins using domain name - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News & Views
Answers to Common Questions About New Domain Name Endings
Answers to Common Questions About New Domain Name Endings | Google and Your Business
Why Did Google Choose ABC.XYZ for the Alphabet Domain Name? | SEW
Will Google’s Algorithm Give a Boost to the Dot Brand? | SEW
Case study: will new domain extensions provide an SEO boost? | SEW
Google Domains Adds Nearly 90 Donuts Domain Names to Inventory
Google Beefs Up Domain Registrar Service With 90 New Top-Level Domains And Support For Google Apps : PERSONAL TECH : Tech Times
Google bolsters Google Domains, switching to Domains.Google? | Domain Name Wire
Google Domains Offers Custom Email Addresses, Integrates Apps for Work
What’s in a Name? The ABCs of Google’s New Parent Company Alphabet - CMO Today - WSJ
Thanks to Google's Alphabet, .Xyz Will End .Com Dominance | WIRED
Google Didn’t Even Contact BMW To Offer To Buy
Google Just Went Not-Com. Welcome to the Revolution. | Jeff Davidoff | LinkedIn
Google's just put this guy on the map
Boom! Google Builds New Company On ABC.XYZ | | Living in a world of 1's and 0's
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Google's handling of new top level domains
Google Domains is renewing domain names for free | Domain Name Wire
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: FAQs about the April 21st mobile-friendly update
Google Is Getting Into Domains. Should GoDaddy Worry?
Geotargetable domains - Webmaster Tools Help
Google Treats New TLDs as gTLDs |
Geotargetable domains - Webmaster Tools Help