IMEI Check / ESN Check - Swappa

from Diigo
5 Free 256-bit Encrypted Voice Calls Apps With End-to-End Encryption
A giant knob you can stick on the back of your phone is taking off with celebrities — and it's on track to sell 30 million this year
No, Americans do not install an average of zero apps per month | TUNE
Should you use your smartphone during worship? | Christian News on Christian Today
iPhone Trade-in - Apple
Detect Mobile Browsers - Open source mobile phone detection
iCarbons - iPhone 6 Skins, MacBook Skins, PS4 Skins, Xbox One Skins, iPad Skins
The Rise of Phone Reading - WSJ
Study: Non-Mobile-Friendly Sites Disappearing From Top Google Results
27 Powerful Images That Sum up How Smartphones Are Ruining Our Lives - BlazePress
13 Photos That Sum up How the World Has Changed for the Worse - BlazePress
Kill the Wireless Contract! Buy Your Own Phone - WSJ
Responsive Design Testing across Mobile and Desktop Browsers - iOS, Android, OS X, Windows
U.S. Smartphone Use in 2015 | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
Seven Easy Ways to Make Payments With Your Smartphone | PCWorld
Used Smartphone Price Guideline |
rhomobile - the open mobile framework
Smartphone Spirituality - Terrible? or The New Normal? ~ Praxis Habitus - Blogging Race Religion & Culture