Check out my latest BLOG post: The Intersection...

from Diigo
The Difference Between Marketing, PR, Advertising,
Note : RT , New Blog: Is Tithing Biblical?
Celebrate with me on my being named in the Top-30-
We're looking for a Director of Social Media, Mark
RT : RT : 10 Fantastic Places for Finding Designer
RT : "How One Man ( ) Used Social Media to Raise
The Standard Theme is what is driving the new http
RELEVANT Magazine - Church Mutiny: Church Mutiny:
Slideshare of training session: "Top 10 Tips for E
Note : Launch Before it’s Perfect
Catalyst Voices - Dr. John C. Kim from JAMA http:/
Do’s & Don’ts of Social Media
RT : Free book in March-"The Cost of Discipleship
Note : New post on what motivates employees.
Sweet stuff from ! --> [real-time connections]
TIP: If you're new to Twitter or know someone who
VIDEO: A Sense of Scale: Social Networking By The
There is just as much value in the past as the fut
Interview with Ron Weber of Trinet Internet Soluti
Note : RT : Churches Embrace New Social Media http://bit
Great stuff! RT : Social Media? Notes from Boot Ca
We're excited for meeting folks at the : 6pm (suit
RT : At ? Have you seen our banner? Sara Groves/Do
Note : Live Video iPhone -
The 8 Types of Posts That Get Maximum Comments ht
Excellent advice on business blogging. The 10-Step
Lifehacker: 10 google settings you should know abo
The Limits of So-Called Best Practices, Plus More:
Note : Social Media Site Management Strategy - http://lgn