Ethnic Impact

from Diigo
ChurchCamp - ChurchCamp wiki -- solution for the missional church
National Outeach Convention 2007
MinistryCOM church communications and marketing conference - Equiping Communications Ministry Leaders
New Baptist Covenant Celebration - conference in Atlanta
J.R. Briggs » Ecclesia Network National Gathering » Attempting to behold the miracle long enough without falling asleep
Church Conferences
Asian Pacific Islander Women's Leadership Conference 2012 | May 3-5, 2012
eConnect Conference | Using Online Tools for Greater Ministry Impact | Group
Going Digital for His Kingdom
Pajama Hub |
Doxology and Theology
iMinistry Conference 2013 - Introduction
Presenters | ConneXion - UMC congregations in a New Media Age
Home - Alignment Conference 2015
C3 Technology Conference 2015
Church Revitalization Conference | Renovate - National Church Revitalization Conference
Inhabit Conference - April 28-29 in Seattle, WA The Inhabit Conference
Conference Explores Connection Between Theology and Technology | Facts & Trends