Poderator: Easy Free Podcast Feed Generator

from Diigo
RSSxl Beta - RSS Generator
FeedTier - RSS Web Feed Generator for Web Pages without Syndication
FeedYes.com | RSS feeds to sites without feeds
Ponyfish RSS Feed Builder
LinkRSS.com - create, store and syndicate your own custom RSS feeds
Plain text to OPML Generator
Plain text to OPML Generator
RSS2GIF RSS2JPG RSS2PNG Transform your RSS-Feed into an autoupdated image
RSS2GIF RSS2JPG RSS2PNG Transform your RSS-Feed into an autoupdated image
YouTube RSS Generator
Feed43 : Convert any web page to news feed on the fly
RSS Generators and Editors
Create RSS Feeds and Publish News Feeds | Display RSS Feeds on Your Website
Create RSS Feeds, Edit and Publish News Feeds with Software