Four-letter domain names: Zero unclaimed LLLL dot-coms left on the Internet.

from Diigo
How Many New Domain Names Will the Explosion in gTLDs Really Produce?
Universal Acceptance Resources - ICANN
Best Domain Extensions When a .COM is Not Available | SEJ
When Should Domain Names Match Company Names? - Businessweek
Branding & Domain Names | Distilled
All you need to know about Memorable Domain Names | Meaningful & Memorable Domains – DomainDale
A Fallback Hierarchy for Domain Names | Domain Name Wire
Minds + Machines sees demand for ‘super premium’ domain names - Proactiveinvestors (UK)
Make an Offer: What are the benefits to Registrars and customers?
Why more companies are ditching new domain names and reverting to .com | Network World
Domain Names Increasingly Becoming More Relevant, Not Less - The Domain Name Association
What defines your .FAMILY?: One hundred domain names for every type of family | Rightside Blog
How to find the lowest prices on domain names - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News & Views
The silent evolution of domain names | TechCrunch