American FactFinder

from Diigo
Internet Demographics
North America People Groups Project
FortiusOne - GeoCommons [holding page]
FortiusOne - GeoCommons [holding page]
United Nations Population Division Home Page
Index Mundi - Country Facts - Sun Belt's population grows as Gulf Coast suffers
Snapshots and Interactive Features -
By the Numbers -
Church Accomodation |
Social Explorer
The Racial Dot Map: One Dot Per Person for the Entire U.S.
ProximityOne -- Decision-Making Information Solutions
Asian Americans' huge jump in census includes S.A. - San Antonio Express-News
America’s Changing Religious Landscape | Pew Research Center
Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics | Pew Research Center
Voices of Multiracial Americans | Pew Research Center
CensusScope: Census Data, Charts, Maps, and Rankings
Home | AAPI Data
Demographics of Mobile Device Ownership and Adoption in the United States | Pew Research Center