Koreans in the SBC - SBC Baptist Press

from Diigo
Rick Warren clarifies SBC ties after 'misstatement' in interview
Comeback Churches - OnMission.com
New Baptist Covenant Celebration - conference in Atlanta
(2) SoCal English Pastors Fellowship
Welcome Visitors | Seventh Day Baptist | General Conference of the United States and Canada
SBC Voices — Southern Baptist News & Opinion
The Ministry Connection Podcast | An Independent Baptist PodcastThe Ministry Connection Podcast | An Independent Baptist Podcast
Southern Baptists decide against name change – USATODAY.com
Send North America: Los Angeles | Mobilizing and encouraging church planters in LA (sponsored by NAMB)
Baptist Press launches app with SBC versatility
關於我們 About Us | 美加華人浸信會聯會 Chinese Baptist Fellowship of United States and Canada
American Baptist Quarterly - American Baptist Historical Society
Paul Kim addresses seminary's Asian American conf.
Exploring Evangelicalism: The Southern Baptist Convention
Southern Baptists, Racism, and the Alt-Right: It's Time to Make This Right, Plain, and Clear | The Exchange | A Blog by Ed Stetzer
A Resolution Against White Supremacy Causes Chaos at the Southern Baptist Convention - The Atlantic
Opinion | Why I’m Leaving the Southern Baptist Convention
Asian American Southern Baptist Fellowship
2nd-gen cross-cultural pastors focus of Dallas panel