The Dangers of the Gospel of Accommodation

from Diigo
Between Two Worlds: Keller: Gospel-Centered Ministry
Advancing the Gospel into the 21st Century Part I: Church Multiplying | TheResurgence
Open Source Mission
Has Tim Keller Left the PCA?
Has Tim Keller Left the PCA?
The Center for Gospel Culture
The False Promise of the Prosperity Gospel: Why I Called Out Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer | Pastor Rick Henderson
Why We Are Not Post Racial
Piper on Pastors’ Pay – The Gospel Coalition Blog
Helping Gospel Projects get Radical Advocates and Funded, so the Gospel can be proclaimed. · GospelFunder™
How God Showed Up in House of Cards: An Interview with Jae Jin - Christ and Pop Culture
The Four Spiritual Laws if it were written from an Eastern Perspective: Law 2 | Kingdom Rice
The Four Spiritual Laws if it were written from an Eastern Perspective: Law 1 | Kingdom Rice
Do We Need a Collectivistic Gospel? « jacksonwu
Tim Keller, Don Carson Explain Why Tullian Tchividjian Was Asked to Leav... | Gleanings |
What We All Agree On, and What We (Probably) Don’t, In this Sanctification Debate | TGC
The Gospel And Race
The Social Network Gospel | Christianity Today
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