THATCamp Religion & Theology and Technology 2014 | Just another THATCamp site

from Diigo
Technology Recapitulates Theology — The Narthex — Medium
Michael Burdett on Theology and Technology – Subtle Engine – Medium
Connecting with a Theology of Technology
The Intersection of Theology and Technological Futurism
Technology is a Part of God's Creation
Christianity and Technological Advance - The Astonishing Connection
Technology and Christian 'Values'
BibleTech: "What Does the Bible Say about Technology?" - ChurchMag
Technology, Christianity, Culture | Second Nature
Technelogia, the Virtualization of Culture, and the Theology of Artificial Intelligence (Videos)
A biblical theology of technology?
Course 501: Theology of Technology Online Course | City Vision Master's of Technology and Social Entrepreneurship
John Dyer: The Biblical View of Implantable Tech - ChurchMag
Conference Explores Connection Between Theology and Technology | Facts & Trends