The rise of e-reading | Pew Internet Libraries

from Diigo
E-reader ownership doubles in six months | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
An eBook pricing model that resulted in $100,000 in sales by @ASmartBear
How Amazon and Barnes & Noble Price Changes Affected Sales of HarperCollins Ebooks | Digital Book World
eBook Sales Down Almost 4% in the First Half of 2013, AAP Reports - The Digital Reader
Data helps us understand ebook pricing impacts - The Shatzkin Files The Shatzkin Files
New Report: Uncovering eBooks' Real Impact 2009 – 2011 | LJ INFOdocket
eBook Pricing: The Biggest Single Influence on Profitability
eBook & eReader Stats and Charts on Pinterest
Smashwords: 2014 Book Publishing Industry Predictions - Price Drops to Impact Competitive Dynamics
Ebooks’ Real Impact on the Book Publishing Market: 2009 – 2011
A Mixed Blessing in Slowing E-book Sales
Why the Apple Ebook Ruling is a Loss for Publishers, Authors, and Readers | The Scholarly Kitchen
On ebooks: A Publisher's View of the Digital Transformation |
Nielsen and Enders Analysis on eBook growth and the ‘imminent’ eBook plateau | Publishing Technology
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