Can Scripture "Speak for Itself"? A Look Inside the Museum of the Bible | Religion & Politics

from Diigo
Museum of the Bible’s ‘Washington Revelations’ Gives Visitors a Birds-eye View of Biblical Scripture in Nation’s Capital
As the New Museum of the Bible Opens, Questions About its Scholarship Remain
A Visit to Washington DC's New Museum of the Bible | HuffPost
The Museum of the Bible: A Theme Park-Like Journey Through the History of the Bible
NY Times Chides D.C. Bible Museum, Suggests Critics of Islam as Bad as ISIS
Museum of the Bible opens near National Mall in Washington, D.C. -
Jewish Scribe to Write Torah Scrolls in Live Exhibit at US Capital’s New Bible Museum
What to See in the New Museum of the Bible
The Inside Story of Hobby Lobby's New Bible Museum on the National Mall
Good News (and some bad) at Museum of the Bible
Museum of the Bible: A First Look | The Weekly Standard
The Museum of the Bible Asserts a Vision of America's Religious Identity - The Atlantic
Museum and Most Visited Christian Website Announce New Partnership to Spark More Bible Engagement - DeMoss - Thinking | PR
GLOBAL FAITHS: The Museum of the Bible set to open today | Lifestyles |
Once Again, the Right Hijacks That Old-Time Religion
Pastor Harry Reeder: The Museum of the Bible is a great idea...provided we don't worship the Bible - Yellowhammer News
Does the new Bible Museum have an evangelical agenda? | USA | Al Jazeera
D.C. officially gets a new major Bible museum — and prayers at its dedication for evangelization - The Washington Post
Sterile, exquisite, colonizing, scholarly: Experts offer their impressions of D.C.’s new Bible museum - The Washington Post
'A Bible nation from the beginning': A preview of Washington's controversial $500M Museum of the Bible | CBC News
The Bible Study Project
The messy Scripture on display at the Museum of the Bible.
Museum of the Bible, built by Hobby Lobby owner, opens in DC - Washington Times
'I had to be there': The Museum of the Bible opens in the nation's capital - SFGate
The Museum of the Bible is ultimately a leap of faith | America Magazine
Steve and Jackie Green: The incredible, unexpected journey that led to the Museum of the Bible | Fox News
Why the Museum of the Bible Is the Most Significant Building of This Decade
The museum of whose Bible? A review of Candida R. Moss and Joel S. Baden
Museum of the Bible gears up for opening in Washington amid proprietary questions - NBC News