The Global Domain Name Preferences Survey: 85% Type Domains Into Browsers

from Diigo Powering To The Top Using Domain Names
The Internet in Real-Time
The Internet in Real Time: Web Usage Stats Per Second
February 2015 Web Server Survey | Netcraft
Infographic: Do you know all domain endings? From .com to .whatever - The EDC blog on the New Domain Endings
Why you should care about Internationalized Domain Names as a startup
The future of domain registration and web hosting |
Generic top-level domains – the evolution of trademark protection | Lewis Roca Rothgerber - JDSupra
ICANN 52 Singapore Recap: What You Need to Know - YouTube
1 Marketing & PR Agency dedicated to creating best practices for TLDs | Jennie-Marie Larsen | LinkedIn
Domain Pulse 2015: New gTLDs Are Like Babies - Domain Name News, The Domain Industry News, ICANN News, Registry News, Domainer News, Domain
Can "Church" Happen Online? - Q Ideas
The DNS Still Isn't a Directory
Will ‘.insurance’ catch on as a domain name?
The Value of a Domain Name: What if Google Removed URLs from Chrome? - GeekEstate Blog
Why $10,000 For A Domain Name Is Still Cheap - Business Insider
Why The Story is Good for the Industry
Proxomitron.Info ...the Webhiker's Guide to Proxomitron.
30 years of .com -
IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG)
Facebook’s brilliant plan to dominate the mobile and internet of things economies - Ireland’s business and technology news service –
Cisco CEO John Chambers talks about the value of connecting thing online
Facebook Acquires Single Letter Domain Name
Registration Operations is More Than Just Registering Domain Names | Between the Dots
Webinar: Building Trust & Credibility ForwardNeustar Blog
How NAR has changed the future of the entire internet forever - Realuoso
StatDNS - DNS and Domain Name statistics
How the blockchain could change the domain business