WORDOID - Creative Name Generator - Domain names, company names, product names
How Registries and Registrars can show urgency for registering domains - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News & Website Stuff
DNAdverts.com - Domain Name Strategies and Best Practices to Advertise and Grow Your Business.
Rebranding on the Web: How to Change Domains Gracefully – Michael Martinez
GoDaddy sold over $1 billion of domains in 2016 | Domain Incite - Domain Name Industry News, Analysis & Opinion
These +50 sites dropped their .com for a smarter new TLD (New data)
Did you know that there is a free version of Watch My Domains? – Domain Punch Blog
US court fines cybersquatter $1.2 million
The Opportunity Cost of Not Owning Your .COM | Domain Investing
Google Buys More "Letter" .Com's: Now owns 19 of Them; Maybe only 6 Left
China Is Making Domain Name History | TechCrunch
A Fallback Hierarchy for Domain Names | Domain Name Wire
What to do with Extra Unused Domains | DomainInvesting.com
High Stakes, Fake Identities: The Great URL Wars | Inc.com
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