A Gentle, Friendly Request for Southern Baptist Writers
Jimmy Carter’s evangelical downfall: Reagan, religion and the 1980 presidential election - Salon.com
The evangelical presidency: Reagan’s dangerous love affair with the Christian right - Salon.com
Evangelical Alliance faces criticism over decision to terminate Oasis Trust's membership | Christian News on Christian Today
Standing Up For the Truth — Without Bitterness
Gospel Coalition Council Member Suggests That Tone of Online Discourse Keeps Focus Off Sex Abuse Victims
Sex and the Southern Baptist - Emma Green - The Atlantic
The Decline of Evangelical America - NYTimes.com
The Fall of the Evangelical Nation: The Surprising Crisis Inside the Church: Christine Wicker: Amazon.com: Books
Pyromaniacs: The Demise of Evangelicalism
Evangelicalism is Not Declining: A Response to John Dickerson’s NYT Essay
RealClearReligion - Demise of Progressive Evangelicalism
Is American Evangelicalism Really Disappearing? | Center for Religion & Civic Culture