Episode 101: Creating a Social Media Strategy for Your Ministry With Kevin Jennings - nickblevins.com
Instantly Find a Domain, Facebook & Twitter Account - Namevine
Facebook Billionaire Sean Parker Hates The World He Helped Create
Sample Social Media Policy - Church Executive
61 Social Media Metrics, Defined
Social Media Manager: 10 Important Skills and Traits for 2017
Social Media Campaign Tracking with UTM | Sprout Social
7 Reasons why you should NOT use Hootsuite
Mega Tags: The most accurate social media meta tag generator | Secret Sauce
Who works social media for the pope? Last spring, it was a couple of Americans | Crux
Justin Wise Interview - 5 Ways Churches can improve their social media. - YouTube
Facebook Is Making It Harder to Reach Audiences Without Paying - TIME
Seven Reasons Your Church Needs a Social Media Director
Church Evangelism: More Churches Turning To Social Media
Knoxville churches turn to social media, apps, texting to connect people with ministry » Knoxville News Sentinel
Facebook Provides a Perfect Example of Why Domains Are More Important to Businesses Than Social Media
Infographic: Social Media in Church | Infogram
BBC News - Thou shalt tweet responsibly, Church urges clergy and staff
Official Social Media Logos - Dustn.tv
How to Use Social Media Effectively in the Church by Jay Caruso - ChurchLeaders.com - Christian Leadership Blogs, Articles, Videos, How To's, and Free Resources
The Ultimate Complete Final Social Media Sizing Cheat Sheet
More congregations turn to Facebook, Web, high-tech outreach – USATODAY.com
How McDonald's Handles Thousands of Social Mentions Per Day
The New Worship Question: To Tweet or Not To Tweet
List of 12 Top Social Media Podcasts in 2012 » Laurel Papworth @SilkCharm
12 Top Community Managers Share Their Tips for Better Engagement
4 Tips for Better Engagement on Facebook
4 Tips For Authentic Online Engagement