iMinistry Conference 2013 - Introduction
Extravagance UCC
Digital Giving Strategies for Your Church | Church Marketing Sucks
Online with Darkwood Brew | Faith & Leadership
Community formation and social media: The blessing of fluidity
Announcing a Smarter Way to Give - Digerati -
Electronic giving has seen growth, especially with the young | Church Executive
Online Giving for Churches: 5 Donation Tools to Grow Your Contributions - Capterra Blog
New Innovations in Online Giving | Leadership Network
High-tech tithing: Churches embrace online credit, debit card donations
How Your Nonprofit Can Accept Donations Online Right Now
XPastor® – Creating a Way for People to Give Online
Can "Church" Happen Online? - Q Ideas
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What happened to online churches? | Christian News on Christian Today
Online Forward - Jay Kranda
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Continue To Give | Church Fundraising, Crowdfunding, Online Giving
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YourChurch | Live Streaming Messages Weekly
Why Go to Church When You Can Watch Online?
Why Go To a Church Service When You Can Watch Online? —
The New Tech Evangelists — The Ringer
O click, all ye faithful: church expands online in 'paradigm shift' | World news | The Guardian
Turning “On” your Offline Church - FaithVox
Are Physical Churches Still Important in an Online World? - Trending Christian Blog