Value of a 'Fan' on Social Media: $3.60 | Adweek
Chasing a Moving Target: Defining Earned Media Value | Social Media Today
Digital Ministry Resources | Free content to support the use of digital technologies for ministry.
Restaurant Social Media Index
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Eight Trends about Church Members on Social Media
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The Complete History of Social Media: Then And Now
• Global social networks by users 2015 | Statistic
• Social Media & User-Generated Content - Statistics and Market Data | Statista
Snapchat spirituality: How technology can be a force for religious good or evil - On Faith & Culture
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What is a good Facebook engagement rate? See numbers here
Finding The Right Engagement Rate for your Facebook Page in 2014 | Social Media Statistics & Metrics | Socialbakers
New Research: The Best Time to Tweet for Clicks, Retweets, and Replies
Infographic: The Optimal Length for Every Social Media Update
The 15 Best Free Social Media Dashboards and Tools - SumAll
Connect Ford
Restored Church relies on technology to spread its message - Times Leader -
NUVI - Real-Time Social Intelligence
Andy’s Answers: How an emergency baby delivery in a Kroger changed the brand’s social media engagement strategy | SmartBrief
2017 Global NGO Online Technology Report
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Twitalyzer-Measure Your Impact and Success on Twit
Note : How Social Media Has Changed Us
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Communicate Jesus - Digital Inspiration for Ministry
A New Way to Measure—and Prove—Your ROI from Social With Confidence