Discussion Forum: Do You Use Church Management Software?
Church.IO - List of Open Source Church Software
Mars Hill Defectors Refuse to Be Anonymous — The Narthex — Medium
Ask an Expert: Why young Chinese Americans don’t go to church » Studying Congregations | Blog Archive
eShift: The Decline of "Attractional" Church, the Rise of Internet-Influenced Church - Kindle edition by David A. Posthuma. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
Modern Reformation - Face-to-Face Discipleship in a Facebook World
Portrait of a Pastor | Church Law & Tax
Assembly of God Jobs - Uniting Together Assembly of God Pastors & Churches!
80 Social Media Ideas for Churches
Calif. megachurch approves merger with HIllside Christian Church | Amarillo Globe-News
Model Minorities: Welcome to the Church | Amy Julia Becker | A blog by Amy Julia Becker on Faith, Family, and Disability.
Introducing My Blog Series on Race | Amy Julia Becker | A blog by Amy Julia Becker on Faith, Family, and Disability.
Radiant // Radiant WebTools / Redefining the Way That Churches & Ministries Manage Their Website & Mobile Presence
10 Church Technology Goals ~ Ministry Best Practices
Saddleback Church - Bulletin Board
How Will Church Communicators Change in 10 Years? | Church Marketing Sucks
Small Churches Struggle to Grow Because Of The People They Attract - Barna Group
The Church Site Project
Website CMS options for a religious organization? - church webdev webdesign | Ask MetaFilter
Build a beautiful website for your church or ministry | Online Church Solutions
.church Domain Names Available Soon | Managing Your Church
Announcing a Smarter Way to Give - Digerati - LifeChurch.tv
Church Billboard About Sex Catching Attention | WNEP.com
God Says 'I Love Sex' on Church's Billboard in Pennsylvania
Reign Christian Fellowship, Spirit Filled Church
A House of Prayer / Welcome
.CHURCH Launching September 17 | Lewis Roca Rothgerber - JDSupra
devinhudson.com: My Thoughts on Mark Driscoll