Mobile Apps for Events & Conferences Made Simple | EventMobi
Mobile Apps for Events and Places | Guidebook
Mobile Apps For Events, Conferences & Meetings | QuickMobile
Dynamic Event Communities & Technology | SmartCrowdz
Attendify - A powerful platform to create and manage mobile event apps. simple tools help you create and run brilliant events with mobile technology.
Gather Digital - Mobile Web Apps for Meetings and Conferences
Attendease - Start building your event today!
Ex-Apple Designer Rethinks The Bible For A Mobile World | Co.Design | business + design
Facebook’s brilliant plan to dominate the mobile and internet of things economies - Ireland’s business and technology news service –
Why Are Mobile Donations a Low Priority for Nonprofits?
27 Ways to Accept Mobile Payments
Mobile donations made easy - Txt2Give
U.S. Smartphone Use in 2015 | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
Google Replaces A Site's URL In Search Results & Uses Its Site Name & Breadcrumb Path
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: FAQs about the April 21st mobile-friendly update
Millennials and their Smart Phones
Responsive Design Testing across Mobile and Desktop Browsers - iOS, Android, OS X, Windows
Lepton : makes giving to your church or nonprofit easy. Sign up today - and find out how to get your church set up on Lepton - and get a 50% discount!
Mobile Now Exceeds PC: The Biggest Shift Since the Internet Began | SEW
The state of mobile payments in 2015 | CIO
The First Battle In The Mobile Payments War Is Over | TechCrunch
Side Drawer Navigation Could Cost Half Your User Engagement
Top 7 Offline Bible Apps for Windows Phone and Windows 8
Study Finds Religious Apps Helps User Practice Mobile Faith - Religion Press Release Services
Mobile Ministry Forum
Study: Non-Mobile-Friendly Sites Disappearing From Top Google Results
Study: Digital, mobile payments gain ground with US consumers | Mobile Payments Today
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