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from Diigo
Custom Playing Cards Printing Game Design Company
Awaken Prayer – Awaken Adventures in Prayer
Technorati: What's happening on the Web right now
Project Management Software, Project Tracking, Online, Task Manager, Web Project Management Tool, Client Extranet, Project Site System, ASP (simple, elegant, powerful, fast, and usable)
angry asian man
Spam Interceptor
ASPIRE - Asian Sisters Participating In Reaching Excellence
Asian American Fiction
djchuang's online home for ideas and dialogue on life and spirituality as an Asian American, multiethnic, postmodern
css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design : CSS layout techniques : CSS layout techniques
Matt Constantine's blog for photos and web usability insights
L2 Foundation - resource center by private foundation developing leadership and legacy for Asian Americans
Creating Passionate Users: One of us is smarter than all of us
How to Shuffle Cards - Card Shuffling Tutorial
gmail for standard browsers (view Gmail in HTML mode)
Start-up: The Right Way or NO WAY
DSL/Cable Webserver - Run your own webserver from home on DSL or Cable!
Webmail for Thunderbird
Google News Map
trendalicious! near real-time view of website popularity trends as reflected by the social bookmarking service
Digital Web Magazine - Creating a Site Design Plan
Digital Web Magazine - Creating a Site Design Plan
Veritas media
terry storch @ fellowship church: A philosophy of leadership
CompletePlanet - Discover over 70,000 databases and specially search engines
HotSpot Haven - Find Free Hotspots with our Wifi Hotspot Locator
Working Smart: Five Rules for Better PowerPoint Presentations