The Big Picture

from Diigo
Why Not Open Source Movement blog blog
AKMA’s Random Thoughts
Finextra Research: latest financial technology news, analysis, jobs and features
BehaviorTracking - Powerful Search Analytics
Mondosoft: Enterprise Search
How often do most people change their email address? | Ask MetaFilter
Marketing Charts - Charts, Data and Research for Marketers
blog9 - digg / slashdot / popular
The Mitchell Five
JMA Software: Web2Pop
Funky Presbyterian
d3 eMinistry blog
d3 eMinistry blog
It Takes A Church...
It Takes A Church...
The Korea Liberator
RSSxl Beta - RSS Generator
FeedTier - RSS Web Feed Generator for Web Pages without Syndication
iPodulator: Create iPod-compatible Reading
Joi Ito's Web: Korean Bloggers
The Batterson Blog - Thoughts on Life and Leadership
43 Folders
Bible Software Review Weblog
Form and Function of the LiveJournal Community
Web 2.0 Directory : 900+ Web 2.0 Sites in 50+ categories : eConsultant
How to Create a Strong Password