Meet the AInfluencers: 14 Creators Using Generative AI to Gain Big Followings
We’re living through the palace revolution of artificial intelligence. Creatives, once thought immune to the looming threat of AI, are suddenly competing with software like Open AI's Dall-E and Jasper’s text-generation platform, which use neural networks to generate original images and text. ...
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Starting today, we are removing the waitlist for the DALL·E beta so users can sign up and start using it immediately. More than 1.5M users
When AI “Played” Math, It Cracked an Internet Chokepoint - IEEE Spectrum
An artificial intelligence system from Google's sibling company DeepMind stumbled on a new way to solve a foundational math problem—matrix multiplication—that lies at the heart of modern computing, according to a new study.
Artificial intelligence is being asked to predict the future of AI
Artificial intelligence model predictions from historical data on how AI research would develop over five years matched reality with more than 99 per cent accuracy – soon they will be asked what comes next
This website uses AI to quickly generate summaries of YouTube video is a blissfully barebones website that takes a YouTube URL and, in seconds, spits out what appears to be a good summary of the content of the video. I tried it on the 1976 documentar…
Eyeballs and AI power the research into how falsehoods travel online
Getting a sense of falsehoods online might sound straightforward, but it isn't. Researchers use state-of-the-art algorithms but it also comes down to lots of scrolling and reading.