DV Articles

DV Articles

Songs for a Hard Road – The Resurgence of Psalm Singing by God’s People
Songs for a Hard Road – The Resurgence of Psalm Singing by God’s People
Augustine, our great North African father, said that each Psalm had a 'single body of feeling that vibrates in every syllable'. As Peter Brown has noted, Augustine believed that each Psalm could be presented as a microcosm of the whole Bible -- the clear essence of Christianity refracted through in the exotic spectrum of Hebrew poetry. In Augustine's sermons on the Psalms 'we begin to hear the songs of Africa' -- the 'sweet melody of a Psalm sung in the streets.'
Songs for a Hard Road – The Resurgence of Psalm Singing by God’s People
Difficult Conversations
Difficult Conversations
How to Discuss What Matters Most. · Decipher the underlying structure of every difficult conversation  · Start a conversation without defensiveness  · Listen for the meaning of what is not said  · Stay balanced in the face of attacks and accusations · Move from emotion to productive problem solving
Difficult Conversations