Title: God’s Man in the Marketplace - The Story of Herbert J. Taylor; Author: Paul H. Heidebrecht; Publisher: Inter Varsity Press; 1990 -- my book notes
We briefly explore the beauty of a single leaf, and the power of one life well lived, while examining the colorful features of this beautiful green leaf.
A Treatise of the Vocations, or Callings of Men, with the Sorts and Kinds of Them, and the Right Use Thereof (1603,1605) - my book notes on this paradigm shifting treatise by William Perkins
What the Bible Says About Calling, Vocation, and Work. 7 Lessons for an adult Sunday school class at Oakland Hills Community Church (OHCC OPC) in Farmington Hills, Michigan
A life lesson from golf balls, pebbles and sand. The jar represents your life: golf balls are the really important things — your family, your friends, your heal…