

28 Charles is NOT king? Who is? the Funeral's True Meaning
28 Charles is NOT king? Who is? the Funeral's True Meaning
True meaning of the Funeral: The death and return of the King. JOIN THE MISSION & MEMBERSHIP & DISCORD: CONTACT SCOTT: TWITTER: INSTA: OR COMMENT HERE ▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 00:00 - Spirit Ascends 01:05 - The Overwind Gathers at Holyrood Palace 03:33 - Kingsguard pole-bearers and English Virtue 06:10 - Coffin Guncarrage: Aiming the English organism 07:54 - Cannon fire marks English epoch 10:11 - Windsor countryside as extension of the temple 12:56 - Procession as distributed cognition & organism 15:25 - Englishness reconsecrated: Resting in state 21:42 - Ascend to Kingship, heralds & proclamation 23:52 - Modernism parasite in Scotland 25:18 - Over King VS transhumanist demons 30:54 - How the Overking drives his will 32:56 - The temple, origin of values & sacred resource 36:12 - Traditional ritual IS the King 37:22 - Temple of the Dragonslayer 38:09 - Order of the Garter meaning 39:22 - The function of the whole funeral 45:28 - The Overking Speaks Greenwood deciphers the essence of English speaking values & virtues nested in the heroic sagas, symbols, legends & lore that cultivated English civilisation. Readings and analysis of great—and esoteric—English verse, tradition, narrative, ritual & speech to uncover hidden psychotechnologies to solve today's problems.
28 Charles is NOT king? Who is? the Funeral's True Meaning
The Moment LARRY ELDER changed DAVE RUBINS Mind Forever (Systemic Racism)
The Moment LARRY ELDER changed DAVE RUBINS Mind Forever (Systemic Racism)
In 2017 Dave Rubin was asked which moment had the highest impact in changing his mind on politics throughout his career at the rubin report. His answer was, when Larry Elder challenged him on systemic racism. This clips shows this moment. I put a lot of effort into this video on the talk between Rubin and Elder. It takes many hours of work to skim through videos and do the editing in order to provide added educational value. Consider subscribing to the channel if you enjoy the selection. Also check out the facebook page of philosophyinsights, where we discuss the videos: Larry Elder (conservative radio host) joins Dave Rubin to discuss the Black Lives Matter movement, systemic racism, and more. Watch the full interview with Elder about Conservatives, Black Lives Matter, racism, Hollywood, and more, quoted under fair use: My channel aims at extracting central points of presentations into short clips. The topics cover the problems of leftist ideology and the consequences for society. The aim is to move free speech advocates forward and fight against the culture of SJWs. If you like the content, subscribe to the channel!
The Moment LARRY ELDER changed DAVE RUBINS Mind Forever (Systemic Racism)
Argumentation Strategy to Combat Postmodernism (with Stephen Hicks)
Argumentation Strategy to Combat Postmodernism (with Stephen Hicks)
This video is produced by philosophyinsights and special thanks to Stephen Hicks who gave permission to use his material. The content is about the foundation and development of postmodernism and how to effectively argue against post-modernists. It goes over the sceptical phase of early post-modernists and the connection to Marxism. It takes a lot of effort to provide added educational value by selecting the videos for this channel, philosophyinsights. Usually, there are hours of work involved to skim through videos and edit it, in order to make a fit to the channel. If you enjoy the selection, consider subscribing! Also check out the facebook community of philosophyinsights, where we discuss the videos: #postmodernism #StephenHicks Videos by Stephen Hicks edited with permission: Video by Peter Boghossian, licensed under creative common: If you like the content, subscribe!
Argumentation Strategy to Combat Postmodernism (with Stephen Hicks)
The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism : Aaron Renn : Welcome to Negative World #1
The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism : Aaron Renn : Welcome to Negative World #1
The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism : Sessions #1 of the Welcome to Negative World Conference held at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Battle Ground, WA September 2022. Aaron Renn explains changes in the way society views Christianity in the decades since the fall of the Protestant establishment in the 1960s, dividing that period into three phases called the positive, neutral, and negative world. He also explains three different strategies that evangelicals created to respond to these worlds. Evangelicals have not yet, however, come up with specific strategies for the negative world, the era since 2014 when, for the first time in the 400 year history of America, elite culture and institutions now view Christianity negatively. The pressures of the negative world are now causing the legacy strategies to deform, leading to intra-evangelical conflict and alignment. Follow Aaron at Purchase Aaron's translation of John Owen's Mortification of Sin here: Learn more about WPC:
The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism : Aaron Renn : Welcome to Negative World #1
Psalm 12 (Lyric Video) | The Corner Room
Psalm 12 (Lyric Video) | The Corner Room
"Psalm 12" from "Psalm Songs, Volume 2." Download on iTunes or buy CDs at ©2018 Corner Room Music Official website: iTunes: Lyrics are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 12 (Lyric Video) | The Corner Room
Through the Eyes of Spurgeon - Official Documentary
Through the Eyes of Spurgeon - Official Documentary
New documentary on Martin Luther - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The lives of millions of Christians around the world have been changed through the ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. But how much do those of us who esteem him so highly really know about Charles Spurgeon, the man? What were the events that shaped his life and made him the man who would be known as the Prince of Preachers? Through the Eyes of Spurgeon invites you to explore with us where and how Spurgeon lived, to follow his steps, to embrace the legacy he has left us. SPANISH SUBTITLES DUTCH SUBTITLES Calum MacLeod CZECH SUBTITLES by Radim Světlík KOREAN SUBTITLES by Bansuk Lee
Through the Eyes of Spurgeon - Official Documentary