In a recent interview for the BBC podcast Spark & Fire, the novelist Ann Patchett discusses some of the difficulties that come along with finding success as a writer. "It used to be a novel lived very nicely in my head as a constant companion," she explains. "As time goes on and I now have
How to get out of a rut It strikes me that a lot of advice on how to get things done is borderline useless, at least for me personally, because I'm so rarely in the right ...
With NaNoWriMo fast approaching, you’ll be thinking, how on EARTH do I do this for thirty days straight? I’m going to give you some practical tips for motivation. Some will work. Some won’t. Find what works for you.
Procrastination: A Brief Guide on How to Stop Procrastinating
This guide explains what procrastination is, how it works, and how to stop procrastinating. Now for your first test: Don't procrastinate, and read this now.
There are so many things you’d rather be doing than what you ought to be doing and what happens is that you delay doing what you ought. All the evidence shows that this procrastination is bad…