Why writers need an email list, not just social media
This week, Jenny Bhat tweeted about a NYT piece that was making the rounds, "Food Businesses Lose Faith in Instagram after Algorithm Changes." She pulled out...
My first newsletter was about ninjas in 1987. I was 12.
Since then, I’ve been obsessed. I’ve created small newsletters for my own projects, and big newsletters for corporations. What ties them all together? Probably hundreds of things, but I’m lazy, so let’s start with 35.
I won’t lie — most of these lessons here were learned by failure. That’s OK. My mistakes could be your head start.
List Building 101: How to Rapidly Build an Email List
If I had to choose ONE marketing activity that MUST be done to launch or grow your online business, I would always answer 'list building'. Here's how to do that
How an Email Newsletter Publisher Built an Audience of 223,991 Subscribers
Brian and I have been talking about his new email newsletter lately, and I thought it’d be interesting to have a similar conversation with someone in a completely different topical market. It’s about one person writing and curating a topic he knows and cares about, building a massive email audience over a period of four... Listen to episode