1,000 True Fans

StoryOrigin founder Evan Gow on how to grow an author newsletter
Practical advice for writers to start turning readers into true fans
100 things you can do on your personal website
One of my favourite things to do in my free time is to tinker with this website. Indeed, this website is the culmination of years of tinkering. I have added features like coffee shop maps that I can share with friends, a way for me to share my bio in two languages, a sitemap.xml file to help search engines find pages on my website, and more.
Tella — Record Incredible Videos
Screen recording for creators — simple and powerful. Tella is your all-in-one screen recorder. Create demos, online courses, 1:1s for customers, promote your project on social media, and more.
52 Ways to Grow Your Email List
From landing pages to pop-ups to paid acquisition, here are 52 proven strategies to help you grow your email audience.
30 Ideas To Improve Your Newsletter
Want to take your newsletter to the next level in 2023? Here are 30 tips to try.
The easy way to generate great blog post ideas
Feeling stuck? This guide will get your creativity back on track
Is there a post-Twitter world for writers?
If you are a writer, or part of the publishing industry, Sam Missingham recommends you plan for the worst, but hope for the best .
Create a Personal Podcast
More people should have personal podcasts. 20 episodes, 5 minutes each. No ads. No fluff. Make every episode about a specific aspect of your worldview. Then, link to the podcast on your website and send it to clients, customers, or friends who want to learn about you. Your podcasts can be casual, but don’t speak
25 Ways To Market Your Audiobook: A Quick Guide
How can you market your audiobook? Here are 25 ideas you can use today.
6 Ways Your Author Bio Can Help You Sell Books
Is your author bio something you toss foff at the last minute? Hang on. You need to write that author bio (or 6) before you get that request.
How to Create a Book Sales Funnel
Would you like to know how to sell more books? Use a book sales funnel. Here’s how:
How To Use TikTok: The Ultimate Beginners Guide
From uploading your first viral video to effects, sounds, and duets; here is a guide to everything a budding creator needs on how to use TikTok.
10 Steps To Draft A Blog Outline In 10 Easy Minutes
Want to write faster than ever while also avoiding writer's block? Read this to use blog outlines to save time while improving your writing process.
The Death of the Artist—and the Birth of the Creative Entrepreneur
Hard-working artisan, solitary genius, credentialed professional—the image of the artist has changed radically over the centuries. What if the latest model to emerge means the end of art as we have known it?
List Building 101: How to Rapidly Build an Email List
If I had to choose ONE marketing activity that MUST be done to launch or grow your online business, I would always answer 'list building'. Here's how to do that
How To DIY: Home Studio Setup for Video Production
Creating engaging videos doesn't have to be expensive. Check out how to build your own home video studio and our recommended list of high ROI gear.
Best Tools for Content Repurposing
In all my years of searching for the best resources on content repurposing none of them come close to this! Check out all you need to 100X your content, but seriously.
How to grow your audience without selling your soul
The key to becoming known for the work that you care about without selling your soul or humiliating salesy copywriting? Authentic Visibility.
Getting your first 1000 subscribers
How To Get More True Fans
Seven ways to turn people who see your creations into fans. You make a thing, share it with the world, and people like it. What you hope happens next is those people become your true fans, spread the word, and support your future endeavors. But too often what happens is they just move on to...
How To Build An Author Platform
Is any of this stuff more important than writing another book?
A 12-Month Strategic Plan for Marketing Your Book before Release
Today’s guest post is by James Rose: Marketing does not come naturally to me. It has been a struggle to get my mind wrapped around the many facets of marketing a self-published book. I made m…
How a Writer Can Build an Online Social Media Presence
Daisy Whitney, author of THE MOCKINGBIRDS, explains six ways writers can blog and develop an online brand to sell more books and market their novel.
“How I Found Balance Between Art and Commerce”
Halifax-based quilter and pattern designer Andrea Tsang Jackson shares how she built 3rd Story Workshop into a thriving business with multiple revenue streams while staying creatively fulfilled.
On-Page SEO: The Definitive Guide
This is a complete guide to on-page SEO. Learn exactly how to optimize your titles, descriptions and content in 2022.
How I Write My Newsletter
The 10-step process that got me 25,000 subscribers.
10 Rules For Writing A Compelling ’About Me’ Page
How to write a compelling 'about me' page and bio for your website and online profiles.
How to Start a Podcast: The Ultimate Step by Step Podcasting Guide
Starting a podcast is an effective way to build an audience and establish credibility, which you can later use to promote your business. Learn the ins and outs of recording, publishing, and growing your own podcast without breaking the bank.
5 Ways To Stand Out As An Author On Social Media
Authors can use these five easy tips to maximize the impact of their social media accounts on book marketing.