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100 things you can do on your personal website
100 things you can do on your personal website
One of my favourite things to do in my free time is to tinker with this website. Indeed, this website is the culmination of years of tinkering. I have added features like coffee shop maps that I can share with friends, a way for me to share my bio in two languages, a sitemap.xml file to help search engines find pages on my website, and more.
100 things you can do on your personal website
Create a Personal Podcast
Create a Personal Podcast
More people should have personal podcasts. 20 episodes, 5 minutes each. No ads. No fluff. Make every episode about a specific aspect of your worldview. Then, link to the podcast on your website and send it to clients, customers, or friends who want to learn about you.  Your podcasts can be casual, but don’t speak
Create a Personal Podcast