For those of you who are not authors but readers, librarians, teachers, parents, here's a brief (simplified) rundown of how authors are paid. There are two basic models.
Lots of people want to quit their jobs to become full-time authors. It’s one of the subjects I get asked most about. So, I thought I’d write a quick post detailing my experiences. Twelv…
Intellectual Property: The Big Picture for Authors
Ensure that your work continues to generate earnings for you and your heirs by staying on top of contracts, royalties, licensing, and available formats.
25 Steps to Being a Traditionally Published Author: Lazy Bastard Edition
So, here’s the deal — August for me is, as the kids say, “supa-cray-cray.” I’m working on like, 17 novels and two scripts or something like that. As such, I have put …
Everything You Wanted to Know about Book Sales (But Were Afraid to Ask)
Publishing is the business of creating books and selling them to readers. And yet, for some reason we aren’t supposed to talk about the latter. Most literary writers consider book sales a half-crass / half-mythological subject that is taboo to discuss. Most literary writers consider book sales a half-crass / half-mythological subject that is taboo to discuss. […]