Receiving writing feedbackPrepare yourself to receive feedback so your writing benefits from people’s input while ensuring you’re taking care of yourself.#feedback#editing#community#beta readers#writing process#nicole zhu··Apr 17, 2023Receiving writing feedback
The complete guide to working with beta readersEverything you need to know about working with beta readers – who they are, the benefits & practical tips on how to recruit & brief them.#beta readers#editing#feedback#collaboration#prolifiko··Oct 18, 2022The complete guide to working with beta readers
How to Write a Book When You Have No Idea What You're DoingSeven things to help you move forward even when you need to know how to write a book when you have no idea what you're doing.#editing#writing process#writing courses#writing groups··Mar 7, 2022How to Write a Book When You Have No Idea What You're Doing
How to Be a Better WriterTips, tricks, and hard-won lessons: from creating drafts to working with editors.#writing habits#writing process#editing··Sep 16, 2019How to Be a Better Writer