wayland gnome - global hotkeys / input events / window info / window focus activation / linux autohotkey etc
unrelentingtech/evscript: A tiny sandboxed Dyon scripting environment for evdev input devices that lets you do e.g. xcape in Wayland
A tiny sandboxed Dyon scripting environment for evdev input devices that lets you do e.g. xcape in Wayland - GitHub - unrelentingtech/evscript: A tiny sandboxed Dyon scripting environment for evdev...
Simulate device input with evemu - Fedora Magazine
Looking for a way to simulate keyboard and mouse input? The web is full of various guides and tutorials mentioning xdotool, a “command-line X11 automation tool.” xdotool simulates X11 input events; it can even move or resize the desktop windows. Unfortunately, as its name implies, xdotool only works with the X11 window system. This means it cannot […]
vslobodyan/gnome-active-window: Actions with the active Gnome 3 (Shell) window. Compatible with Wayland. A working replacement for some functions in wmctrl and xdotool.
Actions with the active Gnome 3 (Shell) window. Compatible with Wayland. A working replacement for some functions in wmctrl and xdotool. - GitHub - vslobodyan/gnome-active-window: Actions with the ...
gnome - How to get a list of active windows when using wayland - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
I recently installed Ubuntu 17.10 which uses Wayland instead of (or in some sort of combination?) X11. Before I could use xprop -root|grep ^_NET_CLIENT_LIST or wmctrl (wmctrl -lpGxu) to get a list ...
gnome3 - How can I minimise all GNOME/Wayland windows from the command line? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Before switching to Wayland I would minimise all GNOME Shell windows with the following command:
wmctrl -k on
...but both wmctrl and xdotool are X11-only applications. What CLI command can I use to