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Raising and Handling Python Exceptions – Real Python
Raising and Handling Python Exceptions – Real Python
In this course, you'll learn what an exception is and how it differs from a syntax error. You'll learn about raising exceptions, making assertions, and catching exceptions to change the control flow of your program using the try, except, else, and finally keywords.
Raising and Handling Python Exceptions – Real Python
Writing fast async HTTP requests in Python
Writing fast async HTTP requests in Python
I do a lot of web scraping in my spare time, and have been chasing down different formats and code snippets to make a large amount of network requests locally, with controls for rate limiting and error handling.
Writing fast async HTTP requests in Python
Advanced Visual Studio Code for Python Developers – Real Python
Advanced Visual Studio Code for Python Developers – Real Python
In this tutorial, you'll learn how you can configure, extend, and optimize Visual Studio Code for a more effective and productive Python development environment. By digging into this customizable code editor and IDE, you'll put yourself on track to be a VS Code power user.
Advanced Visual Studio Code for Python Developers – Real Python
How to use PyTorch LSTMs for time series regression
How to use PyTorch LSTMs for time series regression
Most intros to LSTM models use natural language processing as the motivating application, but LSTMs can be a good option for multivariable time series regression and classification as well. Here's how to structure the data and model to make it work.
How to use PyTorch LSTMs for time series regression
How to list all python virtual environments in Linux?
How to list all python virtual environments in Linux?
I have more than one Python environment configured in my Debian OS. Is there a way to list all configured environments in Linux? This is different from the possible duplicate as indicated in the c...
How to list all python virtual environments in Linux?
Python Concurrency with asyncio
Python Concurrency with asyncio
Learn how to speed up slow Python code with concurrent programming and the cutting-edge asyncio library./bbr/br/ Python is flexible, versatile, and easy to learn. It can also be very slow compared to lower-level languages. Python Concurrency with asyncio/i teaches you how to boost Python's performance by applying a variety of concurrency techniques. You'll learn how the complex-but-powerful asyncio library can achieve concurrency with just a single thread and use asyncio's APIs to run multiple web requests and database queries simultaneously. The book covers using asyncio with the entire Python concurrency landscape, including multiprocessing and multithreading.
Python Concurrency with asyncio
How to remove stop words using nltk or python
How to remove stop words using nltk or python
So I have a dataset that I would like to remove stop words from using stopwords.words('english') I'm struggling how to use this within my code to just simply take out these words. I have a list ...
How to remove stop words using nltk or python
Pandas get topmost n records within each group
Pandas get topmost n records within each group
Suppose I have pandas DataFrame like this: >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'id':[1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,4],'value':[1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,1]}) >>> df id value 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 ...
Pandas get topmost n records within each group
marceloprates/prettymaps: A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries.
marceloprates/prettymaps: A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries.
A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries. - marceloprates/prettymaps: A small set of Python functions to draw pr...
marceloprates/prettymaps: A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries.
Peewee Tutorial
Peewee Tutorial
Peewee Tutorial, Peewee is a Python ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library which supports SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Cockroach databases. This tutorial will help you to unde
Peewee Tutorial
Getting started with FastAPI and MySQL | Adnan's Random bytes
Getting started with FastAPI and MySQL | Adnan's Random bytes
This post is part of the FastAPI series. In the first post, I introduced you to FastAPI and how you can create high-performance Python-based applications in it. In this post, we are going to work on Rest APIs that interact with a MySQL DB. We will also be looking at how we can organize routers and models in multiple files to make them maintainable and easier to read. FastAPI does not strict you to use a certain database framework. You may use SQLAlchemy or any other you want. I’d prefer to use peewee since it’s more expressible and easier to use. Installing Peewee and MySQL Drivers Before start using MySQL in our app we must have all things at our end ready. We will first install peewee ORM for that purpose. I will create a separate file called and I will be adding the following code to it. from peewee import * user = 'root' password = 'root' db_name = 'fastapi_contact' conn = MySQLDatabase( db_name, user=user, password=password, host='localhost' ) class BaseModel(Model): class Meta: database = conn I imported the framework and created a MySQLDatabase object. I am passing all required credentials to make it a successful connection. But wait… before we run the server, we also need to install the MySQL driver. I will be using PyMySQL to connect the MySQL database otherwise you will be getting the error: self._state.set_connection(self._connect()) File "/Users/AdnanAhmad/.local/share/virtualenvs/ContactAPI-Ycq5CXn7/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 3964, in _connect raise ImproperlyConfigured('MySQL driver not installed!') peewee.ImproperlyConfigured: MySQL driver not installed! So far so good. Now I am going to change the to import file contents. app = FastAPI(title='', description='APIs for contact Apis', version='0.1') @app.on_event("startup") async def startup(): print("Connecting...") @app.get("/") async def root(): return {"message": "Contact Applications!"} A few things happening but let me discuss the important one first: FastAPI events. FastAPI Events FastAPI comes up with a couple of events that you can use in your apps: Startup and Shutdown. Startup Event: This event is responsible to carry out certain tasks while starting the application. By starting the application means that when you hit a certain API endpoint, it gets executed first. Tasks like connecting to the database are one of the tasks necessary to be performed before doing anything else. Shutdown Event: This event is triggered when the app is quitting or shutting down. You might like to use this event to store all info before leaving the app. The advantage of these events is that you do not have to call the code in every API endpoint. So as you understood by now, I am connecting the DB on the startup event. The other thing you would have noticed that I passed some named parameters in FastAPI constructor. when I do that, it produces something like below: Looks much better, No? Now I have to create routers, models, DB connections, etc. These all in a single file will make the app bloated. I am going to create a couple of folders right now with the name models and routers respectively. I am also creating a file in the root folder that will have instantiate MySQLDatabase class object. What is APIRouter It is OK to put all your routes in a single file if you have a small app but what if you are working on a big system then putting all routes in a single file would make it clumsy and bloated. How nice would it be if we can organize a set of routers as per entity or apps? Something like Django offers. FastAPI’s APIRouter can help you to organize your routes and logic in multiple files. In the root folder, I created a folder named routers where I will be adding my contact API related routers. I am adding an __init.py__ in it to turn it into a package. You are free not to do it. I am adding my route file, in it with the following content: from fastapi import APIRouter router_contacts = APIRouter( prefix="/contacts", tags=["contacts"] ) @router_contacts.get("/",summary="List of contacts", description="Returns all contacts" ) async def get_contacts(): #create(first_name='Addu', last_name='Pagal', email='', phone='123-494', status=1) return [{'status': 'OK'}] I created an APIRouter object by passing two parameters: prefix and tags. This frees us to add /contacts/ in every end-point. I also added summary and description parameters which are rendered in docs. FastAPI also lets you use docstring to document your API endpoints. For instance: @router_contacts.get("/view/{id}", summary="Returns a single contact") async def view(id: int): """ To view all details related to a single contact - **id**: The integer id of the contact you want to view details. """ return [{'status': 'OK'}] Here I am using docstring with markdown. When it’s rendered it is displayed as: Cool, No? Docstring gives you more flexibility on how do you want to display your API endpoint documentation. Tags help to organize app-related APIs at a single place in docs. They are also used in OpenAPI. For instance when I visit http://localhost:8080/openapi.json it shows the following where you can see tags are given there. {"openapi":"3.0.2","info":{"title":"","description":"APIs for contact Apis","version":"0.1"},"paths":{"/":{"get":{"summary":"Root","operationId":"root__get","responses":{"200":{"description":"Successful Response","content":{"application/json":{"schema":{}}}}}}},"/contacts/":{"get":{"tags":["contacts"],"summary":"List of contacts","description":"Returns all contacts","operationId":"get_contacts_contacts__get","responses":{"200":{"description":"Successful Response","content":{"application/json":{"schema":{}}}}}}},"/contacts/view/{id}":{"get":{"tags":["contacts"],"summary":"View","description":"Returns a single contact","operationId":"view_contacts_view__id__get","parameters":[{"required":true,"schema":{"title":"Id","type":"integer"},"name":"id","in":"path"}],"responses":{"200":{"description":"Successful Response","content":{"application/json":{"schema":{}}}},"422":{"description":"Validation Error","content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"$ref":"#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError"}}}}}}}},"components":{"schemas":{"HTTPValidationError":{"title":"HTTPValidationError","type":"object","properties":{"detail":{"title":"Detail","type":"array","items":{"$ref":"#/components/schemas/ValidationError"}}}},"ValidationError":{"title":"ValidationError","required":["loc","msg","type"],"type":"object","properties":{"loc":{"title":"Location","type":"array","items":{"type":"string"}},"msg":{"title":"Message","type":"string"},"type":{"title":"Error Type","type":"string"}}}}}} We have created our routes file but things are not done yet. We have to call them in the file. In the main file, I am going to make the following changes. from routers import contact app = FastAPI(title='', description='APIs for contact Apis', version='0.1') app.include_router(contact.router_contacts) Since routers folder is a package now, I can call the router_contacts variable and pass it to include_router function. After doing the new contacts related routes will be appearing on the documentation page. Peewee Models As I mentioned I am going to use peewee ORM instead of SqlAlchemy, I am going to create relevant models for this purpose. Before I do that, let’s take a look at what file will look like. This file will contain the class object for MySQLDatabase class having all the required parameters passed to it. The will look like below: from peewee import * user = 'root' password = 'root' db_name = 'fastapi_contact' conn = MySQLDatabase( db_name, user=user, password=password, host='localhost' ) Later, in the file, I am going to call this like: from database import * @app.on_event("startup") async def startup(): if conn.is_closed(): conn.connect() @app.on_event("shutdown") async def shutdown(): print("Closing...") if not conn.is_closed(): conn.close() So whenever any API-endpoint will be accessed, it’d create a connection and then close it once all execution is done. Now models… I will be creating a couple of models: A BaseModel that will be responsible for associating models with MySQL DB and a Contact model dealing with the contacts table. I am assuming that table is already created hence not covering it. To learn more about it you may check my article here. from peewee import * from database import conn class BaseModel(Model): class Meta: database = conn and from peewee import * from .Base import BaseModel class Contact(BaseModel): first_name = CharField(max_length=30) last_name = CharField(max_length=30) email = CharField(max_length=40) phone = CharField(max_length=25) status = SmallIntegerField() updated_at = DateTimeField() class Meta: db_table = 'contacts' We are going to create CRUD endpoints to manage the entire app that is API endpoints for creating a record, updating, deleting, and retrieving. I am going to create our very first contact API endpoint which will be adding a contact in the DB. In models/ I am going to create a method for data insertion async def create_contact(first_name: str, last_name: str, email: str, phone: str, status: int): contact_object = Contact( first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, email=email, phone=phone, status=status ) return contact_object Pretty straight forward. I created a Contact object and passed the required parameters in it. Now pay attention. The create_contact model method is returning a ModelSelect object which is not useful for us as it contains several peewee-related information hence, we need a Pydantic model to take care of it. It is not so straightforward so let’s dive in! First, I am going to create a class that will map peewee models to Pydantic models. The code has been taken from the FastAPI official website: class PeeweeGetterDict(GetterDict): def get(se...
Getting started with FastAPI and MySQL | Adnan's Random bytes