You don't need NoSQL (use MySQL)

Auth Table with Users and active Sessions
Luca on X: "@dillon_mulroy Add `impersonated_by` in the session table So you can track session impersonated by admins IP+UA is useful also to help with device tracking if you need that, for GDPR compliance you had to see your use-case, a couple of nullable columns would do either way" / X
How To Use MySQL Generated Column Effectively
Easy, alternative soft deletion: `deleted_record_insert`
Why You Should Never Use MongoDB « Sarah Mei
Why Most Programmers Get Pagination Wrong - DZone Database
MySQL Window Functions: An Essential Guide to Window Functions in MySQL
NoSQL with MySQL
Top 10 reasons for NoSQL with MySQL
Scaling to 100M: MySQL is a Better NoSQL
Working with JSON in MySQL
Database.Guide |
How to Use JSON Data Fields in MySQL Databases
PHP: The Right Way
Language Constructs[edit]