Following up "Mother of all htmx demos"

Something went wrong – Ways out of the JavaScript crisis
The Web Component Success Story |
Using Datastar
htmx has a JavaScript API, btw
Building a Single-Page App with htmx |
Virtual scrolling: Core principles and basic implementation in React - LogRocket Blog
The AHA stack overview
schlosser/pig.js: Arrange images in a responsive, progressive-loading grid managed in JavaScript using CSS transforms.
Building the Image Grid from Google Photos
CSS Image Grid Gallery
Pure CSS - Justified Gallery
nk-o/flickr-justified-gallery: Flickr's justified images gallery
Like google photos or flickr
fjGallery(document.querySelectorAll('.fj-gallery'), {
itemSelector: '.fj-gallery-item'
Documentation—About | Vanilla JS Fullscreen Lightbox
andreasbm/masonry-layout: An efficient and fast web component that gives you a beautiful masonry layout
Use HTMX to Create Laravel Single-Page Apps Without Writing JavaScript
Optimistic UI Tricks for Livewire and Alpine
spirodonfl/htmx-offline-mode: Adding offline mode capabilities to HTMX
gnat/surreal: 🗿 Mini jQuery alternative. Dependency-free animations. Locality of Behavior. Use one element or arrays transparently. Pairs with htmx. Vanilla querySelector() but better!
rodenacker/FormSpamPrevention: A simple script to prevent bots from submitting online forms
Custom Tags: The Solution To Form Spam
Understanding Modules, Import and Export in JavaScript
Running OCR against PDFs and images directly in your browser
HTML attributes vs DOM properties
Blinded By the Light DOM
Modern client-side routing: the Navigation API | Web Platform | Chrome for Developers
lamplightdev - Streaming HTML out of order without JavaScript
Self-initializing elements with super powers
Why is setTimeout(fn, 0) sometimes useful?