Yaak – The API client for modern developers

JSON, API, Collections
discoveryjs/jora: JavaScript object query engine
Jora Sandbox
Changing a way we’re viewing JSON in a browser
Jora docs - JavaScript object query engine
The Case for Spark · putyourlightson/craft-spark · Discussion #2
How streaming LLM APIs work
The Cat API - Cat as a Service
Free Public APIs
blancks/fast-jsonpatch-php: Class designed to handle JSON Patch operations in accordance with the RFC 6902 specification
The Serializer Component (Symfony Docs)
How to Use the Serializer (Symfony Docs)
Fractal - Output complex, flexible, AJAX/RESTful data structures
Open banking for personal finances | PFM | Salt Edge
Overview | Bank Account Data | GoCardless
Banking API
GoCardless and Salt Edge - Firefly III documentation
Banking APIs
No Abstractions: an Increase API design principle — Increase
Anything to JSON
Automated weekly links posts with raindrop.io and Eleventy - localghost
Bruno - Scriptmania 👩💻🧑💻 · usebruno/bruno · Discussion #385
Tufin/oasdiff: OpenAPI Diff and Breaking Changes
compare two openapi definitions
remorhaz/php-json-path: JSONPath implementation in PHP.
ScriptFUSION/Mapper: Transforms arrays using an object composition DSL.
cerbero90/json-objects: Extract objects from large JSON files, endpoints or streams while saving memory.
cerbero90/Transformer: Framework agnostic package to transform objects and arrays by manipulating, casting and mapping their properties.
cerbero90/dto: Data Transfer Object (DTO).
cerbero90/lazy-json-pages: 🐼 Framework agnostic package using asynchronous HTTP requests and PHP generators to load paginated items of JSON APIs into Laravel lazy collections.
mobilemadman2/php-code-builder: JSON-schema enabled PHP code building abstraction for PHP
JSON-schema enabled PHP code building abstraction for PHP
mobilemadman2/php-json-schema: High definition PHP structures with JSON-schema based validation
cerbero90/json-parser: 🧩 Zero-dependencies pull parser to read large JSON from any source in a memory-efficient way.