The Symfony Workflow component explained ⋆ Wouter Carabain
Elegantly Consuming APIs using Data Transfer Objects in PHP
mormat/php-formula-interpreter - Packagist
math-parser/StdMathParser.php at master · mossadal/math-parser
denissimon/formula-parser: Parsing and evaluating mathematical formulas given as strings.
madorin/matex: PHP Mathematical expression parser and evaluator
Authentication & Authorization
romanzipp/DTO: A strongly typed Data Transfer Object without magic for PHP 8
nette/schema: 📐 Validating data structures against a given Schema.
Back the func off, this is my abstraction!
A new major version of Flysystem
Best Zend OpCache Settings/Tuning/Config
SleekDB - PHP NoSQL Flat File Database
github - How to require a fork with composer - Stack Overflow
Composer: Using your own local package | by Italo Baeza Cabrera | Medium
spatie/crawler: An easy to use, powerful crawler implemented in PHP. Can execute Javascript.
spatie/simple-excel: Read and write simple Excel and CSV files
spatie/blink: Cache that expires in the blink of an eye
antonioribeiro/ia-arr: Laravel Illuminate Agnostic Arr
clickfwd/yoyo: Create rich dynamic interfaces using server-rendered HTML
Eloquent Mutators and Accessors in Laravel
Fillable vs Guarded (hint: they both lose)
Migrating to password_verify