Progressive Web Apps behind Basic Auth

Learn PWA
Dexie.js - Minimalistic IndexedDB Wrapper
Let's take this offline: IndexedDB
Background Sync with Service Workers
Service Workers: Let's Take This Offline
Runtime caching with Workbox
Patterns for promoting PWA installation
Offline Web Applications
How to build a PWA from scratch with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Offline Form
You're Offline | Max Böck
omnia-salud/haywire: A minimal javascript library for network issues detection.
TalAter/UpUp: ✈️ Easily create sites that work offline as well as online
pazguille/offline-first: Everything you need to know to create offline-first web apps.
ServiceWorker Cookbook
How To Uninstall, Unregister Or Remove A Service Worker ⚙️ [With Example Code]
How to communicate with Service Workers
15 tips Optimization of a PWA
iPhone 11, iPadOS and iOS 13 for PWAs and web development
A Few Tips That Will Make Your PWA on iOS Feel Like Native
PWAs: An ultimate-wannabee compilation
Progressive Web Apps: They Simply Work Much Better Than Your Typical Mobile Website.
Progressive Web App (PWA)