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Shifting cost optimisation left: Spotify Backstage Cost Insights
Shifting cost optimisation left: Spotify Backstage Cost Insights
Spotify is very much an engineering led company. It is also a product led company. Therefore when it decided it needed to get a better handle on its cloud spend, it decided to build an internal product designed to be used by its engineers. The result is Cost Insights, a plugin for Spotify’s Backstage developer
Shifting cost optimisation left: Spotify Backstage Cost Insights
Calculating SaaS Cost Per Tenant: A PoC Implementation in an AWS Kubernetes Environment | Amazon Web Services
Calculating SaaS Cost Per Tenant: A PoC Implementation in an AWS Kubernetes Environment | Amazon Web Services
In a SaaS environment, the compute, storage, and bandwidth resources are often shared among tenants, but this makes it challenging to deduce per tenant cost. A SaaS application running on a Kubernetes cluster on AWS adds a layer of further complexity as far as calculating the per tenant cost. Kubernetes is great at abstracting away the underlying pool of hardware. It almost gives us an illusion of having access to a single large compute resource.
Calculating SaaS Cost Per Tenant: A PoC Implementation in an AWS Kubernetes Environment | Amazon Web Services
Terratag by env0
Terratag by env0
Terratag is a CLI tool allowing for tags or labels to be applied across an entire set of Terraform files. Terratag will apply tags or labels to any AWS, GCP and Azure resources.
Terratag by env0
Use Tagging to Organize Your Environment and Drive Accountability - Laying the Foundation: Setting Up Your Environment for Cost Optimization
Use Tagging to Organize Your Environment and Drive Accountability - Laying the Foundation: Setting Up Your Environment for Cost Optimization
This paper seeks to empower you to maximize value from your investments, improve forecasting accuracy and cost predictability, create a culture of ownership and cost transparency, and continuously measure your optimization status.
Use Tagging to Organize Your Environment and Drive Accountability - Laying the Foundation: Setting Up Your Environment for Cost Optimization
Using Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS for transient EMR clusters | Amazon Web Services
Using Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS for transient EMR clusters | Amazon Web Services
Introduction Many organizations as part of their cloud journey into Amazon Web Services migrate and modernize their ETL (extract-transform-load) batch processing workloads running on on-premises Hadoop clusters to AWS. They often start their journey with the lift and shift approach, by hosting their Hadoop environment on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or migrate to […]
Using Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS for transient EMR clusters | Amazon Web Services
Understanding data transfer costs for AWS container services | Amazon Web Services
Understanding data transfer costs for AWS container services | Amazon Web Services
Overview Data transfer costs can play a significant role in determining the overall design of a system. Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) can incur data transfer charges depending on a variety of factors. It can be difficult to visualize what that means […]
Understanding data transfer costs for AWS container services | Amazon Web Services
Find the right Spot Instances for your application – Spot Instance advisor – Amazon Web Services
Find the right Spot Instances for your application – Spot Instance advisor – Amazon Web Services
Spot Instance advisor helps you determine pools with the least chance of interruption and provides the savings you get over On-Demand rates. You should weigh your application’s tolerance for interruption and your cost saving goals when selecting a Spot instance. The lower your interruption rate, the longer your Spot instances are likely to run.
Find the right Spot Instances for your application – Spot Instance advisor – Amazon Web Services
A workshop to build Cost Intelligence dashboards in Quicksight for common AWS services
Using AWS Cost Explorer to analyze data transfer costs | Amazon Web Services
Using AWS Cost Explorer to analyze data transfer costs | Amazon Web Services
AWS Cost Explorer helps you manage your AWS costs by giving you detailed insights into the line items in your bill. In Cost Explorer, you can visualize daily, monthly, and forecasted spend by combining an array of available filters. Filters allow you to narrow down costs according to AWS service type, linked accounts, and tags. […]
Using AWS Cost Explorer to analyze data transfer costs | Amazon Web Services