aws_eks_node_group | Resources | hashicorp/aws | Terraform Registry
Understanding data transfer costs for AWS container services | Amazon Web Services
Overview Data transfer costs can play a significant role in determining the overall design of a system. Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) can incur data transfer charges depending on a variety of factors. It can be difficult to visualize what that means […]
Just-in-time Nodes for Any Kubernetes Cluster
foriequal0/pod-graceful-drain: You don't need `lifecycle: { preStop: { exec: { command: ["sleep", "30"] } } }`
You don't need `lifecycle: { preStop: { exec: { command: ["sleep", "30"] } } }` - foriequal0/pod-graceful-drain: You don't need `lifecycle: { pre...
Multi cluster setup with istio
As everyone knows istio is a great service mesh. The power that it adds to kubernetes make it where I would never even consider running k8…
Kubernetes: The Documentary [PART 1] - YouTube
The official Kubernetes Documentary Part 1.
Inspired by the open source success of Docker in 2013 and seeing the need for innovation in the area of large-s...