Found 51 bookmarks
Using TashTalk with Mini vMac to participate in #GlobalTalk from your emulated Mac - Vlado Vince
Using TashTalk with Mini vMac to participate in #GlobalTalk from your emulated Mac - Vlado Vince
It’s MARCHintosh! The month when the vintage computing community celebrates the classic Macintosh experience. This MARCHintosh started with a bang – seemingly overnight, the #GlobalTalk network took over Mastodon and soon many of us were networking each other’s disparate home AppleTalk networks into a #GlobalTalk network across continents. We’re still in the middle of the #GlobalTalk craze and I expect to write more about my experience further down the line,Read More
Using TashTalk with Mini vMac to participate in #GlobalTalk from your emulated Mac - Vlado Vince
My GlobalTalk Setup: Apple Internet Router configuration - Vlado Vince
My GlobalTalk Setup: Apple Internet Router configuration - Vlado Vince
It’s the middle of MARCHintosh! Thanks to the unexpected GlobalTalk craze, I spent the first two weeks of March having a great time participating in the world’s first global AppleTalk network. The first few days were wild — I’ve already documented my setup to interconnect a mini vMac emulator to my SE/30 running the Apple Internet Router to connect to the rest of GlobalTalk, but as of March 16 thisRead More
My GlobalTalk Setup: Apple Internet Router configuration - Vlado Vince
Vlado Vince (
Vlado Vince (
Attached: 1 image And the 512K is now reliably online on #GlobalTalk! My issues ended up being a combo of tashrouter and physical cabling issue. Tashtari (creator of TashTalk and tashrouter) jumped in and fixed the software portion, while someone else at 68kmla pointed me towards cabling and I found a bad pin on my NeitherNet. I went ahead and made that dongle a DB9 one dedicated to the 512K, since I have enough other mini DIN 8 ones.
Vlado Vince (
Basilisk II, SheepShaver & AppleTalk on Ubuntu (QEMU/KVM)
Basilisk II, SheepShaver & AppleTalk on Ubuntu (QEMU/KVM)
Status: 12 September 2020 - Tested and have completed doing two "large" physical disk dumps to Virtual Mac using "sheep_net" kernel module. Basilisk II & SheepShaver are emulations for Motorola 68000 series and PowerPC series Apple Macintoshes. For retro-computing enthausiants they bring a virtualised retro computing experience. Both can be
Basilisk II, SheepShaver & AppleTalk on Ubuntu (QEMU/KVM)
PhoneNet Terminator – Apple Rescue of Denver
PhoneNet Terminator – Apple Rescue of Denver
These are terminators for the PhoneNet AppleTalk Adapters. Lines and adapters are daisy chained throughout the network. Terminators are used at both end of the chain. There is a limited supply of these and they are only for sale with purchase of PhoneNet adapters.
PhoneNet Terminator – Apple Rescue of Denver