I had lots of fun last year for MARCHintosh and made available a basic AFP share via my raspberry pi and just pretty much dumped all my stuff there. I was never really happy with it that way and so…
First off, Happy St Patrick’s Day! Éirinn go Brách! 💚🤍🧡 This has been what I can only describe as an unexpectedly, heavily, Mac-flavoured March. Yes, I know it’s #MARCHintosh – but I do…
Using TashTalk with Mini vMac to participate in #GlobalTalk from your emulated Mac - Vlado Vince
It’s MARCHintosh! The month when the vintage computing community celebrates the classic Macintosh experience. This MARCHintosh started with a bang – seemingly overnight, the #GlobalTalk network took over Mastodon and soon many of us were networking each other’s disparate home AppleTalk networks into a #GlobalTalk network across continents. We’re still in the middle of the #GlobalTalk craze and I expect to write more about my experience further down the line,Read More
My GlobalTalk Setup: Apple Internet Router configuration - Vlado Vince
It’s the middle of MARCHintosh! Thanks to the unexpected GlobalTalk craze, I spent the first two weeks of March having a great time participating in the world’s first global AppleTalk network. The first few days were wild — I’ve already documented my setup to interconnect a mini vMac emulator to my SE/30 running the Apple Internet Router to connect to the rest of GlobalTalk, but as of March 16 thisRead More
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And the 512K is now reliably online on #GlobalTalk!
My issues ended up being a combo of tashrouter and physical cabling issue. Tashtari (creator of TashTalk and tashrouter) jumped in and fixed the software portion, while someone else at 68kmla pointed me towards cabling and I found a bad pin on my NeitherNet.
I went ahead and made that dongle a DB9 one dedicated to the 512K, since I have enough other mini DIN 8 ones.