macbook m2 Is the macbook plugged into Ethernet or WiFi? LToUDP is slow and timeout-ridden over wifi for some reason on modern macs - I reckon it's something in macOS's WiFi power management.
Introducing Tiny Transfer! A simple BinHex archiving and serial...
While working on old machines, I often find that I’m missing a utility or enabler on my SCSI emulator drive. Or, sometimes I’ll take screenshot or run a Norton speed test on that old machine that...
Attached: 2 images So this works but it didn't Just Work. First of all there's the whole mess of physical conversions necessary because of the 512Ks DB9 serial port: Mini-DIN8 to DB25 cable DB-25 to DB-9 converter homemade DB-9 RS232 to Macintosh DB-9 RS422 adapter Macintosh DB-9 printer port.
Macintosh 512Ke, MacTerminal and a USB-Serial Adapter
Recently I have acquired an RS-422 Cable for my very well kitted out Macintosh 512Ke. It already sports an external 800K drive, a HD20, a Midi Interface as well as a LocalTalk interface connected it to my home AppleTalk network with servers hosted on a Classic II and PM 8600.
Seeing as the...