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The Problem with ConfigPPP / MacPPP
The Problem with ConfigPPP / MacPPP
ConfigPPP is notoriously fragile, and I’m stuck. I first encountered the problem discussed in this thread, and now I have an exciting new problem. When I click ‘Open’ in ConfigPPP it dies instantly with the unhelpful dialogue box “Resource Error”. I’ve tried both Printer and Modem port, and...
The Problem with ConfigPPP / MacPPP
Sabina TCP - the TCP/IP stack for Mac 128K and 512K
Sabina TCP - the TCP/IP stack for Mac 128K and 512K
Sabina is a brand-new suite of TCP/IP Internet applications by D. Finnigan, designed especially for the original Macintosh 128K, Mac 512K, and Mac XL (Lisa 2). Yes, it will work on newer Macs too. Sabina uses PPP, the Point-to-Point Protocol, over an RS-232 serial port as its Link Layer.
Sabina TCP - the TCP/IP stack for Mac 128K and 512K
Vlado Vince (
Vlado Vince (
Attached: 2 images So this works but it didn't Just Work. First of all there's the whole mess of physical conversions necessary because of the 512Ks DB9 serial port: Mini-DIN8 to DB25 cable DB-25 to DB-9 converter homemade DB-9 RS232 to Macintosh DB-9 RS422 adapter Macintosh DB-9 printer port.
Vlado Vince (
Macintosh 512Ke, MacTerminal and a USB-Serial Adapter
Macintosh 512Ke, MacTerminal and a USB-Serial Adapter
Recently I have acquired an RS-422 Cable for my very well kitted out Macintosh 512Ke. It already sports an external 800K drive, a HD20, a Midi Interface as well as a LocalTalk interface connected it to my home AppleTalk network with servers hosted on a Classic II and PM 8600. Seeing as the...
Macintosh 512Ke, MacTerminal and a USB-Serial Adapter